JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
Do you have a podcast or did you recently appear in a podcast? Help us share it with the community by filling out this form.
Welcome to the JETAA Podcast Beat! I hope the beat will be a great way for everyone to stay updated on JET alumni as well as current JET involvement in podcasts. If you have the chance, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

よっぱれい英会話 English Nomikai Podcast
In this eikaiwa podcast targeted to Japanese English-learners, Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19) talks to fellow JET alumni, current JETs, and Japanese English teachers and friends about cultural differences between Japan and their home countries (all while sharing some drinks!)
Emmalee and Alexis talk about differences in wedding culture between the American North and South and between the US and Japan. Emmalee shares about a wedding she went to that she was not invited to and Alexis shares about how she became interested in watching wedding videos on Youtube.
インスタ: @yoppareikaiwa
Alexisのインスタ: @alexis_eikaiwa

USLawEssentials Law & Language
The USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, co-hosted by Stephen Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) helps non-native English speaking lawyers and law students improve their English and better understand US law and American legal culture. Many of these short episodes are tied to a legal news event or case in the United States. Others include interviews with multilingual lawyers (including a number of JET alumni.) The shows are hosted by attorneys experienced teaching US law and legal English to students and lawyers from around the world.
What’s New in the Legal News: Kanye Tweets His Contract
The USLawEssentials What’s New in the Legal News podcast series continues with slightly less new news – – as Stephen Horowitz introduces to Daniel Edelson a story regarding Kanye West tweeting his music contract. Stephen and Daniel discuss contract drafting and what US attorneys mean by “plain English”. We also discuss why learning plain English is different from learning legal English. In addition, Stephen and Daniel talk about a podcast series we like, Contract Teardown – – where experts share insights on contracts, including Kanye’s contract.
You can find the article Stephen introduces here:

Season by Season
Join Alexis (Shimane-ken, 2009-11) and Kit, lifelong friends who now live on opposite coasts, as they explore poetry, music, and sound on a journey through the rhythm of nature expressed by the seasons.
In this very vegetal episode, author John Forti joins Alexis and Kit to discuss his new book “The Heirloom Gardener.” Our co-hosts take a look at the bounty of the late summer vegetable garden, and admire a beautiful visitor to the garden: the dragonfly.
JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
Do you have a podcast or did you recently appear in a podcast? Help us share it with the community by filling out this form.
Welcome to the JETAA Podcast Beat! I hope the beat will be a great way for everyone to stay updated on JET alumni as well as current JET involvement in podcasts. If you have the chance, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

よっぱれい英会話 English Nomikai Podcast
In this eikaiwa podcast targeted to Japanese English-learners, Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19) talks to fellow JET alumni, current JETs, and Japanese English teachers and friends about cultural differences between Japan and their home countries (all while sharing some drinks!)
Music in New Orleans & Nashville「ニューオリンズとナッシュビルの音楽」with Willie!
Emmalee and Willie (Miyagi-ken, 2017-18) talk about what makes New Orleans special, Willie’s experiences with music in Japan, and compare the music cultures and New Orleans and Nashville.
インスタ: @yoppareikaiwa
Willie: Japan Times, Antigravity, Japan in Nashville Instagram Story

Reinventing Professionals
This podcast hosted by Ari Kaplan (Hyogo-ken, 1993-94) is designed to offer ideas, guidance, and perspectives on how to effectively navigate a perpetually shifting professional landscape, with a unique focus on the legal industry and the technology that is driving its evolution.
Educating the Public About the Law And Earning More Than Five Million Followers in the Process
I spoke with Mike Mandell, a lawyer with Mandell Law in California, who educates the public about the law through social media. We discussed how he produces content for YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, his process for selecting topics for his videos, the message he conveys to consumers, and how he sees the use of content-driven social media tools for lawyers evolving.

USLawEssentials Law & Language
The USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, co-hosted by Stephen Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) helps non-native English speaking lawyers and law students improve their English and better understand US law and American legal culture. Many of these short episodes are tied to a legal news event or case in the United States. Others include interviews with multilingual lawyers (including a number of JET alumni.) The shows are hosted by attorneys experienced teaching US law and legal English to students and lawyers from around the world.
Welcome to another episode of the USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast as we continue our series of interviews with multilingual attorneys and other professionals related to the legal field. In this episode, Stephen Horowitz interviews Clara Solomon. Clara is the Director of Counseling & Career Development at the renowned New York University School of Law.
Clara shares her experiences living abroad – – including her experience studying abroad in Japan when she was just 15 years old – – and how this led to her current position counseling attorneys as they embark on new careers after law school. Clara’s international experiences enable her to provide a unique and sensitive perspective on the challenges for international students interested in legal work in the United States.

