Roland Kelts Daily Yomiuri column: Soft power evolution from Perry’s day to Obama’s

FYI, images below are 1) Commodore Perry’s bow, 2) Obama’s bow and 3) Political commentary from Perry’s day.
WIT Life #57: Teleworking in Japan

WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Translator/Interpreter/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
My only time traveling one-on-one as an interpreter for the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program was a year ago with a female entrepreneur from Hokkaido named Yuri Tazawa. No one epitomizes the “Yes We Can” spirit more than Yuri, so it was appropriate that we were able to celebrate Obama’s victory together while in DC. She began a company in a town called Kitami 11 years ago after being raised in Nara, going to university in Tokyo, and starting a family. You might wonder what kind of business one could have being located so far away from a metropolis, but Yuri heads a company called Y’s Staff (taking the Y from her name as well as being a homonym with “wise”).
Y’s has offices in both Hokkaido and Nara, but its actual structure is virtual. Through her company, Yuri is a promoter of teleworking. This concept is often confused with telemarketing, but is essentially the idea of doing work in a place other than a fixed office. This could be your home, the local Starbucks or any other location. Yuri also advocates Read More
JET alum and technical writer David Kowalsky has a nice book review on the book Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods in the latest edition of Sound Views, the newsletter for the Puget Sound Chapter of the Society for Technical Writers.
Here’s the link:
Have a look and feel free to share your thoughts on Twitter as well. Also, you can follow JetWit via Twitter at
JET alum Liz Sheffield interviews “American Fuji” author Sara Backer

Writers and blogger Liz Sheffield (Hokkaio-ken, Sapporo-shi, 1993-95) has a great post on her blog Motherlogue about a new book out titled America Fuji by Sara Backer along with a separate post in which she interviews Backer.
A few weeks ago I finished reading American Fuji by Sara Backer. From the moment I saw this book on the shelf of my local, independent bookstore, I knew I had to read it. It’s about an American woman, Gaby Stanton, who is living in Shizuoka, Japan and teaching university-level English…that is until she gets fired and begins working for a fantasy funeral company, Gone With the Wind. Stanton meets Alex Thorn, a father who comes to Japan to answer questions about his son’s death while he was a student at the university where Gaby was employed. Gaby and Alex are just two of the wonderful, creative cast of characters that Backer weaves into this compelling story.
- Read the rest of Liz Sheffield’s post on the book “American Fuji.”
- Read Liz’s interview with “American Fuji” author Sara Backer.
- Read Liz’s interview with fellow JET alum Suzanne Kamata about Suzanne’s book Call Me Okaasan: Adventures in Multicultural Mothering.
- Follow Liz’s blog here:
Liz has also written the following essays:
- Co-Sleeping Quandary, Seattle Woman (February 2009)
- Dinner Table, The Sun (Readers Write, March 2009)
- What Is The Kanji For Brother, Honorary Mention, JET Essay Contest (August 2009) Note: essay is on page 182
- Harmony at Home, Wilmington Parent (August 2009)
- Stage Fright, YOUMaga (September 2009)
and short fiction:
- Broken Mug, Literary Mama (May 2008)
Popp, Laura (Mie-ken, 2008-Present) is a current JET who writes fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and is an occasional playwright/film maker. Her short work includes a short story titled “In theShadow Realm” and a documentary she made in Malawi. To read about her amazing adventures all over Japan, go to her blog at (And check out the Authors/Books section of the JetWit Library for a list of more writers in the JET-o-sphere.)
Hello, everyone! I`m new to Japan and the JetWit blog, so allow me to introduce myself! I`m a sci-fi/fantasy young adult writer from Oklahoma in the U.S. I love to travel, as you can probably tell from my blog, so most of my posts will be about my wonderful adventures all over Asia and any writing news I learn about.
This week I`ll be reporting on two writers` events I attended last weekend, a critique meeting in Osaka and a conference in Kyoto! For those of you who don`t know, there is an excellent group called English Writers and Readers that meets every Saturday in Osaka from 2:30 to however long people want to stay. It’s not just for writers; if you love to read there is also a book club and various other discussion boards and events. But if you are a writer, of any genre or form, you can email your work to group members and have it critiqued the following Saturday. For me it was very productive. They tore apart (figuratively) my story “Tapestry of Time,” but now I know how to make it better. I will warn you that the turnout for meetings tends to be very low (there were only four of us), so if it`s quite a trek for you, I suggest getting a general idea of how many will be there before you go all that way.
One of the girls in the writers` club, Rianna, was really sweet and let me stay with her Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I headed off to the writers’ conference in Kyoto. I was a little disappointed. Good luck trying to publish an English fiction book in Japan, they said, because no publishers here accept them. There are English printers here, however, and a strong potential market of foreign readers. So if you have a book already published elsewhere and would like to promote it in Japan, there are several resources available to you, including Printed Matter Press. Here is their website: And of course, if you want to go the self-publishing route, these guys can help with that too.
Other than that, the “Revising Your Novel” seminar, presented by Holly Thompson, was most helpful. Her basic strategy was to systematically go through your novel and create a detailed spreadsheet of necessary revisions in character, setting, theme, etc. and mark these various “threads” wherever they appear with colored sticky notes. Then, read through the novel with only one of these threads in mind. That way you can stay focused and not get bogged down by the sheer size of the project. Here’s a picture of her session:
During lunch, I happened to run into the right people at the right time. I was looking for a place to eat my bento and sat with three ladies outside. We got to talking, and one of the three happened to be Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who I`d been trying to get a hold of for some time. She’s an American published young adult writer living in Japan who’s involved in the SCBWI (Society of Children`s Book Writers and Illustrators). She invited me to go to their major conference in Yokohama on November 28th that`s going to host Alvina Ling, a Senior Editor at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. What an amazing opportunity! For those who are interested, the registration deadline is November 4th. You can sign up at their website,
To hear more about the Kyoto conference and my other adventures in Japan, visit my full blog at!
WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends togeth
er with her own observations.
Last night I was able to attend a private screening of the intriguing documentary Samurai Umpires in the U.S.A. Executive producer/director Takayuki Tanaka is a Japanese native who conceptualized the idea for his film while studying at the New York Film Academy. His work focuses on six Japanese baseball umpires working in the minor leagues with dreams of making it to the Majors.
This all-male group ranges in age and umpiring experience, and the movie delves into Read More
Roland Kelts on Japanese pop music in Daily Yomiuri column

