Jun 15

Tokushima “Awa Odori” chicken curry

Tom Baker (Chiba, 1989-91) is writing a 47-part weekly series of posts on his Tokyo Tom Baker blog, in which he samples and comments on a curry from a different prefecture each week. Here’s an excerpt from his fifh installment, about Tokushima Prefecture:

The largely rural prefecture was once a major supplier of chicken to the urban market in Osaka, a relatively short boat ride away.

But in the late 1960s, poultry imports began on a large scale—particularly from Brazil, which is still a significant supplier of chicken to Japan. In the face of such competition, the absolute and relative size of the Tokushima poultry industry began to shrink.

In an effort to distinguish their product, Tokushima farmers began crossbreeding Shamo chickens (a Japanese breed that has Thai roots) with white Plymouth Rock chickens from America. They called the resulting birds … Awa Odori.

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