Now and Zen Japan
Insightful conversations with Japan experts focused on business and culture, with stories of success & failure and lessons learned. Entertaining and educational, discover first-hand what it’s like to live, work, and experience the most fascinating country in the world. Direct from Tokyo, this is the Now and Zen Podcast!
Robert Whiting Part 2: “Tokyo Junkie” Baseball Stories and more
Part 2 of my interview with author Robert Whiting about his recent best selling memoir “Tokyo Junkie” 60 years of bright lights, back alleys, and baseball. In this episode, Bob tells great stories about colorful foreign players and well-known Japanese baseball stars. Part 2, we talk mostly about the baseball stories from his memoir, but also get into the important story of how writing his first book “The Chrysanthemum and the Bat” completely changed his life. Together with episode #1 this is another important and rare opportunity to hear the history and evolution of Tokyo, from one Olympics in 1964 to the the current Tokyo 2020 games as lived and experienced by a true story teller, Robert Whiting.
JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
Do you have a podcast or did you recently appear in a podcast? Help us share it with the community by filling out this form.
Welcome to the JETAA Podcast Beat! I hope the beat will be a great way for everyone to stay updated on JET alumni as well as current JET involvement in podcasts. If you have the chance, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

よっぱれ英会話 English Nomikai Podcast
In this eikaiwa podcast targeted to Japanese English-learners, Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19) talks to fellow JET alumni, current JETs, and Japanese English teachers and friends about cultural differences between Japan and their home countries (all while sharing some drinks!)
Impostor Syndrome「インポスター症候群」with Teresa!
Emmalee and Teresa (Tokyo, 2015-20) talk about their experiences with “Impostor Syndrome” and work culture in the U.S. and Japan. They introduce some problems for young people entering the workplace, and share the ways that they deal with these problems.
インスタ: @yoppareikaiwa

USLawEssentials Law & Language
The USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, co-hosted by Stephen Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) helps non-native English speaking lawyers and law students improve their English and better understand US law and American legal culture. Many of these short episodes are tied to a legal news event or case in the United States. Others include interviews with multilingual lawyers (including a number of JET alumni.) The shows are hosted by attorneys experienced teaching US law and legal English to students and lawyers from around the world.
Multilingual Lawyer: Yunjeong Hwang
In this latest episode of the USLawEssentials Law & Language Podcast, Daniel Edelson interviews multilingual lawyer, Yunjeong Hwang (
Ms. Hwang is a South Korean attorney who specializes in representing expatriates living in South Korea and people overseas with legal issues related to South Korea. She advocates on behalf of her clients in a wide range of matters, including family law, commercial litigation, cases arising under tort law, and employment disputes.
Ms. Hwang explains how she protects her clients’ rights while remaining sensitive to their language barriers. We learn how a lawyer is very often more than just a person with knowledge of the law, but someone who counsels a client in extraordinarily challenging circumstances. In addition to sharing examples of her recent cases, Ms. Hwang discusses how she helps international clients navigate the South Korean legal system.

Design Future Now
How is design changing as a discipline and profession? How do we face these opportunities as a community? AIGA’s Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06) explores these questions and more with creative practitioners and leaders.
ReStart: Teaching Roomies and Zoomies with Allan Chochinov
The ReStart from AIGA is a new content series that helps the design community move forward from COVID by posing salient questions and providing practical strategies. We are kicking off the series here on the podcast, and will be publishing interviews and panel discussions and other expert content across AIGA’s channels over the next few weeks.
In this episode, host Lee-Sean Huang talks with Allan Chochinov about his research and experimentation dealing with the challenges of hybrid teaching, with some students in the room, and some students on Zoom..
Allan is an educator writer, speaker, and advocate for the power and capacity of design. He’s the founding chair of the MFA in Products of Design at the School of Visual Arts in New York.
JET Prefecture Round Up (May 2018)

