JET ROI: Top Ten “Best of JQ” Articles That Support Our Cause

Wondering how JET alums give back to the community and make new connections with Japan after their work on the program is over? JQ Magazine Editor Justin Tedaldi (Kobe-shi CIR, 2001-02) has compiled a list of ten relevant articles from the past two years that exemplify the dedication of our members.
2010 May/June – Bruce Feiler interview (an author who’s probably the biggest “JET celebrity” out there. Wrote his first book about his JET experiences) by Justin Tedaldi
2010 January/February – Aaron Woolfolk interview (JET alum, first African American to direct a feature film in Japan) by Lyle Sylvander
2010 January/February – Peace Corps profile (talks with those who joined Peace Corps after the positive experience they had on JET) by Marea Pariser
2009 Fall – International Visitor Leadership Program interpreting (shows how JETs can become invaluable interpreters to continue grassroots internationalization at home) by Stacy Smith
2008 Summer – Ambassador Nishimiya interview (boosts visibility of new Japanese officials to our readers; demonstrates strong relationships between JETAA chapters and local government) by Anne Koller
2009 Spring – Hikaru Utada interview (probably the longest English-language interview with Utada out there. It was even translated into Japanese by a resourceful fan) by Justin Tedaldi
2009 Spring – JETAANY Author Showcase (names four notable JET alum authors and also stands as a unique event organized by JETAANY) by Gina Anderson and Justin Tedaldi
2009 Spring – President Sakurai of Japan Society interview (this piece examines JET’s relationship with non-profit cultural centers and is included in Japan Society media kits) by Justin Tedaldi
2008 Fall – Anthony Bianchi interview (JET done good in Japan) by Michael Glazer
2008 Summer – George Rose interview (JET done good at home) by Stacy Smith
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