JET alum Bridget Ryan on working at a Lawson convenience store in Tokyo

Post by Bridget Ryan (ALT Shimane-ken, 2021-23)
Up until now, have never had any experience with cosplay or dressing up, but now twice a week I undergo a type of transformation. Since coming to Japan, I’ve thought how nice it would be to work at a convenience store. The employees always treat you so politely and with a smile, so I’ve come to love convenience stores. Last November, this dream became a reality. Twice a week I put on a uniform and work part-time at a convenience store called Lawson. Putting on my uniform, I transition from being a regular international student to a member of Japanese society.
Although I’ve done various part-time jobs and work since middle school, but I’ve never worn a uniform before. When I first put on the Lawson uniform, I understood why uniforms are necessary. Even though I’ve been in Japan for over two years, I still lack confidence speaking Japanese. However, when I wear the uniform, I feel more confident, like I’m part of the team, not just an individual. I confidently operate the cash register and assist customers in Japanese without worry. Additionally, I work with my colleagues to solve problems and keep the store clean and running smoothly.

As a result, whether I’m working or not, I feel like I’m participating in Tokyo’s society. Japanese society can be quite uniform, so sometimes, outside of school life, I feel distant from the people in Tokyo. However, thanks to my transformation at the convenience store twice a week, I feel like I’m gradually becoming a part of Tokyo’s society. As long as I continue to live here as a student, I want to continue working part-time.
今までで、コスプレなどの経験がなかったが、週2回、私は変身にしている。日本に来てから、コンビニで働きたいないなと思っていた。いつも笑顔で丁寧に接するので、コンビニのことが大 好きになった。去年11月にこの夢が現実になった。1週間に2回制服を着て、ローソンというコン ビニでアルバイトをやっている。制服を着て、普通の留学生から日本の社会人になる。
中学生の時から色々なアルバイトや仕事をしてきたが、今まで制服を着たことがなかった。初め てローソンの制服を着たところ、ユニフォームを着なければならない理由が分かった。2年間以上 日本にいるのに、まだ日本語で話すことにまだ自信がなかなか持てない。しかし、制服を着ると 自信が出る。個人から、お店のチームに入っていると感じる。気にせずに日本語でレジをした り、お客さんをに手伝ったりする。そして、同僚と問題を解決したり、お店をきれいにしたりす
その結果、アルバイトをする時もしない時も、東京の社会に参加しているという感じを持って る。日本の社会はとても画一的なので、留学生にとって学校以外で東京の人々と距離を感じる時 もある。だが、週2回コンビニでの変身のおかげで、少しずつ東京の社会と距離が縮まるように なった。ここに住み続ける限り、アルバイトを続けたいと思う。

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: KCJS Postdoctoral Fellow
Posted by: Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Contract: Full-Time
Thank you to our friends at the American Association of Teachers of Japanese for this Job Posting.
About the Program: The Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies is searching for a KCJS Postdoctoral Fellow for the academic year 2024-25, with the possibility of extension. Based at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, KCJS is an undergraduate study abroad program governed by a consortium of thirteen American universities and administered by the Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement at Columbia University.
About the Position: The KCJS Fellow is expected to engage in their own research and teach one course each semester in Kyoto. One course should be in the fellow’s own field of interest, while the second should be a broad introductory survey of Japanese civilization. Such a survey may be provided with a particular disciplinary emphasis, such as art, religion, literature or cultural studies. Both courses should be designed to appeal to a wide range of majors and take full advantage of KCJS’s location, preferably encompassing local excursions, hands-on demonstrations, and/or observations.
Read More1/29/23 Japanese Job Fair (GLJETAA)

January 29 (Sun), 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time, at Suburban Showplace in Novi, Michigan