JET Prefecture Round Up is a mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture alumni).
When: May 12
Where: Shiga Prefecture
This is a perfect opportunity to see a very traditional Japanese community surrounded by unspoilt nature.
When: May 12
Where: Chiba Prefecture
Join Chiba AJET and friends in the beautiful Chiba Minato Park and enjoy sports and snacking!
When: May 19
Where: Hiroshima Prefecture
Don your neon helmet, reflective armbands, and your tightest biking Lycra to ride over 70 km with AJET.
Block 11’s Out There On Okinawa
When: May 19-20
Where: Okinawa Prefecture
Block 11 is hitting the seas and bringing the party down to Okinawa!
21st Annual Oita AJET Charity Bike Ride
When: May 26-27
Where: Oita Prefecture
Oita AJET invites you to participate in the 21st Annual Oita Charity Bike Ride!
JET Prefecture Round Up (April 2018)

JET Prefecture Round Up is a mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture alumni).
Cherry Blossom Viewing & Potluck Party
When: April 1
Where: Shizuoka Prefecture
Enjoy Shizuoka Matsuri under the cherry blossoms. Entrance is free but please bring some nibbles or drinks to share.
The Ultimate Hanami and After Party of 2018
When: April 7
Where: Tokyo
Celebrate spring with JETs and ALTs in Japan. The event’s totally free, with free snacks and drinks (while they last!). There’s also an after-party once the sun sets.
When: April 14
Where: Okinawa Prefecture
Calling all OkiJETs! April is just around the corner and you know what that means: it’s Gumball Rally time!! It’s a super cool island-wide event similar to a scavenger hunt where you complete tasks for points.
When: April 14
Where: Miyazaki Prefecture
This is one of Miyazaki AJET’s biggest events of the year, similar to the TV show. This year, the challenges and clues will be based on Harry Potter!
Regional JET and ALT Gathering
When: April 20
Where: Tokyo
Experience a night of elegance and receive special VIP treatment at one of the most acclaimed establishments in all of Tokyo! JETs, alumni, ALTs, or anyone who joins this page will be included as a VIP. Entrance fee is 2500 yen (3500 yen at the door).
When: April 21
Where: Aomori Prefecture
This year is the 100th anniversary of the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival and Aomori AJET’s Hanami will coincide with its opening day.
AJET Tokyo Scavenger Hunt 2018
When: April 21
This will be the 5th Block 4 Tokyo Scavenger Hunt! For this event, you and your team will complete a variety of different missions around the city of Tokyo!
When: April 21
Where: Kumamoto Prefecture
Once again, it’s music and party time on the side of the world’s largest caldera brought to you by Kuma AJET. For those of you leaving Japan this summer, it’s a great last chance to see friends. Cost is 1000 yen.
JET Prefecture Round Up (January 2018)

JET Prefecture Round Up is a mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture).
Regional JET and ALT New Year’s Gathering
When: 14 January
Where: Tokyo
For the first time ever, AJET is throwing a New Year’s party for all current and past participants of the JET Program as an effort to expand the network between JETs and representatives of various prefectures. Non-JETs are also welcome.
YETI Ski Trip Jan 2018 – Chiba Connection
When: 19-21 January
Where: Nagano Prefecture
This annual ski trip is hosted by YETI so feel free to invite your friends!
When: 20-21 January
Where: Yamagata Prefecture
Yamagata AJET invites you to their Block 2 Winter Event, the Zao Onsen Ski Trip! Join them for a weekend of skiing, snowboarding, relaxing in onsens, snow-monster appreciation, and enkais!
When: 27 January
Where: Tottori Prefecture
Okayama AJET will be holding a trip to Mount Daisen for some good old skiing/snowboarding.
BLOCK Event: Nara City Scavenger Hunt & Yamayaki!
When: 27 January
Where: Nara Prefecture
Nara AJET invites all members of Block 7 and beyond to a scavenger hunt in the city and a chance to witness fireworks and mountain burning at one of Nara’s oldest and biggest events, the Mount Wakakusa Yamayaki.
HAJET Book Club: The Lies of Locke Lamora
When: 27 January
Where: Hyogo Prefecture
Winter vacation is a good chance to catch up on books so join Hyogo AJET to discuss “The Lies of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch.
JET Prefecture Round up 12.16.17

