JETAA NY Karaoke tonight

For anyone who can’t make the Quarterly Development Meeting tonight (or just likes karaoke with the JET crowd), there’s a karaoke gathering tonight starting around 9pm following the Development meeting.
Location: Sing Sing on St Marks St (between 2nd & 3rd Aves)
Cost: $19/person for 2 hrs
Time: After the Meeting ends around 9pm, for about 2 hours
Writing Opportunity: Japan-US Business News

Friend of JetWit Yvonne Burton is looking for JET alums and non-JET alums to write about their practical business experiences with Japan for Japan-US Business News. is an online forum for news, discussion and advertising for the Japan-US business community. I am looking for people with practical experience working with Japanese people and/or companies to write their stories.
I usually write these types of stories as case studies. For example: client/company had this challenge/issue or this is what came up when I worked with a Japanese company. This is how I helped them resolve problem or this is how I handled what came up and finally lessons learned–this way the articles are educational as well.
In exchange for writing for, you will receive:
- Free publicity by having your article on the blog and then archived on the blog
- Your brief bio below your article
- Link to your website or blog
If you are interested, please email me at: yvonne /atto/ burtonconsulting /dotto/ biz.
Translation Resources

I’ve been following a blog called Translation-Language-Culture ( written by a guy named Werner Patel, and I noticed a nice recent post about online resources for translators that I thought was worth sharing.
Werner specializes in English-German translation and is a Canadian citizen, though the blog addresses translation issues from a general perspective.
I’d be interested in hearing what JetWit readerst think of the site, especially any info or perspectives that might be particularly helpful to the JET/JET alum community.
Send any comments to jetwit /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
Jobs in the hospitality industry in Japan?

The below question and response recently appeared on the LinkedIn group “Official Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme and Alumni Association (JETAA).” (Names of the alumni are intentionally not included.)
Question: Topic: Companies to look at for hospitality/tourism or entertainment related jobs in Japan
I recently had interviews with Bandai and Konami but didn’t get moved onto the next round in both cases. However, I realized I’d really like to work at a gaming/entertainment company. If that doesn’t come through, then I’d like to try and work at a hotel or similar establishment. If anyone has ideas for companies/hotels where I could apply to work for in Japan please let me know.
Response: If you are not to concerned about salary you could check out the adventures here:
(Seems like it is more for the experience, rather than the earning potential.)
By the way, I also used to work in the games biz back in Vancouver, and I have visited quite a few studios here as well. One thing I can tell you is that the atmosphere is really different. Whereas you might expect really fun, creative work places with free Starbucks and foosball (a la North American experience), the Japanese reality is excessive overtime and Akihabara-style people who don’t get out much. I would probably go for the ski resort…
Julie Matysik (Yamanashi-ken, 2006-07) is a freelance copy editor and aspiring in-house editor who recently moved to NYC with her husband (also a JET alum). She has just started an internship in editing/publishing/writing. Editorial Pursuits chronicles her job hunting efforts, experiences and lessons learned.
Warning: the following post is coming from deep frustrations with job searching and the inability to land a solid entry-level job in the editing and publishing field over the past four months.
I cannot even begin to express how frustrating it is when you check a site daily for jobs and find nothing a) that you are qualified for, b) that is in the city you are living in, or c) — just plain nothing!
My most favorite, and most reliable, job searching sites-Publisher’s Marketplace, MediaBistro, and Book Jobs-have not posted anything pertinent to my job search needs in the last two weeks.
Of course, I know better than to blame the job search engines for Read More
Job Listing: JetWit

JetWit is looking for people to help with the following jobs (which are unpaid for now):
1. Ad Sales – One or two people to pursue and follow up with leads for potential advertisers.
2. Updater – One or two people to send out a daily or periodic email update to an email grouplist with links to the latest posts. Room to be creative if you want.
3. Job Listings – One or two people to help me gather and post relevant job listings.
4. Other – If you have other ideas for ways to help, feel free to email with suggestions/proposals.
Among other things, JetWit is intended to be a way to help JET alums get some work experience, even if you don’t have a job, whether writing, translating, business or other experience. A way around the catch-22 of needing experience to get a job but being unable to get a job without experience.
Feel free to get in touch to discuss more. Contact: jetwit /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
Tadaima! #2 – Networking, Karate and Stocks, Oh My!

