Apr 6

Job: Defense News Asst/Staff Reporter at Asahi Shimbun (DC)

Thanks to JET alum Taylor Wettach for passing this on.  Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12)Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.


Position: Defense News Assistant/Staff Reporter
Washington, DC
Type: Full-Time
Salary: $35,000 – $40,000


Primary duties include assisting our Washington-based defense correspondent by attending daily press briefings, conducting thorough background research, gathering news and views, arranging and conducting interviews, and closely following developments in U.S. defense policy and international security affairs. However, candidates must be flexible and willing to work with other correspondents on non-defense issues when necessary. Some administrative support, such as transcribing interviews and other assignments, is also required. Some domestic travel may be required. Read More

Apr 6

Job: Sensing Systems Sales Associate at Epson Electronics (SF Area)

Thanks to Michael McCarthy (Tottori-ken, 1992-95), who is the Director of Sales and Global Accounts for Epson, for sharing this opening at his company.  Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12)Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.


Position: Sesnsing Systems Sales Associate
San Jose, CA
Type: Full-Time


Candidate is responsible for leading the sales activities and assisting with business development for Epson’s high performance inertial sensor products and sub-systems. Read More

Apr 5

JQ Magazine: NY JET Alum Collaborates with Japanese Expats on ‘2nd Avenue’

JET alum Tony Waldman (second from left) on the set of Web series "2nd Avenue." (Courtesy of Tsukasa Kondo)

JET alum Tony Waldman (second from left) on the set of Web series 2nd Avenue. (Courtesy of Tsukasa Kondo)


By Julio Perez Jr. (Kyoto-shi, 2011-13) for JQ magazine. A bibliophile, writer, translator, and graduate from Columbia University, Julio is currently working at Ishikawa Prefecture’s New York office while seeking opportunities with publications in New York. Follow his enthusiasm for Japan, literature, and board gaming on his blog and Twitter @brittlejules.

She’s an aspiring actress with visa problems; he’s a gay law student and newly homeless. Can a fake marriage solve their problems? Mariko and Taichi are the stars of a goofy Web comedy filmed on location in New York called 2nd Avenue. You can tune into their zany adventures on YouTube and view the entire six-episode first season, which ended this past February.

The creative team behind 2nd Avenue includes Mari Kawade (director), Maho Honda (who plays Mariko), and Tsukasa Kondo (who plays Taichi). Kondo, who also is the writer for the series, was inspired by the many Web series online and decided to try writing something that would never be seen on Japanese TV, but would have a place on YouTube. He adds that his biggest inspirations for the story are “the actress Maho Honda, my life in New York as a gay man, and American TV shows.” Honda and Kawade also cite the diversity of New York City itself, and the stories of what people do just to survive in it, as a significant creative inspiration.

As you may have guessed, you can’t do something awesome involving Japan in New York without some JET alumni getting involved. Tony Waldman (Mie-ken, 2005-09) and his group New Beard provide the soundtrack for the show. The idea for this pairing took root after he met Kawade at the JET Alumni Association of New York’s annual Meishi Exchange event in 2013.

“She mentioned that she was looking for music for this Web series,” Waldman says. “We exchanged contact info and kept in touch. Many months later, she…asked if we could use my band New Beard’s music in the show. Us here in Beard Town (Williamsburg) gave her the OK, and our music became the soundtrack to the entire show…a true JETAANY Meishi Exchange success story!”

Read More

Apr 4

JET alum featured on ABC News for building tsunami-proof ark


Thanks to JETAA DC’s Mac Maloney for alerting JETwit to this:

Fukushima JET alum Chris Robinson, former art director for Facebook who lives in Palo Alto, CA, is featured in this ABC News segment.  It explains how he lived in Fukushima during the tsunami and how a few years later he decided to build an ark in the event of a tsunami.  Notably, he specifically mentions the JET Program in the interview.  Very cool video.  Have a look:



More photos here:  http://architizer.com/blog/tsunami-pod/

Interview with Chris in Wired here:  http://www.wired.com/2014/03/tsunami-lifeboat/

And here’s Chris’ blog, Tsunamiball:  http://tsunamiball.com/

More video, from the Wired interview that explains the details of the ark:

Apr 4

Jobs: Central Washington Univ – Director of University English as a Secondary Language

Via JET alum Carleen Ben. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-Present), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansaiseeking work opportunities in NYC starting in August 2014.
Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Director of University English as a Secondary Language
Posted by: Central Washington University
Location: Ellensburg, WA
Type: full-time


The Program Director reports to the Executive Director of the Office of International Studies & Programs and provides program management for the day-to-day operations of University English as a Second Language (UESL) Program. This position directs and supervises staff in the intensive English program and summer programs.


