Event: Third Annual Japan Writers Conference

Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following:
Do you wonder what’s the best way to get your ESL textbook into print and to market? Or how you can have your poem catch an editor’s attention? What’s the best way to get that rough draft novel smoothed out and readable? Why is an abstract such a big deal? How do different translators approach a Japanese text? Or more simply, where are the others who share your interest in the written word?
Possible answers to those and almost any other question one might have about writing, editing, translating, and publishing will be offered up at the Third Annual Japan Writers Conference. This year’s Conference will take place on the weekend of October 17th and 18 on the campus of Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto.
More than thirty writers, journalists, editors, translators, film makers and other wordsmiths will offer up their expertise in fifty-minute presentations, filling both days. And what is perhaps most remarkable is the event is completely free and open to all who want to attend. The Conference is a completely volunteer event.
Among those scheduled to present are novelist and children’s book author Holly Thompson, author/anthologist Hillel Wright, columnist Arudou Debito, literary translator Juliet Winters Carpenter, journalist Eric Johnston, article writer John Spiri, and poet Jane Joritz-Nakagawa. Novelist and diplomat Vikas Swarup has also agreed to appear. There are also plans for various writing groups and organizations to hold special meetings to introduce themselves to prospective members. And there will be a gathering for all attendees and presenters at a local restaurant on Saturday evening.
According to Juliet Carpenter, whose school is hosting this year’s conference, the Imadegawa campus of Doshisha Women’s College, across from the Gosho, is “a terrific location, easily accessible. We have a very nice campus that has a brand-new building with state-of-the- art ‘bells and whistles,’ and some beautiful Meiji-era Registered Cultural Property buildings, nicely preserved.”
Although the Conference takes place in Japan and has a decidedly Japanese focus, it will be a predominantly English-language event. It is also an international affair, with presenters from Canada, the US, China, India and other nations. While some of the presenters are Japan residents, others are short-term visitors and will provide a more global perspective on the writing life.
Complete information about the Third Annual Japan Writers Conference can be had at:
Event: Get Your Job Now! – How to get a job with a foreign company! (Tokyo)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following career workshop being held by CareerCross, and thought it might be of interest to former JETs in the Tokyo area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
CareerCross is holding a special seminar designed to give job seekers an added advantage when interviewing at a foreign company in Japan.
Due to corporations reducing their work force over the past year, the market is flooded with experienced job seekers making it an extremely difficult time to get a job. To succeed in an interview you must be 100% prepared and ready to prove you are the best candidate for the job.
CareerCross has brought in Japan’s leading interview skills trainer to teach you how to “Get Your Job Now!” From your cover letter and resume to the interview, learn exactly what works and doesn’t when interviewing in English or at a foreign company in Japan.
You will be able to answer the difficult questions with confidence, as you will be prepared and coached by the very best.
There will also be a section on finding your job online and how to use CareerCross more effectively.
Join CareerCross for one afternoon designed to prepare you for success.
— Get Your Job Now! Space is limited, so sign up now! —
CareerCross Japan Presents:
TITLE: Get Your Job Now! – How to get a job with a foreign company!
Michael Ghiglione and Bernd Kestler
DATE: October 8th (Thur), 18:30 – 21:00 or October 10th (Sat.), 9:30 – 13:00
ORGANIZER: C.C. Consulting Co., Ltd. / CareerCross
VENUE: Anaheim University; click here for a map of the venue
COST: 5,000 yen
Events: JETAA Toronto Upcoming Events Digest (Toronto)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following events through the JETAA Toronto newsletter and thought they might be of interest to former JETs in the Toronto area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
Japanese Class
If you’d like a fun, casual environment where you can keep up your Japanese language skills, then sign up for JETAA Toronto’s Japanese conversation class.
Classes are conducted in Japanese, and are led by beloved long-time teacher, Sugimoto-sensei.
Conversation level is intermediate, but a lot of individual attention means that beginner and advanced students will also enjoy the class.
Monday nights starting Sept 28
WHAT: 10 sessions; 2 hours each
WHERE: Toronto Reference Library at Yonge & Bloor
WHO: Former JET participants only
COST: $60 to be paid by the second class
Interested parties should contact Sonia.
Read More
JETAA Northern California 2009 Career and Networking Forum – Sept 27

