JET Alums and the art scene

What’s the connection between JET alumni and the NY art scene? It turns out that a JET alum, Matt Schlecht (Akita-ken, 1998-99), is the editor of NY Art Beat (, an online art review and listings site, which grew out of Tokyo Art Beat. Matt says they’re always looking for writers to contribute to the NY Art Beat blog, which features reviews, interviews, and photo reports. So if there are any JET alums out there looking to gain exposure for their writing or photography, please feel free to get in touch with him.
Meanwhile, at the JET Alumni Author Showcase earlier today, a JET alum named Alan (I didn’t get his last name) mentioned that he’s an artist in NYC and would be interested in organizing a JET Alumni Artist Showcase one of these days. He inquired about the best way to go about making this happen, and after additional thought my suggestion would be…
- Someone should start a JET Alumni Art group, either on GoogleGroups or Facebook or whatever medium you prefer.
- Let me know about it so I can post info about it on JetWit
- Let JETAA NY and other chapters know about it so they can mention it in their announcements to their members (I can help with this part too)
JETAA NY Meishi Exchange tonight

MEISHI EXCHANGE Thursday, March 19 at 7pm Come join JETAANY for the biggest networking/social event of the year. Meet fellow JET alums, their friends, and co-workers. We have rented out the 2nd floor of Aja; the very chic Asian fusion restaurant in the West Village . Don’t forget to bring your business cards. We are giving away many great prizes this year.
Aja 432 Sixth Avenue (between 9th and 10th) Subway: West 4th A, B, C, D, E, F, V or Christopher Street1, 2, 3
Admission: JET alums: free admission including 2 free drink tickets & hors d’oeuvres. Friends of JET and guests: $10. Includes 2 drink tickets & passed hors d’oeuvres.
Photo/art contest: All are welcome to join. Fabulous prize for the winner! Theme: “Story Through a Picture” Work should reflect a Japanese theme through photography, drawing, or painting. Size: 5×7 to 8×10; One entry per person.
Questions: contact Monica at social at jetaany dot org
JETAA Toronto Art Exhibit

JETAA Art Exhibit
Showcasing Japan-inspired art by former JET English teachers
JETAA Toronto is has put together a terrific event that both taps the JET alumni community’s talent and shows off the wonderful accomplishments as well.
When: Saturday, March 28 (7:30 pm) & Sunday, March 29 (1:30 pm)
Where: Gladstone Art Bar, 1214 Queen St. W., Toronto, ONFeeling sentimental about the land of rice and the rising sun? Never been and interested in an artistic adventure?
Come join Toronto’s JET Alumni Association for our first ever art show on Saturday, March 28. The art exhibit, titled Natsukashii (Japanese for sentimental), will feature a wide range of Japan-inspired art by our talented alumni members.
Have a drink with us as you admire their creativity, listen to tunes spun by a deejay and reminisce about the good times you had teaching Japanese kids the difference between Rs and Ls.
Those not members of JETAA are also welcome.
Doors at the Gladstone Art Bar, located on 1214 Queen St. W., open at 7:30 p.m. Cover is $5.
For questions, please email Amber Hildebrandt at
More info on Facebook:
Elizabeth Friedman (Shimane-ken, 2003-04) recently took over the role of Newsletter Editor for JETAA Chicago. But how did she find herself in this position? And what else do we know about this woman who Chicago’s JET alums have entrusted with such informational responsibilities? JetWit decided to get to the bottom of things, and this is what we learned.
Residence: Chicago, IL
Job: Sales representative at Nippon Steel Sales and part-time Asian Art History Instructor at Triton College
What she does all day at work: Listen to people complain about why their steel has, or has not, been shipped
Job she would really like to be doing: I would like to Read More
JetWit on SWET list