Register here to attend the Great Lakes JETAA Job Fair.
This job fair is for candidates interested or curious about working in the U.S. at Japanese companies, using the Japanese language in their career, or working in Japan-related fields.
Job seekers will have the opportunity to meet with participating companies, submit their resumes, and network. Please dress in business formal attire.
GLJETAA may use photographs from this event for promotional purposes.
For tips on writing a Japan-focused resume, watch our resume-writing video here.
There is no charge to attend this event, and free parking is available for attendees. We will update this page with participating companies as the information becomes available (please contact us if you are interested in sending HR personnel – limited spaces are available).
Keynote Speaker: Anne Hooghart
Anne M. Hooghart, Ph.D., was an Assistant Language Teacher in Shiga prefecture from 1989-90. Dr. Hooghart has been learning and teaching about Japanese language and culture for over 30 years—as an exchange student, JET Program English teacher, B.A./M.A. student (University of Michigan), doctoral student (Michigan State University), K-12 teacher, college professor, business consultant, translator, community volunteer, and parent of bilingual children. Her current roles include Senior Public Relations Specialist at Education, Culture, and Public Relations section of the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit, online instructor of Japanese at Mott Community College, and Educational Research Coordinator at the Hinoki Foundation.
Anne Hooghart will be available after her speech to review resumes and offer advice.
Companies in attendance will include: Honda Kaihatsu Americas, Inc., Activ8, Hirotec America, Ikigai Connections, and more (this list will be updated on the GLJETAA website with more companies as we confirm details).
In addition, Great Lakes JETAA officers will be happy to give details about their experiences with the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET Program).
This free event was made possible in part by HIROTEC AMERICA sponsorship, a grant from the Japan Business Society of Detroit Foundation and the Japan Local Government Center.
The JETAA-sphere Podcast: Ep 8 – Designer, educator and JETAANY stalwart Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)

Designer, educator and longtime JETAANY contributing member Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, Nakatsu-shi, 2003-06) joins Steven Horowitz(Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Zach Piper (Kochi-ken, 2001-04) to talk about his path to JET and since JET as well as his longtime role as JETAANY Webmaster. Plus hear Leesean singing enka!

Show Links:
- AIGA: The Professional Association for Design
- AIGA book event: The Impossibility of Silence: Writing for Designers, Artists & Photographers(Q&A by Lee-Sean Huang)
- Foossa (Lee-Sean’s design and communications company)
- Jero (famous African American enka singer in Japan)
- Yoppareeikawa: English Nomikai Podcast by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
- Oda Yori-sensei, Professor of Japanese at Harvard University
- Nakatsu-shi, Oita-ken
- Fukuzawa Yukichi – most famous resident of Naktasu-shi
- Nakatsu, the mecca of fried chicken in Japan
- NYU: Interactive Telecommunications (ITP) Program
- The Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda
- JETwit
- JETAA New York
- Monica Yuki’s JET Alum Zoom Rajio Taisou every Friday, 11:30am (EST)
Other JETs/JET alumni mentioned in this episode:
- Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
- Ramez Kafrouni (Niigata-ken, 2016-18), Webmaster for JETAANY
- Intro/Ending narration by Rose Horowitz (COJ)*
- Art/Design by Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)
- Podcast hosting on Transistor courtesy of Percival Constantine (Kagoshima-ken, 2008-13)
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
- Email Steven Horowitz at
- The JETAA-sphere Podcast is a production of, with special thanks to USJETAA and CLAIR for their support.
- *COJ = Child of JET
The JETAA-sphere Podcast: Ep 6 – Ryan Hata (AJET, JETAANY, JETAA International, JETwit)

From JETwit Media, it’s the 6th episode of the JETAA-sphere Podcast!
Ryan Hata (Tottori-ken, 2014-17) joins Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) to talk about the many hats he wears in the JETAA-sphere–from AJET to JETwit to JETAANY to JETAA International–and his passion for helping JETs find work opportunities and connect with each other and helping the JET alum community continue to grow stronger.