  • Master’s degree in Education, Teaching or related field AND four (4) years of progressively responsible managerial experience; OR a Bachelor’s degree and an equivalent combination of experience, training and/or education which clearly demonstrates the ability to perform the essential functions of the job.
  • Experience developing and managing budget(s).
  • Experience developing ESL and cross-cultural training curriculum.
  • Administrative experience in international programs.
  • Demonstrated experience traveling and/or living abroad.
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrated organizational skills and problem solving.

Read More

Apr 4

Job: The Open Society Foundation-Program Associate, China Northeast Asia Initiative (NY)

Via JET alum Carleen Ben. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-Present), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansaiseeking work opportunities in NYC starting in August 2014.
Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Program Associate
Posted by: The Open Society Foundation – China Northeast Asia Initiative
Location: New York, NY
Type: full-time


The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to criticism, whose laws and policies are open to debate and correction, and whose political institutions are open to the participation of all people. We seek to strengthen justice and the rule of law; broaden respect for human rights, including the rights of minorities; encourage pluralism and a robust diversity of opinion; deepen democratic practice and participation; expand economic equity; support effective governance; and invest in individuals, public and private organizations, and social movements that advance these goals.

We are a global network of foundations committed to local knowledge and national expertise. Our network includes national foundations, regional foundations, and other geographic programs operating in more than one hundred countries. At the same time, many programs with global reach operate from our four headquarters in Europe and the United States, including programs on digital information, documentary photography, drug policy, early childhood, education, fellowships, fiscal governance, higher education, human rights, international migration, justice, public health, scholarships, think tanks, women’s rights and independent journalism. Still other programs advance our special commitment to Roma communities. In addition to making grants to organizations and individuals, the Open Society Foundations engage in policy advocacy, legal advocacy and litigation, program-related investing, and public communications, as well as providing direct assistance to governments. Most programs and foundations in the network are governed or advised by their own boards.

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Apr 3
Paul and Joy at hanami at Wakayama Castle.

Paul and Joy at hanami at Wakayama Castle.

Two JET alumni (Wakayama 09-12), Paul Champaloux and Joy Young, have entered their JET love story in a Facebook contest.  They are asking the JET community for help to reach their goal of 1,000 votes by April 10th.  JETwit realizes their story is one of many, so we’d like to take this chance to support them in their endeavor and hear from other JET couples about their own stories!

HELP VOTE for Paul and Joy’s story, then SHARE your own JET love story in the comments below!

1. Vote here: A JET Love Story
2. “Like” the Ko’olau Ballroom Facebook page (top right) to see the story.
3. VOTE for “Serendipity in Japan” by clicking the black ‘VOTE’ button. One vote per person. 


“Expect the unexpected.” As I prepared to leave for Japan, that phrase kept popping up whenever I asked for advice on the JET experience. “Sure,” I thought, “the food will be different. The culture and language too, but I did my research and I’m ready for anything!” Well, almost anything. Little did I know that I would sit in front of my future fiancée on Day One of Tokyo Orientation!

Tokyo Orientation 2009, Group B JETs

Tokyo Orientation 2009, Group B JETs

The pair of us certainly make a unique couple: I’m from the East Coast with French and Spanish roots and never expected to meet someone as beautiful and cute as Joy from Hawaii.  By some extreme luck (or was it destiny?), we ended up both being placed in the same prefecture: Wakayama, whose JET inhabitants affectionately called the “LOVE ken” thanks to a fairly catchy song “WAKAYAMA LOVE SONG.” Ironic, right?

No experience bonded us more than the JET experience did. Wakayama is very inaka and with each JET located far apart, everyone would try to stay connected in other ways typically through Facebook and Skype.  As soon as we connected to the internet, most of us immediately “friended” all the ALTs around us, Joy and I being no exception. I still recall our extensive Facebook messages sharing everything from favorite Japanese pastries to great local places to try out (note: we like food). Even when a huge typhoon struck two months into our first year, I still remember Skyping Joy well into the night while we huddled under our respective kotatsus and the buildings groaned under the shrieking wind outside.