Sako Eaton, the webmaster for the Society of Writers, Editors and Translators (SWET), recently invited me to post an introductory message on their website ( about JetWit and the Writers Interpreters Translators (WIT) Group.
My hope is that this introduction will help foster collaboration among members of our respective communities. I encourage JetWit readers to delve into the SWET website as it offers terrific perspectives and resources.
As mentioned recently in this post on JetWit, SWET is based in Tokyo and has been in existence for 25 years. You can read their full history here.
Hofstra Marketing and International Business Career Fair

I received the below information in an e-mail. I have no connection to Hofstra, so no idea how they got in touch with me. It looks rather JET-relevant, though, so take a look if you’re in the market.
Hofstra University Frank G. Zarb School of Business
Sponsored by The Career Center at Hofstra University, Alpha Kappa Psi – The Professional Business Fraternity, The Hofstra American Marketing Association, The International Business Association, and The Advertising Club
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
11 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Student Center, Multipurpose Room
I recently learned of the existence of the Society for Writers, Editors and Translators (SWET) (, a Tokyo-based group that seems to share a lot in common with JetWit and the Writers Interpreters Translators (WIT) Group–except that SWET has been in existence for 25 years! (Read the full history of the group here.)

In 1998 SWET members collaboratively published the Japan Style Sheet as a guide for professional translators
The other day I had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Stevens, one of the founders of SWET who now lives in the NY area. She introduced me (via email) to Lynne Riggs, the co-founder and current organizer of SWET, who in turn introduced me to SWET webmaster Sako Eaton.
Needless to say, we were all happy to learn of each others’ existence, and I wanted to make sure to let all the JET alumni and Friend of JET readers out there know about SWET (which, amusingly, has “SWET Shirts” for sale on their website).
In addition to a terrific website, SWET also has an e-mail list and RSS feed that are free. You can also sign up for SWET membership for 5,000 yen or $50/year which entitles you to receive their newsletter containing various info and articles that do not appear elsewhere.
I look forward to future collaboration with the SWET folks. (You’ll notice there’s already a sidebar widget for SWET with the RSS feed from their site.) And I encourage any readers to suggest and help implement additional ideas to help foster collaboration as well.
Editorial Pursuits #6: JETs Rule! – By Julie Matysik

Julie Matysik (Yamanashi-ken, 2006-07) is a freelance copy editor and aspiring in-house editor who recently moved to NYC with her husband (also a JET alum). She has just started an internship in editing/publishing/writing. Editorial Pursuits chronicles her job hunting efforts, experiences and lessons learned.
Happy New Year, Jetwit readers!
I apologize for my prolonged absence from the website but, seeing as how I’m still without a paying job, still unsuccessfully finding new job postings congruent with my entry-level publishing knowledge, and still without any interviews for jobs I’ve applied to weeks ago, I didn’t really know what to write about as we rang in 2009. I sort of feel as though I’ve hit that proverbial brick-in-the-wall and can’t seem to wedge myself out of this tacky substance known of my frustrating editorial pursuits.
So, while I am unable to relay any quirky anecdotes about my present internship situation or to go on a tirade about the publishing industry’s apparent doomsday, I do want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you former JETs out there who have been so open to helping people like me, who are struggling in this tough economic time, by offering advice and support in the continuing job search. I think sometimes living in such a big place like New York City, one can easily forget that there are really genuine, kind, and caring people out among the snotty, rude, and self-important citizens of The Big Apple.
Since beginning my job search in September of last year, I’ve been the recipient of multiple acts of kindness from former JETs and I believe this is a testament to the sort of people JET attracts. So many of you are more than willing to go out on a limb and help your cohorts and I dedicate this posting to all of you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do in making not only me but others in this network feel a little more hopeful and a little less lonely.
That said, here is my obligatory New Year’s Resolution: to continue networking and persevering until I have a job at a publishing house and to say “thank you” more often to my fellow JETs for their constant and unwavering support.
JETAA Pacific Northwest: Japan Young Professionals Group Shinnenkai!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Japan Young Professionals Group Shinnenkai
Includes appetizers. ~Cash bar~
restaurant or at the Public Market parking garage one block away.
Registration Deadline: Monday, January 19
Film maker seeks info on Japan

