Job: Paid Translation Opportunity with Japanese Professor 05.14.12

Via JETAA DC. Posted by Kay Monroe (Miyazaki-shi, 1995 -97).
Position: Paid Translation Opportunity with Japanese Professor
Posted by: Professor Yasuaki Onuma of Meiji University
Professor Yasuaki Onuma of Meiji University (he retired to there after 35+ years at Todai) is working on translating into English for publication a short primer on international law he wrote, and he is looking for individuals fluent in Japanese to help him with one or more chapters. Chapter topics include territory, nationality and citizenship, global environment, and dispute settlement. Chapters are 35-55 small-sized pages in Japanese (the book is much smaller than 8 1/2 x 11 size).
If you or someone you know would be interested, please contact Professor Onuma at onuma@j.u-tokyo. He will be in the DC area until the end of the month, and is of course happy to work long-distance once he is back in Japan. I’ve gotten to know Professor Onuma as a visiting scholar at my school, he’s a wonderful guy, and he would greatly appreciate any help he can get. (Doug MacLean, 2002-04 ALT, Akita-Ken)
Manga tells incredible tale of Hiroshima atomic bombing

A quick book recommendation from current Hiroshima-ken JET Gail Cetnar Meadows…
Now and then I read a book that’s so good I want to tell everyone I meet about it, and I’ve recently finished one such book. For those interested in learning more about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, I highly recommend a graphic novel written by atomic bomb survivor Keiji Nakazawa. Barefoot Gen: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima is a 10-volume graphic novel loosely based on Nakazawa’s experiences and those of other Hiroshima residents who survived the bomb. The book taught me a lot about what happened in Hiroshima in the year’s following World War II — things beyond what I learned visiting Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Museum or listening to the accounts of hibakusha. For those who are interested, I’ve written a piece on the Wide Island View talking a little more about it and encouraging others to check it out.