At Kishi with Station Master Tama the cat

At Kishi with Station Master Tama the cat

Those types of unique experiences really solidified not only the relationship between Joy and I, but our friendship with other JETs as well. While the exact situations each JET has lived through are different, there still exists an underlying ability to relate to one another. When Joy and I eventually returned to the U.S., we, like many others, felt lost and struck by culture shock. We reached out to our networks and quickly realized the value of the JET alumni in Washington, D.C. for they not only understood our situation, but they also could offer professional advice and priceless friendship.

Our wedding day would not be complete without our JET friends who will be invited to this joyous celebration and also moments that defined our JET experience. Ours is not only a personal love story, it’s a JET love story too.

Apr 3

【RocketNews24】You know you’ve been in Japan too long when…

Posted by Michelle Lynn Dinh (Shimane-ken, Chibu-mura, 2010–13), editor and writer for RocketNews24The following article was written by Philip Kendall (Fukushima-ken, Shirakawa-shi, 2006–11), senior editor and writer for RocketNews24, a Japan-based site dedicated to bringing fun and quirky news from Asia to English speaking audiences.

You know you’ve been in Japan too long when…

So you’ve been living, lounging, working, or studying in Japan for a while now. The feelings of homesickness you first experienced are but a distant memory, and whenever you Skype with your family, you unconsciously use the word “home” to refer to your place in Japan rather than your home country. Not only that, you can finally navigate the Tokyo Metro without getting flustered, barely even notice when a girl dressed in kimono passes you in the street, and you think nothing of visiting a convenience store two or three times a day, sometimes just to flick through the magazines.

But what about all of the things you do unconsciously or that seem so normal to you now but would make you stop and stare back home? Today, we bring you a list of 10 moments that, if and when they happen to you, you can safely say, “Wow, I’ve been in Japan too long.”

Read More

Apr 3

JETAA Portland announces new officers

jetaa_portland_logoSaw this on the JETAA Portland email blast:

New JETAA Portland Officers Announced

The votes have been counted! The officers elected to the new April-to-March term are below.  Congratulate them the next time you see them.  Also, thanks to last year’s officers — Brooke, Jeffrey, Veronica and Matt Turner.

President   Jeffrey Houser
Vice President      Brooke Muetzel
Treasurer   Veronica Adversalo
Secretary   Matt Krzyzynski

ALSO…. JETAA Portland continues its long tradition of one of the greatest JETAA events out there, the Iron Chef Potluck, where they typically invite the JETAA Pacific Northwest (based in Seattle) folks to come down for some friendly competition and communal eating.

Iron Chef: May 17th

The JETAA Iron Chef competitive potluck is planned for Saturday, May 17th.  Check the JETAA Portland website or look for an email with more detail in the next few weeks.  Start thinking about those recipes!

Apr 2

Job: Assistant to the President at JMC Global (Las Vegas)

Via the JETAA Southern California newsletter. Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12)Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.


Position: Assistant to the President
Las Vegas
Type: Full-Time

Overview:We are looking for a Japanese / English bilingual administrative assistant to work in our Las Vegas office. We need someone who is fully bilingual in Japanese(native) and English (business level). Read More

Apr 2

JETAA Northern Ireland looking for more ex-JETs in Northern Ireland

UK-JAPAN_kanji_03Taken from a recent JETAA UK email blast:

Hello everyone,

My name is Richard Fleming (a.k.a Richie, The Richie, Tricky, and Dick). I have recently been nominated to chair the Northern Ireland chapter of JETAA UK and I need your help.

I am reaching out to everyone in the hope that there are some former JETs here in NI who still want to be involved with JETAA events. Are you one of them?! If so, get in touch!

If you are lucky enough to be reading this from a location outside of NI, good for you. Thanks for still reading. Are you formerly from here? Do you know any former JETs who may be lying around Belfast/Derry wishing they had someone to talk to about how amazing Japan is? They obviously don’t have to be from here, they could be from anywhere, as long as they’re here and interested in getting involved.

We’re a small province and we all pretty much know each other through no more than 2 or 3 degrees of separation. Everyone knows my mate Paddy. He has a beard and drinks Guinness.

I welcome contact from all quarters. I’m determined to reinvigorate the NI chapter and link in with other individuals/organisations which have a connection with Japan. The Japan Society have already invited me to their Hanami event, I would like to have a few former JETs to accompany me!

Anyway, apologies for the mass Mailshot, but the wider you cast the net the better your chances of catching something. If you’ve been on a night out in Belfast you’ll understand why that saying is not always good advice.