Show Links:
- Ryan Hata on LinkedIn
- AJET & JETAA-I Job Listings Facebook Group
- AJET website
- JETAA Hawaii
- JETAA British Columbia
- JETwit
- JETAA New York
- Monica Yuki’s JET Alum Zoom Rajio Taisou every Friday, 11:30am (EST)
Other JETs/JET alumni mentioned in this episode:
- Bruce Feiler, author of Learning to Bowand many other best-selling books
- Anna Ayvazyan, current AJET Director of Alumni Relations
- Monica Yuki
- Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)
- Teri Galvez, JETAA Rocky Mountain President and creator of many JETAA chapter logos/mascots
- Richard Kei, JETAA Hawaii and former Monbusho English Fellow (MEF)
- Nathalie Ng, JETAA Singapore and also JETAA International Board of Advisors
- Joe Moore, JETAANY and JETAA Southern California Board of Directors
- JET alumni who have worked at Columbia Business School, Jerome A. Chazen Institute for Global Business:
About the JETAA-sphere Co-Hosts:
- Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) is the founder of, a member of the JETAA USA Board of Advisors, and a long-time active member of JETAA New York and now JETAA DC.
- Joe Moore (Saga-ken, 2010-13) is a member of the Board of Directors for both JETAA Southern California and JETAA New York and a former Co-President of JETAA Southern California.
- Zach Piper (Kochi-ken, 2001-04) is a member of the Board of Directors for JETAA New York and a long-time active member of JETAA New York.
- Note: All three of them have full-time jobs outside of this. This isn’t how they make a living or put food on the table.
- Intro/Ending narration by Rose Horowitz (COJ)*
- Art/Design by Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)
- Podcast hosting on Transistor courtesy of Percival Constantine (Kagoshima-ken, 2008-13)
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
- Email Steven Horowitz at
- The JETAA-sphere Podcast is a production of, with special thanks to USJETAA and CLAIR for their support.
- *COJ = Child of JET
The JETAA-sphere Podcast: Ep 5 – Adam Lisbon, JETAA Rocky Mountain

From JETwit Media, it’s the 5th episode of the JETAA-sphere Podcast!
Former JETAA Rocky Mountain chapter president Adam Lisbon (Kobe-shi, 2004-07) joins Zach Piper (Kochi-ken, 2001-04) and Steven Horowitz(Aichi-ken, 1992-94) to talk about JETAA Rocky Mountain, his work as Japanese & Korean Studies Librarian at the University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado’s Japanese-American history, and JET days of yore.

Show Links:
- JETAA Rocky Mountain
- Japanese and Japanese-American Community History Project
- Video about the Project
- Digital Archive of the CU Japanese and Japanese American Community History Project
- Paige Cottingham-Streater, Executive Director, Japan-US Friendship Commission
- JETwit
- JETAA New York
- Monica Yuki’s JET Alum Zoom Rajio Taisou every Friday, 11:30am (EST)
About the JETAA-sphere Co-Hosts:
- Steven Horowitz is the founder of, a member of the JETAA USA Board of Advisors, and a long-time active member of JETAA New York and now JETAA DC.
- Joe Moore is a member of the Board of Directors for both JETAA Southern California and JETAA New York and a former Co-President of JETAA Southern California.
- Zach Piper is a member of the Board of Directors for JETAA New York and a long-time active member of JETAA New York.
- Note: All three of them have full-time jobs outside of this. This isn’t how they make a living or put food on the table.
- Intro/Ending narration by Rose Horowitz (COJ)*
- Art/Design by Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)
- Podcast hosting on Transistor courtesy of Percival Constantine (Kagoshima-ken, 2008-13)
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
- Email Steven Horowitz at
- The JETAA-sphere Podcast is a production of, with special thanks to USJETAA and CLAIR for their support.
- *COJ = Child of JET
Krewe of Japan Podcast S02E02 – Applying for the JET Program ft. Tye Ebel

Posted by: Doug Tassin (Fukushima-Ken ALT, 2007-2010 & Krewe of Japan Podcast Co-Host)