JETAA Northern California and the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco present:
The 2009 Career & Networking Forum
Sunday, September 27, 2009 – 1:00-5:00 p.m. – Kabuki Hotel
The Career & Networking Forum (CNF) co-sponsored by the JET Alumni Association of Northern California (JETAANC) and the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, will take place on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at the Kabuki Hotel (www.jdvhotels.com/hotels/sanfrancisco/kabuki) at 1650 Post Street in San Francisco from 1:00-5:00 pm (registration begins at 12:30).
The event will include industry-related breakout sessions and a keynote address, as well as a networking session where attendees can meet representatives from various organizations, and discuss resumes and job hunting techniques with alumni. This event is FREE for all JET Alumni and $10 for Friends of JET (FOJ).
For all veteran alumni this is a great opportunity for you make some career contacts, catch up with old friends, and help recently-returned JETs. Through the industry-related breakout sessions, we are providing an opportunity for older alumni to help mentor newly returned JETs and JETs looking to transition into another career.
Following CNF the Consul General of Japan in San Francisco, Yasumasa Nagamine will be hosting a reception for recently-returned JETs at the Kabuki Hotel. We would like to invite all JET Alumni attending CNF to this reception to help welcome back JET participants.
Please RSVP through the CNF registration link, also found below.
Tentative Schedule of Events:
- 12:30-1:00: Registration
- 1:00-1:10: Opening remarks
- 1:10-1:40: Keynote
- 1:40-2:45: Breakout sessions by industry
- 2:45-3:00: Break
- 3:00-5:00: Networking Session
- 5:00-7:00: Welcome Back Reception
>> Keynote Address: Timothy Morey, (CIR, Aomori City 1996 – 99) UC Berkeley Haas School of Business MBA, Senior Business Architect at Wipro Technologies. Focusing on the tools that can help you take action to realize your career aspirations.
>> Breakout sessions by industry
Hear from alumni who been there and done that. Get your questions answered from alumni who have all landed new jobs in a variety of fields.
>> Networking Session
What is the power of networking? Find out at this two hour-long session where you will have the opportunity to meet with Bay Area companies and organizations, and fellow alumni engaged in a variety of fields. Alumni will also be available to review your resume and help you showcase yourself and the skills you honed during your years on JET. You will not want to miss this opportunity to get a jump start on your career search!
**Be sure to bring an UPDATED resume and business cards (if you have them).
**Professional attire is required.
If you are interested in attending please register online by Monday, September 21, 2009. Space is limited so register now!
CNF Registration Link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dG9BSHhvRkpFSXZwbkJJeGc0Sm1DQ2c6MA.
***If your company or organization is interested in hosting a table during the Networking Session please contact cnf@jetaanc.org for more information***
Event: “Building A Successful Career – Jump Start Your Future!” (Tokyo)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following career workshop being held by CareerCross, and thought it might be of interest to former JETs in the Tokyo area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
CareerCross is holding a special career development seminar, in Japanese, called “Building A Successful Career – Jump Start Your Future!” on September 9 (Wed) at Spazio 2 in Ebisu.
Best selling author, Ms. Kyoko Yukawa, along with award-winning career advisor, Tetsuya Sakabe will give a rare seminar open to the public on strategies for taking control of your career and future.
Learn how to better your communication skills, build your network, brand yourself and be one of those that are “in demand.” If your career seems stalled, this is where you are going to learn how to revitalize it.
Any JET alums planning to attend the NAFSA Regional Conference Nov. 2-5?