Also, even if you don’t know any former JETs here, I welcome any suggestions to try to kick start our chapter!

Best regards,


JETAA Northern Ireland:  http://www.jetaa.org.uk/about-jetaa/chapters/northern-ireland/

Apr 1

Job: Short-Term Programs Coordinator – College of William & Mary (VA)

Via JET alum Carleen Ben. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-Present), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansaiseeking work opportunities in NYC starting in August 2014.
Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Global Education Short-Term Programs Coordinator
Posted by: College of William & Mary
Location: Williamsburg, VA
Type: short-term


The College of William & Mary is currently accepting applications from interested international educators for the new Global Education Short-Term Programs Coordinator position. This position is housed in the Global Education Office in the Reves Center for International Studies and will serve as an integral member of the Global Education Office team, focusing on advising for and supporting short-term global education programs, overseeing the Keio-W&M Cross-Cultural Collaboration inbound program, and contributing to efforts to promote study abroad on the William & Mary campus.


The Short-Term Programs Coordinator will manage a portfolio of summer and short-term programs under the guidance of the Assistant Director for Study Abroad Operations. This includes logistical oversight, creating and maintaining program budgets, advising and student recruitment responsibilities, and working closely with the affiliated faculty leading the programs. This position also manages and oversees the incoming Keio summer program, which focuses on exposing Japanese university students to American culture and university life. The Short-Term Program Coordinator is responsible for hiring and supervising the staff for the Keio-W&M CCC.
Read More

Apr 1

Job: Internship Opening in Melbourne at Alliance Abroad (Australia)

Via JET alum Carleen Ben. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-Present), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansaiseeking work opportunities in NYC starting in August 2014.

Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Intership
Posted by: Alliance Abroad 
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Type: Internship


Alliance Abroad is looking to fill a full time intern position in the Melbourne office of the Alliance Abroad Group’s Australia program. 
You must already be living in Melbourne or plan on being in Melbourne by May. Must be fluent in English. You would be working with participants that are coming to Australia on working-holiday visas. Helping them sort out all the logistical details before they enter the country and providing on-ground support for as long as they remain in Australia. You will also conduct mock interviews with participants via Skype to prepare them for real interviews.

This is a very busy, fast-paced job, that will require a lot of independent decision making. This is not an internship where all you do is go on coffee runs and make copies. You will be doing much more work than you are getting paid for, but you will also be gaining heaps of real world experience.

Please contact rose.h@allianceabroad.com.au ASAP if you are interested. Need someone by end of April.

Apr 1

WIT Life #266: Kajitsu Spring Tasting Reception

WIT Life is a periodic series written by professional Writer/Interpreter/Translator Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken CIR, 2000-03).  She starts her day by watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese, and here she shares some of the interesting tidbits and trends along with her own observations.

Over the weekend I had the chance to take part in the delectable Spring Tasting Reception held at Kajitsu/Kokage.  For those of you who don’t know this spot, it’s about as close as you can get to Japan here in NYC.  Last year I celebrated my birthday with a delicious meal at Kajitsu, the restaurant on the upper floor featuring 精進料理 (shojin ryouri), vegan cuisine devised centuries ago by Buddhist monks which was the predecessor to kaiseki . 

In the first four years of its existence Kajitsu was located in the East Village, but it moved to its midtown location a year ago.  Aside from Kajitsu occupying the second floor, Kokage on the first floor serves non-vegetarian Japanese food and Ippodo near the entrance sells Japanese tea.  There is literally something for everyone, and both restaurants are open for both lunch and dinner.

This event was celebrating the promotion of the Executive Sous Chef Hiroki Odo to Executive Chef, as current Executive Chef Ryota Ueshima is returning to Japan.  The amazing spread featured Read More

Apr 1

Job: Outbound/Inbound Sales Reps at TopTour America(LA)

Thanks to JET alum Traci Kawaguchi (who found her first post-JET job thanks to JETwit a few years ago) for passing along this JET-relevant opportunity. Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12)Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.


[Traci’s Note: For the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of working as a guide for the Kakehashi Project and working with a great Japanese travel agency called TopTour America Inc. (TTA) and their LA-based inbound division manager Mrs. Shino Feagins.

Their Los Angeles office is looking for bilingual representatives for their outbound and inbound divisions, and I thought there may be a few JETs interested.] Read More

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