Hello JETAA members,
Below is an email from Joe Johnson from Plum Pictures:
‘I work as a researcher for Plum Pictures, an independent television production company, and we are currently making a documentary film for the BBC about festivals and food in Japan, specifically the Inazawa Hadaka Matsuri (Naked man festival) and the Nakizumo (baby sumo wrestlers). I am currently trying to find out as much as I can about the history, meaning and significance of these festivals and about Japanese foods from Nagasaki and Inazawa. I am also interested in finding out more about the conflict between the ancient and the modern in contemporary Japan and where we can visualise this for the purpose of the film.’
If anyone has relevant experiences of either of these festivals, places or foods and would like to help Joe then please email him before Fri 16th of Jan joej@ hattrick. com.
Anne Grieve

I just heard from a JET alum who lost their relatively senior level job with a non-profit that has funding issues. I also heard from a JET alum who seems to be keeping their job but at the expense of a colleague who is being let go.
How are you doing with your job situation or your job search? E-mail jetwit /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com with your story (which will be posted anonymously).
JETAA Pacific Northwest Career Day Notes

From Shun Endo, PNW’s Treasurer & Web Guy, who posted the notes on the JETAA PNW website:
Career Day was a very successful event, bringing in many motivated participants, solid speakers, and even vendors from several companies. Many people stayed until the end, and went afterwards for drinks and comradery. The content of the speeches was very helpful, and it covered a broad range of topics. As promised, we have the notes to the speeches, as well as resources to the information given!
Thanks again to Steven Pascal-Joiner of , and Rob Uy from Microsoft HR, and the panel speakers for their respective insights. They were: Amy Fenning , Amanda Wolfman , Keith Nitta , David Sandler , Megan Bernard , Rob Uy , Matt Austin , Steven Pascal-Joiner. Thanks to Ben for moderating the discussion.
Here are the links:
Rob Uy Speech Notes
Steven Pascal Joiner Speech Notes Presentation by Steven (PDF of E-book, and links to different topics covered by Steven)
JETAA Book Clubs – 3’s a magic number

After some initial research, I’ve so far found three JETAA book clubs out there:
JETAA NY – just being revied by Michael Glazer and Jessica Langbein after a hiatus of a few years. Having its first gathering this Wednesday evening (still time to rsvp!)
JETAA Northern California – same story, but with Melissa Chan playing the role of Michael and Jessica
JETAA Portland – Run by Lynnette Yasuda for the last 2 years, and with lots of success and fun.
I knew about NY and Northern California, but I just learned about Portland after getting a nice e-mail from Lynette who shared the following sentiment:
I think one of the best parts of the JETAA book club is that through the books we read, it sparks such interesting conversations about our own JET experiences in Japan – and I think that is what sets it apart from other book clubs. It’s very “natsukashi” if you know what I mean :)
Any other JETAA book clubs out there? Let us know by posting a comment or by emailing jetwit /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com. Yoroshiku!
A nice JET idea

Remember all the nice things people in Japan did for you on JET? Some JET alums in the Seattle area have come up with a way to spread the karma to international students in the U.S. An idea that very much lends itself to being replicated if anyone in other chapters is interested. Read More
JetWit Success Story #2

Omedetou to freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) who just got an internship with a publishing company thanks to his work with JetWit as the JETAA Chapter Beat guy!
He found out about it through Julie Matysik (who herself got an internship at the same publishing company after a JET alum who works there saw her first two Editorial Pursuits posts on JetWit), who found out about the latest internship opportunity and passed it on to Jonathan because she knew through JetWit that he was looking for similar opportunities.
This is one of the strengths of the JET alumni network. There are lots more connections and opportunities out there, even in this tough economy. We just have to dig a little and sometimes be creative to find them.
Note: The internships are unpaid, albeit good places to start, which means Julie and Jonathan are both still in the market for paying jobs if anyone wants to hire them. (The JET alumni network is strong, but it’s not all-powerful. Not yet anyway. :-)