Hawaii JET alums volunteer as Hiroshima City Mayor Matsui leads visiting delegation (Japanese article)

JETwit recently posted a JETAA Hawaii article by chapter President Darryl Toma about Hawaii JET alums volunteering to support a visit by the Hiroshima City Mayor along with a visiting delegation from Hiroshima.
FYI, there’s also now an article in Japanese about Mayor Matsui’s visit on the Japan Local Government Center (aka CLAIR-NY) blog: http://www.jlgc.org/TopicList.aspx?topicCategoryID=16&topicID=279&languageTypeID=2&controlType=Display
CLAIR Forum Vol. 273

Here’s a link to the latest issue of CLAIR Forum (Vol. 273), featuring an article on the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Other notable articles include:
- Contributions from Andy Anderson, Cameron Peek (current Miyagi CIR) and William McMichael (former Fukushima CIR) (Andy’s original English version is also included in the link above. You can find Cameron and William’s original English versions here.)
- An article by Satoko Kanesh about JETAA support, with emphasis on activities of JETAANY. (only Japanese available)