This week on the Krewe of Japan Podcast…
It’s that time of year again… and no, we aren’t talking about Christmas music already playing in stores. It’s JET Program Application SZN! Nigel, Jenn, & Doug chat with Tye Ebel, the JET Coordinator for the Consulate-General of Japan in Nashville, to discuss all things JET Application Process. Tye shares some great points on what to consider when considering applying for the JET Program, whether it’s for this year or preparing your resume for the future. Don’t forget.. application deadline is November 12, 2021!
The Krewe of Japan Podcast is a weekly episodic podcast sponsored by the Japan Society of New Orleans. Check them out every Friday afternoon around noon CST on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, and Stitcher. Want to share your experiences with the Krewe? Or perhaps you have ideas for episodes, feedback, comments, or questions? Let the Krewe know by e-mail at or on social media (Twitter: @kreweofjapan, Instagram: @kreweofjapanpodcast, Facebook: Krewe of Japan Podcast Page, & the Krewe of Japan Youtube Channel). Until next time, enjoy!
Author Todd Jay Leonard offers publishing tips at Japan Writers Conference

Posted by Tom Baker
JET alum Todd Jay Leonard will lead a poetry workshop at the Oct. 15-17 Japan Writers Conference, a free event that is happening online. The official description of his talk appears below.
Todd Jay Leonard
So you want to publish a book? 10 Basic Points to Keep in Mind!
Short Lecture with Q&A
Professor Leonard has published extensively over the past 30 years and is willing to share his experiences of both Japanese traditional publishing houses and POD formats to assist budding authors in their quests to get published.
This lecture will cover ten primary points that “potential” authors need to keep in mind when submitting a proposal to a publishing company or when self-publishing a book. He will outline the basic process from the book’s initial concept to getting the book into print to marketing it. His extensive experience in publishing as an author in Japan will serve to assist budding authors with the basics in the overall process that need to be considered when pursuing a publishing contract or when self-publishing. This is a short lecture with a Q & A format.
Todd Jay Leonard lives, writes, and teaches on the southern island of Kyushu, where he is a university professor at the University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. He has published extensively in academic journals, magazines, and newspapers on cross-cultural, historical, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) themes. He is the author of 25 books.

JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
Do you have a podcast or did you recently appear in a podcast? Help us share it with the community by filling out this form.
Welcome to the JETAA Podcast Beat! I hope the beat will be a great way for everyone to stay updated on JET alumni as well as current JET involvement in podcasts. If you have the chance, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

Reinventing Professionals
This podcast hosted by Ari Kaplan (Hyogo-ken, 1993-94) is designed to offer ideas, guidance, and perspectives on how to effectively navigate a perpetually shifting professional landscape, with a unique focus on the legal industry and the technology that is driving its evolution.
The Future of Litigation Workflow
I spoke with Erez Bustan, the CEO of American LegalNet, a leading cloud and mobile litigation platform. We discussed the launch of ALN Cloud, the company’s new report (on which I was privileged to collaborate) – The Future of Litigation Workflow: Reimagining Technology and Process in the Next Decade, how litigation will change in a post-pandemic environment.

USLawEssentials Law & Language
The USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, co-hosted by Stephen Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) helps non-native English speaking lawyers and law students improve their English and better understand US law and American legal culture. Many of these short episodes are tied to a legal news event or case in the United States. Others include interviews with multilingual lawyers (including a number of JET alumni.) The shows are hosted by attorneys experienced teaching US law and legal English to students and lawyers from around the world.
The Multilingual Lawyer: Joshua Alter
USLawEssentials Law & Language podcast continues its series of interviews with multilingual lawyers. In this episode, Stephen Horowitz interviews Joshua Alter. Joshua discusses his specialized courses for international students enrolling in LLM programs in the United States and also provides invaluable suggestions on how international students can improve their chances of success in US law schools. This is a “must-hear” episode for students and attorneys from countries other than the United States interested in selecting a US legal program that meets their educational and professional goals.
JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
Do you have a podcast or did you recently appear in a podcast? Help us share it with the community by filling out this form.
Welcome to the first-ever JETAA Podcast Beat post! I hope the beat will be a great way for everyone to stay updated on JET alumni as well as current JET involvement in podcasts. If you have the chance, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