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, has another SOFT POWER/HARD TRUTHS column in The Daily Yomiuri (and also re-printed in 3:AM Magazine) about J-Pop music in America, featuring interviews with Miho Hatori, formerly of Cibo Mato, and Reni-chan, a recent NYC transplant from Tokyo, plus reflections on AKB48.
- Daily Yomiuri SOFT POWER/HARD TRUTHS: Japan’s Music Makers in America
- Link to 3:AM Magazine post of the column:
WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
Last night at Japan Society I had the chance to catch a sneak preview of the American movie version of the Japanese manga series “Testuwan Atomu,” known here in the States as Astro Boy. This wide-eyed, spiky haired superhero has a huge following both here and at home, and his Hollywood debut was greatly anticipated. Though I had never seen the original series, which based on a manga became an anime first in Japan and then here in 1963, I truly enjoyed the Western interpretation of the life of this legendary icon.
The voices were provided by a star-studded cast including Read More
Roland Kelts article in Adbusters: Private Worlds

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, has a good article out in Adbusters magazine.
Private Worlds: Lives spent lurking too long in the shadows of the virtual
Also, Roland is traveling to Korea soon to do give some talks there. If you’re a JET alum living in Korea and you go, make sure to go up and introduce yourself and invite him out for some sho-chu.
WIT Life #52: Manifesto Woes

WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
The Manifesto is the imposing name of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)’s platform for its new government, one that promises to “put people’s lives first.” In order to accomplish this, its five pledges are the end of wasteful spending, childrearing and education, pension and medical care, regional sovereignty and employment and the economy. Although great in theory, new Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is realizing that these goals are easier to state than actually carry out. Japanese ministries and agencies asked to spend a record 95.04 trillion yen ($1 trillion) next fiscal year, risking expansion of the world’s largest public debt.
This creates the issue of whether the DPJ can fulfill its election pledges without worsening an already significant debt burden. In response to this, Fujisankai carried out Read More
JQ Magazine’s “Fall Classic Rock” Issue Now Available Online!

JQ Editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) has done it again. Another great issue of JQ:
Some Dreams Do Come True! JQ’s Fall 2009 Issue is Here!!
FALL 2009 ISSUE: click image below for our homepage
In our final issue of the year, we chat with the men of Anvil! The Story of Anvil, a film that may be on the road to the Oscars next year, and original KISS guitarist Ace Frehley about his memories of touring Nippon in three different decades. On the JETAANY front, read all about our end-of-summer softball tournament and the annual National Conference in Chicago, as well as a wedding announcement. Plus: the New York Anime Festival, Film reviews of Ponyo and The Cove, author interviews, theater, fab “translation tours”…all this and MORE in the new “Fall Classic Rock” issue of JQ!!
Page 3……..Letter From the Editor / Letter From the Treasurer
Page 4……..Nippon News Blotter / CJ’s Wedding
Page 5……..Comings & Goings / JETAA National Conference in Chicago
Page 6……..JETAANY Annual Softball Tournament
Page 7……..Working the Written Word by Alexei Esikoff
Page 8……..Nihonjin in New York – Featuring JETRO’s Maya Eiki-Law by Joe Marucheck
Page 8……..Actor Jun Kim Talks heavenly BENTO by Adren Hart
Page 9……..Americans on Fuji: Talking with Author Sara Backer by Veronika Ruff
Page 10……International Visitor Leadership Program Interpreting by Stacy Smith
Page 11……JQ&A with New York Anime Festival’s Peter Tatara by Justin Tedaldi
Page 13……Anvil with Sacha Gervasi: The JQ Interview: by Justin Tedaldi
Page 14……What We Did This Summer – Photos
Page 15……Theatre Review: A Recipe for heavenly BENTO by Adren Hart
Page 16……Film Review: Hayao Miyazaki’s Ponyo by Lyle Sylvander
Page 17……Book Corner: The China Lover by David Kowalsky
Page 18……Ace Frehley: Back in the New York Groove by Justin Tedaldi
Page 20……New York Anime Festival Photos
Page 21……Film Review: The Cove by Elizabeth Wanic
Page 21……Book Corner: Japanese Kitchen Knives / Food Carving by Yukari Sakamoto
Page 23……Top 12 List / Life After the B.O.E. / Sponsors Index
JETAA Northern California Newsletter: Summer 2009 Pacific Bridges now online