JET Prefecture Round Up is a weekly mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan, (Tottori Prefecture).
Global Cafe: A Christmas Special
When: 17 December
Where: Kyoto Prefecture
Kameoka International Exchange Association is hosting a Christmas party this Sunday. It’s free for foreigners and includes snacks, games, presents, and a little craft workshop.
When: 25 December
Where: Shiga Prefecture
For those of you who’re staying in Japan for Christmas, you’re invited along to a Christmas day get together and potluck dinner.
When: 29 December
Where: Ishi-gun, Shimane Prefecture
Kadomatsu are traditional Japanese New Year decorations. Come visit Iinan and learn how to make your own, using real bamboo and decorations.
JET Prefecture Round Up 12.02.17

JET Prefecture Round Up is a weekly mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan, (Tottori Prefecture).
Become a Samurai Warrior at Sengan-en!
When: 8 – 17 December
Where: Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture
Visit Sengan-en, home of the Shimadzu clan, and become a samurai warrior for a small price! What better way can you create an unforgettable memory of your time in Japan?
When: 9 December
Where: Izumo, Shimane Prefecture
Try something different this year and celebrate the season with Shimane AJET at Marine Thalasso’s heated indoor pool!
When: 9 December
Where: Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture
It’s that time of year again! Catch the best holiday illuminations in Shizuoka and enjoy a meal buffet style with Shizuoka AJET.
When: 9 December
Where: Shiga Prefecture
Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater, bring a pressie, and come share in Shiga AJET’s festivities for one night only.
When: 9 December
Where: Beppu, Oita Prefecture
RSVP if you’d like to partake in this annual all you eat and drink event hosted by Oita AJET.
JET Prefecture Round Up 23.11.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
When: 26 November
Where: Matsue, Shimane Prefecture
Even though Thanksgiving is technically over, that’s no reason not to keep the celebrations going this weekend!
When: 2 December
Where: Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture
Join Niigata AJET to learn how to make Niigata’s favorite treat, sasadango, from mugwort-flavored mochi, red beans, and bamboo leaves!
All You Can Eat Crab & Onsen Bus Trip!
When: 2 December
Where: Kumihama, Kyoto Prefecture
Sign up for an all you can eat crab buffet, hot springs, and Amanohashidate on a one-day-only trip!
Block 3 AJET Event: Mitsumine Shrine and Yomatsuri
When: 3 December
Where: Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture
Celebrate Chichibu City’s annual festival, Yomatsuri, where dozens of enormous portable shrines are marched through the city after a spectacular fireworks display.
JET Prefecture Round up! 11.06.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
When: 11-12 November
Where: Gokase, Miyazaki Prefecture
Miyaki AJET invites you to spend a packed weekend in Gokase kayaking, taking in the vibrant koyo, making friends at a cabin party, and checking out Heike Matsuri!
When: 12 November
Where: Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture
Kagoshima AJET is inviting all community members to finish off SDC weekend strong by hiking up one of Kagoshima’s volcanoes!
When: 12 November
Where: Nakatsu, Oita Prefecture
This autumn, join Oita AJET for a wicked biking trip on the Yabakei trail.
HAJET Book Club: The Left Hand of Darkness
When: 12 November
Where: Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture
Why not join HAJET for a chilled afternoon of discussion about books? They will be covering The Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.
JET Prefecture Round up 30.10.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
Hey, past and present JETs! Here’s a snapshot of what’s going on in Nihon-land this week!
When: 1-3 November
Where: Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture
On Culture Day, head to Onomichi for its famous Betcha Matsuri. At the festival, three oni (Betcha, Soba, and Shoki) will “beat” the sickness out of you to bless you with good health for the following year! The festival also a temple walk and amazing taiko performances.
Shizuoka City Daidogei Festival
When: 2-5 November
Where: Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture
Shizuoka AJET invites everyone to an annual event that features street performers from around the world juggling, dancing, and performing acrobatics, comedy, and aerial acts!
When: 3 November
Where: Moriyama, Kyoto Prefecture
Spend Culture Day appreciating ukiyo-e paintings at Sagawa Art Museum with Shiga AJET.
Learn to make Japanese sparklers
When: 3 November
Where: Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture
Did you know that only three companies in Japan make traditional sparklers? KumAJET invites you to join in this exciting workshop that involves real-life gunpowder!
When: 3-5 November
Where: Miyama, Kagoshima Prefecture