よっぱれい英会話 English Nomikai Podcast
In this eikaiwa podcast targeted to Japanese English-learners, Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19) talks to fellow JET alumni, current JETs, and Japanese English teachers and friends about cultural differences between Japan and their home countries (all while sharing some drinks!)
BONUS: POWER HOUR II with Joe, James, and Caralynn
Instagram: @yoppareikaiwa

Krewe of Japan
Krewe of Japan is a weekly podcast co-hosted by Doug Tassin (Fukushima-ken, 2007-10) that takes listeners on audio journeys through Japanese culture. With our hosts as your guide, and the help of guest experts, Japanese natives, and ex-pats, understanding Japan is now easier than ever before.
Just like that, Season 1 comes to a close! Nigel, Jenn, & Doug peel back the curtain and reflect on all the behind-the-scenes effort & challenges that went into launching, continuing, and finishing the inaugural season of Krewe of Japan!
They discuss their favorite episodes, re-visit bloopers (#DougThings), read out some listener feedback, & tease what’s to come! Don’t miss out on this fun stroll down memory lane and help re-live the first season (of hopefully many) of the Krewe of Japan Podcast. See you in August for Season 2!
Mata kondo ne!

USLawEssentials Law & Language
The USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, co-hosted by Stephen Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) helps non-native English speaking lawyers and law students improve their English and better understand US law and American legal culture. Many of these short episodes are tied to a legal news event or case in the United States. Others include interviews with multilingual lawyers (including a number of JET alumni.) The shows are hosted by attorneys experienced teaching US law and legal English to students and lawyers from around the world.
10. The Multilingual Professional: Rebecca Chen
This episode of the USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast continues our series of interviews with multilingual lawyers — but this time with multilingual paralegal Rebecca Chen (Akita-ken, 2014-17). Stephen Horowitz is our interviewer and he talks to Rebecca about the important roles paralegals play in law firms. Rebecca offers a great inside perspective on her work with a prominent immigration law firm and how a team of legal professionals helps diverse clients from around the world achieve their immigration goals. And you probably have goals, too – such as learning legal English!
Law & Language Podcast: Interview with JET alum Scott Alprin,

Episode 8 of the USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast an interview with Scott Alprin (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-95) of Alprin Law Office, P.C. Scott is trademark and intellectual property attorney who speaks Japanese and works with many international clients. He discusses his career path and shares insights on law and practicing as an IP attorney.
JET alum Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94), in collaboration with Daniel Edelson of, recently launched “USLawEssentials: Law & Language,” a legal English podcast intended for foreign lawyers, law students, and LLM students as well as other non-native English speakers who want an enjoyable way to improve their legal English. The podcast episodes cover a variety of topics including legal news events and discussions of recent cases as well as interviews with multilingual lawyers. The discussions use accessible language with helpful explanations along the way.
JET alum launches legal English podcast

JET alum Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94), in collaboration with Daniel Edelson of, has launched a new legal English podcast titled “USLawEssentials: Law & Language.”
The podcast is intended for foreign lawyers, law students, and LLM students as well as other non-native English speakers who want an enjoyable way to improve their legal English. The podcast episodes cover a variety of topics including legal news events and discussions of recent cases as well as interviews with multilingual lawyers. The discussions use accessible language with helpful explanations along the way.
Notably, the first two multilingual lawyers interviewed are both JET alumni! Brian Hersey (Fukuoka-ken, 1994-96) and Brenda McKinney (Hyogo-ken, 2006-09)
Horowitz, the founder of, is a Professor of Legal English and the Director of Online Legal English Programs at Georgetown Law School. He previously served as Director of Legal English Programs at St. John’s Law School.
Edelson is an Adjunct Professor of Law at St. John’s Law School and a practicing attorney in addition to founding He has previously taught English in Japan and has taught legal English in Korea.
Horowitz and Edelson encourage readers to share the podcast with students and others they know who are seeking to improve their legal English or simply their English in connection with sophisticated topics.
Krewe of Japan Podcast E14 – 4 Seasons of Japan & E15 – Careers in Japanese: Translation & Localization ft. Jennifer O’Donnell