Pam Kavalam (Shiga Prefecture, ’07-’09) is planning on attending the NAFSA Regional Conference (http://www.region10.nafsa.org/Region%20X%20New/Conferences_Workshops/conf2009/index.htm) in Springfield, MA from November 2-5 and would like to connect to other JET alums who are interested in going.
NAFSA (www.nafsa.org) is the professional association for international higher education administration.
If you’re interested in, or already working inm study abroad, international student advising and recruitment or international education in general, this is the conference for you. It’s a great way to network within the Boston and New York areas, learn more about the field, and attend workshops that you can put on your resume.
Contact Pam for details about registration, transportation, hotel information, volunteering and costs.
Event: Storyboards and Picture Book Dumies for Good Bookmaking (Tokyo)

Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following:
Storyboards and Picture Book Dummies for Good Bookmaking
with Author/Illustrator Naomi Kojima
Time: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 9:45-11:45 a.m.
Place: Tokyo Women’s Plaza, Conference Room 1
5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (by the Children’s Castle and United Nations University)
For a map see www.scbwi.jp/ map.htm
Fee: SCBWI members 1,000 yen; nonmembers 1,500 yen
Reservations Required: Contact info@scbwi.jp by Sept. 10 to reserve your space
Materials to bring: pencils, scissors, tape or glue
This event will be in English and Japanese.
Putting together the storyboard and book dummy is a necessary process and the foundation for good bookmaking. It enables illustrators and authors to see their work more clearly, and to find clues for editing and arranging text and illustration. In this hands-on workshop we will take a pre-selected story and turn it into a 32-page picture book dummy. A preliminary talk will address the basics for preparing storyboards and book dummies: dividing text for placement on pages, creating visual flow and pacing of text and pictures, as well as basic layout and design. But the primary focus of the workshop will be on the actual making of the dummy. Illustration skills are not necessary; both writers and illustrators are welcome. Story text and paper will be provided.
Naomi Kojima is an author and illustrator of picture books. Born in Japan, she spent her childhood years in the U.S. and studied sculpture at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. Kojima’s first two picture books, Mr. and Mrs. Thief and The Flying Grandmother were published in New York soon after she joined a Massachusetts SCBWI chapter. Since then, her books have been published in the U.S. and Japan, and translated into French, Swedish, and Indonesian. Her picture books include The Alphabet Picture Book (Kaisei-sha) and Singing Shijimi Clams (Kane Miller).
Events: JETAA Toronto’s “All Sort of Sports” Team

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following events being held in Toronto through the JETAA Toronto mailing list and thought that it might be of interest to former JETs in the area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
What do dodgeball, rugby-basketball and Ultimate have in common? They’re all sports you can play by joining JETAA Toronto’s “All Sort of Sports” team!
You don’t need to be athletic. You just need to be willing to try out a few new sports, and have fun while doing it. This is a recreational team that plays as part of the Toronto Sport and Social Club league.
When: Late September until the first week of November. (Tentatively scheduled for the Monday night league, but may switch to Wednesday.)
What: 5 regular season games + 1 playoff game Where: Location to be determined.
Time: Between 6-10:30 p.m.
Who: With the Toronto Sport & Social Club
Cost: Depending on the number of players, it will likely be $30 for JETAA members and $35 for non-members.
Interested parties should send an e-mail as soon as possible.
You may have read recently about Eleanor Robinson (CIR Aomori-ken, 1999-2002) and her work with the new Doshisha Global MBA Program which begins in September. Thanks to Eleanor, we’ve also learned about another JET alum, Dr. Andrew Staples (Fukuoka-ken, 1996-99), who is a Special Visiting Professor at Doshisha Business School with a number of published writings that should be of interest to the JET alumni community.
Here’s more about Andrew and his career path so far:
JetWit: We understand your work has been published. Can you tell us what and where?
Andrew: I’ve published a few times with Palgrave in the Asian Business Series including the chapter in the new textbook (we are in the process of making PowerPoint slides to accompany the book, which has been selling well), a chapter in an edited volume titled Emerging Multiplicity, and my own single authored text published last year, Responses to Regionalism, which was based on my PhD thesis.
Publications by Andrew Staples:
- Asian Business and Management: Theory, Practice and Perspectives (see chapter 4)
- Responses to Regionalism in East Asia – Chapter titled “Japanese Production Networks in the Automotive Sector”
- Emerging Multiplicity – Integration and Responsiveness in Asian Business Development
JetWit: What was your path from JET to academics?
A: I was an ALT for two years in a senior high in Fukuoka prefecture before becoming the ALT prefectural coordinator in Fukuoka City for the final year. After JET I enrolled at the School of East Asian Studies (SEAS), University of Sheffield, U.K. to study for an MSc in East Asian Business (1999-2000). I funded this, by the way, with my pension and tax refund and a bit of university English teaching here and there, which is something other JETs could consider doing. Read More
New York de Volunteer Happy Hour Fundraiser – Friday 9/25

