Sep 14

BAPCPA Man #8 – Automatic Stay and Teenagers

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


(Click here to see larger version of the cartoon.)

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Sep 8

BAPCPA Man #7 – BAPCPA Man vs. Mortgantua

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to

BM7_mortgantua2(Click here to see larger version of the cartoon.)

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 31

Event: Storyboards and Picture Book Dumies for Good Bookmaking (Tokyo)


Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following:

Storyboards and Picture Book Dummies for Good Bookmaking

with Author/Illustrator Naomi Kojima

Time: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 9:45-11:45 a.m.

Place: Tokyo Women’s Plaza, Conference Room 1

5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (by the Children’s Castle and United Nations University)

For a map see map.htm

Fee:          SCBWI members 1,000 yen; nonmembers 1,500 yen

Reservations Required: Contact by Sept. 10 to reserve your space

Materials to bring: pencils, scissors, tape or glue

This event will be in English and Japanese.

Putting together the storyboard and book dummy is a necessary process and the foundation for good bookmaking. It enables illustrators and authors to see their work more clearly, and to find clues for editing and arranging text and illustration. In this hands-on workshop we will take a pre-selected story and turn it into a 32-page picture book dummy. A preliminary talk will address the basics for preparing storyboards and book dummies: dividing text for placement on pages, creating visual flow and pacing of text and pictures, as well as basic layout and design. But the primary focus of the workshop will be on the actual making of the dummy. Illustration skills are not necessary; both writers and illustrators are welcome. Story text and paper will be provided.

Naomi Kojima is an author and illustrator of picture books. Born in Japan, she spent her childhood years in the U.S. and studied sculpture at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. Kojima’s first two picture books, Mr. and Mrs. Thief and The Flying Grandmother were published in New York soon after she joined a Massachusetts SCBWI chapter. Since then, her books have been published in the U.S. and Japan, and translated into French, Swedish, and Indonesian. Her picture books include The Alphabet Picture Book (Kaisei-sha) and Singing Shijimi Clams (Kane Miller).

Aug 31

BAPCPA Man #6 – Unemployment, median income and the means test

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


(Click here to see larger version of the cartoon.)

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 27

Roland Kelts column in Daily Yomiuri: Miyazaki, Horibuchi and the virtues of change

Here’s the latest Daily Yomiuri column from Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, about Hayao Miyazaki in Berkeley, Seiji Horibuchi in San Francisco, Japan’s weekend elections–and the end of the world:

Related JetWit Posts:


Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) backstage with Hayao Miyazaki at Berkeley event

Aug 20

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


(Click here to see larger version of the cartoon.)

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 19

BAPCPA Man #5 – 341 Meeting of Creditors

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


(Click here to see larger version of the cartoon.)

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 13

BAPCPA Man #4 – The Battle of BAPCPA

APCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 11

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


Update: Nice mention of BAPCPA Man on the independent law blog

Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 7

Roland Kelts column in Daily Yomiuri on manga program in Switzerland film festival

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, has a good column in today’s Daily Yomirui titled “Anime with Texas Roots Debuts in Switzerland.”

redlineAccording to the column:

Manga Impact: The World of Japanese Animation, a special program at the 62nd annual Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland, will include next Friday’s world premiere of the Japanese anime Redline in the city’s historic central square, which can accommodate more than 8,000 viewers.

And Redline is:

a film that piles hybrid upon hybrid–a racing film that blasts into sci-fi apocalypse, as a corrupt alien government seeks to destroy the mortal drivers who dare to compete on their alien planet. The action is relentless, allowing you to catch your breath only in brief interludes, yet the imagery is dense with anatomical grotesqueries–like Lucian Freud on acid, or, if you view Redline as a kind of meta- anime, an anime about the stylized thrills of anime itself, Speed Racer on speed.

If any JetWit readers happen to see Redline–especially if you see it in Switzerland at the film festival–please post a comment and share your thoughts and experience.

Aug 6

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 4

BAPCPA Man #2 – Automatic Stay Force Field

BAPCPA Man and Bankruptcy Bill are cartoons created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  For more cartoons, original bankruptcy haiku and even a bankruptcy country song, go to


Additionally, if anyone would like to take a stab at translating the cartoon into Japanese for JetWit’s Japanese fans out there, feel free to post in the comments section of this post.  Some cultural explanation might be helpful as well, given that Japanese bankruptcy laws are very different than the U.S.

Aug 4

Graphic novelist Lars Martinson seeks funding for comic book about East Asian calligraphy


JET alum Lars Martinson, author of the graphic novel Tonoharu:  Part 1, is not only currently studying East Asian calligraphy in Ehime-ken, he wants to write a comic book about his experience.  And he’s in the process of seeking funding to help make this happen.

If you’ve seen Tonoharu:  Part 1, you know that “comic book” barely does justice to Lars’ sophisticated and detailed drawing style.  And having won a Monbusho Scholarship to help him fund the production of Tonoharu:  Part 1, Lars knows a thing or two about getting funding (as further demonstrated in a previous blog post titled “How to Apply for a Monbusho Scholarship“).

LarsTonoharuThat said, it’s never easy getting funding and income as an artist/illustrator.  (See, e.g., Lars’ recent post on adapting his drawing style for professional and practical purposes.)  So if anyone can provide any assistance or leads to help Lars with funding, please feel free to get in touch with him at blog [at] larsmartinson [dot] com.

For information about Lars, you can read his blog at You can also read a nice article about Lars from the Winter 2008 “Digital Media” Issue of the JETAA NY Newsletter, written by Alexei Esikoff (Fukushima-ken, 2001-02).

Aug 3

For those of you who weren’t able to catch Roland Kelts’ (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) interview with Hayo Miyazaki in Berkeley, CA on July 25, a “fanatically thorough transcript” of the full interview has been posted at the GhibliWorld site:


Aug 3

JET alum artists: Brooke and Daniel Lauer

BLauerChickJetWit just learned of two more JET alum artists who happen to be married to each other and live in Greenville, SC.  They also both lived in Niigata-ken.

Lauer, Brooke (Niigata-ken 2004-07) – Greenville, SC

  • Writes and illustrates picture books, makes dolls from polymer clay, and handmade journals. Her newest work can be found at
  • Motto:  “Creating a more interesting world, one character at a time…”

Lauer, Daniel (Niigata-ken 2005-2007) – Greenville, SC


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