Posted by: Doug Tassin (Fukushima-Ken ALT, 2007-2010 & Krewe of Japan Podcast Co-Host)

Last week on the Krewe of Japan Podcast…
Did you know Japan has 4 seasons? In this episode, Doug & Jenn take you on an audio journey through Japan’s four seasons. From the top cultural events and natural phenomena that you must see, to the weather and must try seasonal food and drinks, this episode if perfect for those reminiscing about their last trip and those planning their future one.
This week on the Krewe of Japan Podcast…
Enjoy studying Japanese and want to work in an industry where you can apply those skills? How do you even get into translation and localization? The Krewe has you covered. Doug & Jenn chat with another Jenn: Jenn O’Donnell, a localization director in the game industry based out of Japan. Jenn shares her career path, some challenges she had to overcome, and how Twitter played an interesting role in her journey to becoming a video game localizer.
The Krewe of Japan Podcast is a weekly episodic podcast sponsored by the Japan Society of New Orleans. Check them out every Friday afternoon around noon CST on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, and Stitcher. Want to share your experiences with the Krewe? Or perhaps you have ideas for episodes, feedback, comments, or questions? Let the Krewe know by e-mail at or on social media (Twitter: @kreweofjapan, Instagram: @kreweofjapanpodcast, Facebook: Krewe of Japan Podcast Page, & the Krewe of Japan Youtube Channel). Until next time, enjoy!

Join the U.S. JET Programme Alumni Association (USJETAA) and JETAA Western Japan for this upcoming event.
Becoming a Life Coach
May 24, 2021 at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET
Japan Time: May 25th at 8 am
Facebook event:
Life coach? That’s a profession? Really?!? I’ve never heard of it! Perhaps you’ve heard of a life coach but aren’t quite sure exactly what it entails. Or maybe this is truly your first time. Join USJETAA and JET alum Jeff Singal who will kick off this event with a brief background on his journey from being a JET in Mie (1995-1997) to how he learned about life coaching as a profession and why and how he decided to enter this profession. We’ll cover how to become a life coach and what a life coach does, and much, much more. This event is brought to you by USJETAA and JETAA Western Japan.
The webinar is partially supported by CLAIR and the Japan Foundation CGP.
Krewe of Japan Podcast E07 – Teaching English in Japan: Part 1 ft. John Loynes & Bradley Trenery

Posted by: Doug Tassin (Fukushima-Ken ALT, 2007-2010 & Krewe of Japan Podcast Co-Host)

This week on the Krewe of Japan Podcast…
In the first of many episodes focusing on English teaching in Japan, Doug & Jenn take a look at various types of teaching opportunities, both JET and non-JET avenues. This conversation transitions into an interview with two English professionals based out of Fukushima Prefecture: John Loynes (British former-JET-turned-eikaiwa-entrepreneur) & Bradley Trenery (Australian private school English instructor). John & Bradley share their unique journeys to Japan and offer some interesting insights into working in their respective educational environments, along with some hilarious tales that will permanently etch the Japanese word for “population” in your memory bank.
The Krewe of Japan Podcast is a weekly episodic podcast sponsored by the Japan Society of New Orleans. Check them out every Friday afternoon around noon CST on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, and Stitcher. Want to share your experiences with the Krewe? Or perhaps you have ideas for episodes, feedback, comments, or questions? Let the Krewe know by e-mail at or on social media (Twitter: @kreweofjapan, Instagram: @kreweofjapanpodcast, & the Krewe of Japan Youtube Channel). Until next time, enjoy!