7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Enjoy Drink Specials, Raffles, and Prizes
Slattery’s Pub
8 E 36th St. (btwn. 5th and Madison Ave.)
100% of cash tips will support to
NY de Volunteer’s
“Explore Japanese After School Program”
@ New York City Parks and Recreation Center
For more information regarding the FUNdRaiser please visit:
Japan-America Society (Seattle): “Challenges of Banking in an Economic Crisis”

Via JETAA Pacific Northwest:
Friday, September 25, 2009
“Challenges of Banking in an Economic Crisis”
Speaker : Masamichi “Mitch” Yasuda
Senior Executive VP/Deputy CFO, Union Bank
The Japan-America Society is pleased to announce Mr. Masamichi “Mitch” Yasuda as our featured speaker for a September 25 lunch program titled “Challenges of Banking in an Economic Crisis.” Mr. Yasuda will speak about the state of the economy in Japan today compared to its post-bubble years, and the economic challenges facing U.S. bankers. He will also touch on how Union Bank has been able to stay successful during these difficult economic times. Read More
(Originally posted on April 28, 2009.)
Here’s your chance to help JetWit. Just share a comment on this post saying what you like about JetWit. (Or email your comment to jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com and I’ll post it.)
Thanks for your help and yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Update: Thanks to everyone who has posted comments so far!
Graphic novelist Lars Martinson seeks funding for comic book about East Asian calligraphy

JET alum Lars Martinson, author of the graphic novel Tonoharu: Part 1, is not only currently studying East Asian calligraphy in Ehime-ken, he wants to write a comic book about his experience. And he’s in the process of seeking funding to help make this happen.
If you’ve seen Tonoharu: Part 1, you know that “comic book” barely does justice to Lars’ sophisticated and detailed drawing style. And having won a Monbusho Scholarship to help him fund the production of Tonoharu: Part 1, Lars knows a thing or two about getting funding (as further demonstrated in a previous blog post titled “How to Apply for a Monbusho Scholarship“).
That said, it’s never easy getting funding and income as an artist/illustrator. (See, e.g., Lars’ recent post on adapting his drawing style for professional and practical purposes.) So if anyone can provide any assistance or leads to help Lars with funding, please feel free to get in touch with him at blog [at] larsmartinson [dot] com.
For information about Lars, you can read his blog at http://larsmartinson.com. You can also read a nice article about Lars from the Winter 2008 “Digital Media” Issue of the JETAA NY Newsletter, written by Alexei Esikoff (Fukushima-ken, 2001-02).
Event: “Behavioral Selling – Getting inside your Client’s Brain!” (Tokyo)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following career workshop being held by CareerCross, and thought it might be of interest to former JETs in the Tokyo area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
Are you selling at your maximum potential? Do you wonder why you turn some prospects “on” and some “off”? How much more sales could you make if you could better understand your prospects/clients, their strengths & weaknesses and how they react?
People are different, and buy for different reasons. A salesperson that understands Behavioral Selling knows how to recognize behavioral styles, adapts accordingly, and closes more sales!
CareerCross is proud to offer Dr. David Sweet’s popular Half-Day interactive workshop “Behavioral Selling – Getting Inside Your Client’s Brain!” At this workshop, you will learn the styles to which you naturally sell well and which are costing you sales. By improving your understanding of buyer motivation and client needs, you will improve their trust in you leading to increased success.
Event: SWET Summer Party

The Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators presents:
The SWET Summer Party!
Event: SWET Summer Party
What: Club Party
Host: Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators (SWET)
Start Time: Sunday, July 26 at 1:00pm
End Time: Sunday, July 26 at 4:00pm
Where: Koishikawa Korakuen Garden, Kantokutei Hiroma
Click here to see more details and to RSVP.