My name is Rick Ambrosio (Ibaraki-ken, 2006-08). And whether readjusting to post-JET life is something you’re facing now, will deal with in the future or if you just enjoy reconnecting with that awkwardly uncertain feeling you had when you got back from Japan, come along with me as I look for a new job, a new apartment, and yes, mow the lawn of my parent’s house. Tadaima!
My cousin recently published a mystery/horror novel called “Once Upon a Nightmare,” which I read exclusively at night because that’s generally when scary stories are most poignant. She asked me to review it, so I am. But like most books you get really into, you forget what time it is, and I ended up staying up really late. So I end up waking up late.
First I checked e-mails for leads and responses with jobs. A fellow JETAANY member (Steven) needed help with the Kintetsu Essay Contest, and at this point he and I were working on a title for this series. The back and forth was a great way to keep myself engaged and feeling like I was doing something. The Essay Contest data was formatted quickly, but Steven and I went back and forth several more times brainstorming for a name for this series.
Downstairs I went for brunch in my deserted house. Carefully placed on the kitchen table was my daily note from Mom. Tuna in the Fridge. She’s going to Lowes when she gets home. Vacuum all the leaves in the front of the house.
I thought of calling my mother at work and telling her that many houses in Japan lack yards and doing yard work would severely cripple my cultural transition. Instead I threw on my weird leather and faux fur hat (I have a habit of wearing odd hats during chores) and began on the leaves. While doing this my neighbor Tony sauntered over.
Tony is about my fathers age and has two loves: Cigars and Sinatra. Read More
Two Upcoming Events with Sake Sommelier Chris Johnson (Oita-ken, 1992-95)

Sake sommelier Chris Johnson (Oita-ken, 1992-95) will be sommelier-ing at two upcoming events. FYI, Chris is also the owner of Bao Noodles, the Vietnamese-style restaurant on 2nd Ave. between 22nd & 23rd Sts., and has provided gift certificates for several JETAA NY Newsletter contests.
Zagat’s Presents
December 8, 2008, 6 PM & 8:30 PM
Kyotofu, 705 Ninth Ave. (bet. 48th & 49th Sts.)
Join infamous New York sake sommelier Chris Johnson at this award-winning Midtown Japanese spot for a an informative six-course dinner pairing food and sake.
Event Details: $75 for six courses with sake and cocktails, tax and tip not included. More information here.
Panel Discussion
Wine and Spirits with Asian Cuisine: A Perfect Pairing! (with live webcast)
Savory Productions / Saveur Magazine
Date: December 1st
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Location: New York
Asia Society and Museum, Auditorium, 725 Park Avenue, New York
Cost: $15 students; $15 members; $30 nonmembers
Buy Tickets Online
Phone: 212-517-ASIA
– Cynthia Sin-yi Cheng, Founder, cyn-et-vin; Wine Editor, Cravings, New York
– Chris Johnson, Mixologist and Sake Master, Bao 111, New York
– Litty Mathew, Mixologist, Modern Spirits, Monrovia, California
– James Oseland, Editor in Chief, Saveur Magazine
Get more information here.
JETAA Update: Cincinnati/Kentucky taking off

Jimmy Jackson reports from Cincinnati that he’s now in touch with Thad Johnson across the river in Lexington, Kentucky, and that Thad has been working on an upcoming JET alum event for people in the area.
If you’re in the area and want be a part of it, contact Jimmy Jackson at jimmyj1640 /atto/ yahoo /dotto/ com.
Seeking JET alumni authors

Are you a JET alum? Have you ever written a book? Do you know of any JET alumni who have authored a book?
JetWit is trying to track down any and all JET alumni authors, well-known and obscure. If you’ve ever written a book or know of another JET alum who has, please e-mail any info to stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
Below is a list of JET alumni authors JetWit knows about. (To see the books they’ve written, go to
- Auslin, Michael
- Beaton, Hamish (Osaka, 1996-99)
- Feiler, Bruce (Tottori-ken, 1989-90)
- Ferguson, Will (Nagasaki-ken, 1991-94)
- Kelts, Roland (Osaka, 1998-99)
- Kennedy, James (Nara-ken, 2004-06)
- Klar, Nicholas (Prefecture, Years)
- Kootnikoff, David (Prefecture, Years)
- Levitas, Ethan (Prefecture, Years)
- McConnell, David L. (Prefecture, Years)
- Tessler, Manya (Prefecture, Years)
JetWit Society Page – by Yoku Shitteiru – 11/21/08