This annual pottery festival is held in the small pottery village of Miyama. Get some Korean-inspired Japanese pottery for your kitchen!
When: 5 November
Where: Matsue, Shimane Prefecture
It’s never too late to celebrate Halloween. Join in a traditional Halloween dinner party for lots of fall food. Fancy dress is optional but there’s a prize for the best outfit!
JET Prefecture Round up! 23.10.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
What’s on this week? Halloween parties and lots of other unique festivals! Here’s a snapshot of some cool events to check out!
When: 28 October
Where: Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture
Calling all ghouls and girls! Join Block 6 for their annual Halloween bash. Party includes nomihodai, a costume contest, and a dance contest! Get your groove on!
When: 28 October
Where: Omura, Nagasaki Prefecture
Is there anywhere spookier to celebrate Halloween than in a cabin in the woods?
When: 29 October
Where: Misasa, Tottori Prefecture
Are you brave enough to walk on fire barefoot like the monks do?
When: 29 October
Where: Iwami, Shimane Prefecture
Block 9 JETs, share in this JET Furusato Vision Project cultural event! Join in the Iwami kagura dance and ignite your creative spark with Iwami yaki pottery workshops!
JET Prefecture Round up! 10.16.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
Hey JETs, past and present! October’s not even over yet and there’s still a lot going on! Read on to find out how you can get in on all the action!
Journey to the end of the night
When: 21 October
Where: Toyama Park (West), Children’s Square, Tokyo
Join in a massive (and free!) game of tag that spans six parks and about 9 km across the city!
When: 21 October
Where: Tajima, Hyogo Prefecture
If you like answering Halloween-inspired trivia questions, drinking, and just plain having fun, this one’s for you!
When: 21 October
Where: Fukui Prefecture
Block 5, get ready for the biggest and best co-ed 5-a-side football tournament this side of Japan. No team required!
When: 21 October
Where: Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture
Think fast! All JETs are welcome to visit Kyushu’s famous theme park that’s closing at the end of the year.
When: 21 October
Where: Ehime Prefecture
Hike up the highest mountain peak (1982 m) in western Japan with Ehime AJET!
When: 22 October
Where: Kanoya, Kagoshima Prefecture
Get in on the Halloween action early with a costume contest and pumpkin weight guessing contest at the Ryujin Taisai Festival!
AJET Charity Toyama Scavenger Hunt
When: 22 October
Where: Toyama-shi, Toyama Prefecture
Explore the city, make new friends, and raise money for a good cause! Proceeds will go to the Bridge For Smile charity.
Outdoor Climbing Day at Zakkokutani
When: 22 October
Where: Toyama Prefecture
Beginner and experienced climbers, grab your harnesses and let’s go outside!
JET Prefecture Round up! 10.09.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
Hey, everyone! There’s another national holiday this week (Health and Sports Day) so who’s ready for some hiking, kiritanpo, kayaking, parades, beef, and screaming? Read on to find out more!
When: 7-9 October
Where: Odate, Akita Prefecture
Enjoy live performances and kiritanpo (rice grilled stick and specialty of Akita prefecture) at this unique festival.
29th Yufuin Eat Beef and Scream Tournament
When: 9 October
Where: Yufuin, Oita Prefecture
I scream, you scream, we all scream for beef (literally)! Head to Mount Yufu for this unusual event that combines beef eating and screaming into a stratovolcano.
When: 9 October
Where: Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture
Help carry the mikoshi and be part of one of Ogaki’s biggest events for the year!
When: 14 October
Where: Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture
Celebrate Halloween early by hitting the street with Kyoto’s very own yokai parade.
When: 14 October
Where: Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture
Pack a bento and come kayak Japan’s largest freshwater lake with a professional instructor!
When: 15 October
Where: Miyoshi, Tokushima Prefecture
Strap on those hiking boots to climb Shikoku’s third tallest peak.
JET Prefecture Round up! 10.02.17

By Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture)
Put away that cool biz. October is here! Before you snuggle under that kotatsu, here are some events to get you nice and toasty!
When: 8 October
Where: Otsu, Shiga Prefecture
Get ready to work it. Shiga AJET invites volunteers to flex those muscles to pull festival floats at the famous Otsu Matsuri.
When: 7 October
Where: Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture
This fall, Block 6 kicks off their welcome undoukai/picnic in the park for all Block 6 JETs, new and old.
When: 8 October
Where: Hita, Oita Prefecture
Oita AJET welcomes all JETs and friends to hop on a pleasure boat, drink, eat, and relax on Hita’s Mikuma river.
When: 7 October
Where: Nagaoka, Kochi Prefecture
It’s time for HAJET’s annual rafting trip down south. Grab a paddle pronto!