Via Mark Frey (Kumamoto-ken, 2002-06), Editor of Pacific Bridges, the JETAA Northern California quarterly newsletter.
The 2009 Summer Issue of the official JETAA NC newsletter, Pacific Bridge, is now available here! Get caught up on all of your local alumni happenings! Read it online here: or in the “Files” area of our Yahoo Group at
This issue’s theme is “Tradition.” Read about how alumni like you are keeping up various traditions near you, as well as other goings-on in the JET alumni world, including:
– Upcoming events like the Shobu Cup Dodgeball Match!
– Stories about local super-star alumni
– Taboos broached in SF Japanese discussion group
– New website for JET writers, interpreters, translators and job-seekers:
– JETAANC Scholarship Winner, Lukas Bonick, Three Years Later
– Natsu Matsuri Picnic Report
– JETAA National Conference report
– Oyaji’s advice column
– Top 10 List
– …and much more!
Please send any comments to [newsletter(at)jetaanc(dot) org]. Share your talents and build your portfolio by volunteering for the next issue (we seriously need more help)! Thanks to everyone who helped to produce yet another great issue.
Mark Frey (Kumamoto-ken, 2002-06)
Editor, Pacific Bridge
Roland Kelts column in Daily Yomiuri and appearances at the NY Anime Festival this weekend

Here’s the latest Daily Yomiuri column from Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, from his “Soft Power, Hard Truths” series for the Daily Yomiuri. This one about the giant robot Gundam and AKB48 girl-power at this year’s New York Anime Festival, kicking off tomorrow:
Also, Roland will be at the New York Anime Festival at the Javits Center all weekend and says to JET alums, “Please swing by and say hello if you can.” Here’s his schedule for the weekend:
- Friday, 5:15 to 6:15 pm — Yoshiyuki Tomino (GUNDAM)
- Saturday, 12:15 to 1:15 pm — AKB48
- Sunday, 11:15 am to 12:15 pm — Yui Makino
Bruce Rutledge hired as editor of new Ibuki Magazine, seeks ideas and stories from JETs in Pacific Northwest

A nice update from JET alum Bruce Rutledge, the owner of Seattle-based publisher Chin Music Press via the JETAA Pacific Northwest yahoogroup:
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you all know about a new magazine about Japanese culture that was launched this summer. It’s called Ibuki.
You can find it on the Web here:
The publisher has hired me to edit the magazine and has said she would love to hear ideas for stories from former JETs in the Pacific Northwest. The magazine is beginning as a quarterly centered on Seattle, but, the economy willing, it will expand both its focus and its readership in 2010. If you’re coming to Aki Matsuri this weekend, you’ll find publisher Misa Cartier there at the Ibuki table (and you’ll find me at the Chin Music Press table).
Please stop either one of us and say hi if you’re interested in contributing.
For more information about Bruce Rutledge and Chin Music Press just go to
WIT Life #49: Regime Change

WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
Since my last post there has been a huge shakeup in Japanese politics, with the Democratic Party winning in a landslide election and its leader Yukio Hatoyama poised to become the next Prime Minister. His wife, Miyuki, has even been getting lots of press for her claim to have been abducted by aliens and taken to Venus when she was younger. She is already fodder for late-night comedians, as this week she was the subject of a David Letterman Top-Ten list entitled “Signs the Japanese First Lady is Nuts.”
Analysts expect the Democrats to focus at least initially on their ambitious domestic agenda. The party has pledged to change the postwar paradigm, promising to ease growing social inequality by handing more money and social benefits directly to residents rather than to industry or other interest groups. It has promised to strengthen the social safety net and raise the low birthrate by giving families cash handouts of $270 per month per child and by charging lower gasoline taxes. Such policies could bring about the start of recovery by lifting Japan’s flagging consumer spending. Hatoyama has expressed a desire to move away from American-style capitalism.
The party has said it will rein in the powerful central ministries in Tokyo which have run postwar Japan on the Liberal Democrats’ behalf. It plans to wrest away power from ministerial bureaucrats to ensure that spending more closely reflects public needs. However, party’s leaders have not had much to say about how to address productivity, or Japan’s continuing battle with deflation or the overhang of a huge public debt. Due to this, some people have not embraced its platform with much enthusiasm and are not optimistic about the Democrats’ ability to solve looming problems like the growing government debt and a rapidly aging population. Read More