JetWit Society Page is written by Yoku Shitteiru who knows well.
Hello my loyal readers and welcome to the new on-line version of the Society Page column about JET alumni!
But enough about you, let’s talk about last night’s JETAA New York Happy Hour at Revival (15th St & Irving Place). For some reason, over 30 JET alums came out and took over the second floor of the place despite cho-beri-samui evening weather, perhaps incentivized by the happy hour deals, extended to 8pm thanks to JETAA Social Coordinator Monica Yuki’s Manhattan-style negotiating savvy.
WKRP in New York? Many in attendance were bikkuri-shita‘d by the sudden yet now-predictable annual surprise appearance of John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95), who was in from Cincinnati on Procter & Gamble business. Apparently there aren’t enough karaoke nights in Marge Schott’s furusato (though if JET alum Cincy native Jimmy Jackson has his way, there may be some of those coming soon)….Meanwhile, Queens-ken was in the house last night courtesy of super-teacher Cindy Hoffman, with Brooklyn-ken represented by translator Jamie Graves and NHK Associate Producer Marea Pariser as well as by Wynne Wu and Steven Too. Even New Jersey-ken sent party delegates including JTB employee Chau Lam and Seton Hall grad student Glen Milan….Thanks to Nandita, now a Manhattan-jin since she took over brother Neel’s apartment after he skipped town for Nashville to finish his M.D.), “disco nap” became the English vocab lesson for the night…And Marea had the story of the night, explaining how she needed to find a family in the NY area that would let the NHK morning show crew film its Thanksgiving dinner live from the family’s home. Turns out they found a farming family outside the city that sells to the Green Markets and was thrilled to host NHK. Why? Because their daughter was a JET, married a Japanese guy, and now lives in Nagano. All of which means that now she’ll be able to see her family on Thanksgiving live from Japan! (Sugoi yo!)….JETs Are Everywhere Moment: When a random lad from the rowdy, neighboring non-JET crowd rushing out the door paused to read Steven’s shirt (JETAA NY – 日本語分るよ!) and blurted, “Man, I do understand Japanese! I’m a JET!” and continued on his misguided way….As the JET crowd eventually dissipated and the second floor was taken over by cult of people brainwashed to believe that singing along with “Piano Man” is never a bad decision, Monica led a small crew of JET alum detritus to Stand (12th St & University) for pricey but tasty burgers, shakes and potato sticks, not to mention an educational “tramp stamp” citing.
That’s all for this edition. See you in the JetWit future.
Tokoro de, Yoku Shitteiru welcomes the sharing of any JET-related info from any JET-related events as well as news of engagements, weddings, births, new jobs and other fun and JET-worthy items. Just send an e-mail to yokushitteiru/atto/jetwit /dotto/com.
Cincinnati JETAA?

Jimmy Jackson is trying to get Cincinatti/Northern Kentucky JET alums together. If you’re interested or know anyone in Cincinnati who might be, even if they’re not a JET alum, get in touch with Jimmy at jimmyj1640 /atto/ yahoo /dotto/ com.
I think Randall Crowder may officially be the chapter rep for the Great Lakes Region and is in Cincinnati, but I don’t have contact info for him. Also, former JETAA NYer John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95) is in Cincinnati now working for Procter & Gamble.
Great Lakes had been defunct for a while until Scott Norman in Detroit and Randall in Cincinnati have made efforts to bring it back in the last few years. So if you guys and other people can all link up and get some momentum, that would be JET-tastic! (Note: Not a real word.)
California here we come!

A quick thanks to Jason Porath, President of JETAA Southern California, for letting all the Southern Cal JET alums know about And a big, laid back welcome to everyone in LA-LA Land who’s reading this.
Also a reminder that JetWit is always looking for writers, job listings and other JET-relevant info. And of JetWit’s reasons for being is to help JET alums promote their work and get well-deserved exposure. Just email me at stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
Lastly, if you’re reading this somewhere and your chapter has not yet sent out an announcement or posted it on its website, please encourage your officers to do so. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
WITLife – Episode #3

WITLife is a series by Writer/Interpreter/Translator Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). She is currently traveling around the U.S. as a freelance interpreter for the U.S. State Department.
Hello from Seattle! I intended to write from each of the cities during my travels, but somehow my busy schedule got the best of me. I am now at the last stop on our tour of the States before returning home to NYC this weekend.
The last time I checked in I was in DC for the election, and after a brief stop in Kalamazoo, Michigan we made our way to Obama’s stomping grounds of Chicago. Even though we couldn’t be in Grant Park for election night, it was cool to visit the spot where he had spoken a week later (courtesy of a tour from a friend who had been lucky enough to be there at the time!). Read More
Japanese Baseball

Here are some stories we’re sure that George Rose (Fukushima-ken, 1989-91) is following. George, a former JETAA NY President, currently works for the New York Yankees in Tokyo and previously served as Hideki Irabu’s interpreter.
16-Year-Old Japanese Girl With Knuckleball Drafted by Professional Baseball Team – Apparently she was inspired to learn it from watching the Red Sox’ Time Wakefield.
MLB vs. Japan: Tensions Over Recruiting of Young Japanese Phenom – George’s boss Brian Cashman is quoted in the article. Looks like the Yankees’ don’t want to ruffle their relationship with the Yomiuri Giants and also recognize the benefit of other teams not signing this guy to pitch against them.
Seattle Mariners Hire Don Wakamatsu as Manager; First Asian-American to Manage in MLB – The article notes that Don’s father was born in a Japanese-American internment camp during WWII. For more on that topic, read Justin Tedaldi’s review of a documentary titled Passing Poston in the Fall 2008 “Politics” Issue of the JETAA NY Quarterly newsletter.