Getting Unstuck: How to Take Control of Your Schedule and Stop Hijacking Your Own Agenda

Jonathan Bissell (Chiba-ken, 1995-2000) is the author of Dream in Color, Think in Black & White: How to Get Unstuck and Fulfill Your Dreams and CEO of High Performance Impact, LLC, an executive coaching firm helping proven and emerging leaders to identify and consistently leverage patterns of high performance. He blogs at
Staying in control of your schedule isn’t easy – especially when you’re stressed out, pressed for time, or dealing with multiple deadlines and the demands of others.
But let’s face it: Sometimes the saboteur is you.
If you’ve ever created a great agenda for your day but found yourself doing something completely unrelated when you actually sat down to work, then you know exactly what I mean.
Having your agenda hijacked by someone else is bad enough, but when you’re the main culprit, the loss of control is even more demoralizing. But rather than play the blame game (haven’t you had enough of that?), let’s focus on solutions to the problem.
Here are 3 quick tips you can immediately put into practice to regain control of your schedule and stop hijacking your own agenda.
- Schedule Your Shadow Priorities. Shadow priorities are the things that you actually do even when you plan to do something else. These priorities are not listed on your agenda, but they exert a powerful influence on how you spend your time. So give them the attention they seek by including them on your agenda, but set clear boundaries around how much time you allot to them. For example, if your plan is to rethink your strategic objectives but you find yourself checking email instead, then incorporate email as a priority on your agenda and schedule specific time blocks to attend to it. You’ll find that scheduling your shadow priorities gives them the attention they crave – and the boundaries they lack.
Job: Exec Asst to President at Japanese non-profit (D.C.)

Originally posted to the JETAA DC Google Group by Niigata JET alum Shreena Patel. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Executive Assistant
Posted by: S&R Foundation
Location: Washington D.C.
Type: Full-time
Founded in 2000 by Dr. Sachiko Kuno and Dr. Ryuji Ueno, the S&R Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to support talented individuals with great potential and high aspirations in the arts, sciences, and social entrepreneurship, especially those who are furthering international cultural collaboration. S&R sponsors annual award programs, hosts events and works with its partners to encourage innovation, and promote cultural and personal growth. Read More
Job: ESL teacher, The New Jersey Japanese School – (Oakland, NJ)

Via JET alum Hope Sterns. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: ESL Teacher
Posted by: The New Jersey Japanese School
Location: Oakland, NJ
The New Jersey Japanese School in Oakland, NJ ( is seeking an ESL teacher for an immediate opening. One of their teachers had to leave unexpectedly. New York / New Jersey certification is not required for this position, and they don’t seem to be too picky about experience due to the urgency.
If interested, please email an introduction letter and resume to the Principal, Takaharu Fukuzawa at
Job: Japanese documentary maker for NHK seeks short term assistant

Thanks to JET alum Stacy Smith for passing this on. The documentary maker needs assistance, particularly with getting certain permissions in English. See below for more details.
Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Assistant to documentary film maker
Posted by: Sho Ishida (NHK)
Type: Temp
My name is Sho Ishida, a freelance TV producer/researcher based in NY, USA.
I am mainly working on behalf of NHK – a Japanese public TV station. One of NHK’s nature documentary TV program called “Here comes Darwin” is planning to film the wildecology of the Pocupane Caribou. Please let me introduce our TV program following my proposal. Read More
JQ Magazine Editor Interviewed by FCI News on X Japan at Madison Square Garden

JQ magazine editor Justin Tedaldi talks X Japan outside Madison Square Garden, Oct. 11, 2014. (Courtesy of FCI NY)
JQ magazine editor/Japanese Culture Examiner Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) was recently interviewed by Alex York of Fujisankei (FCI) News for commentary on X Japan’s debut performance at Madison Square Garden on Oct. 11.
The spectacular three-hour show (see JQ‘s review of the concert here) was X Japan’s first and only American concert in four years, and the first to retain the band’s signature full stage production outside of Japan. Check out the video here or click on the image for Justin’s comments, and read his exclusive interview with X Japan’s leader Yoshiki here.
Direct link:
【RocketNews24】Learn Japanese from YouTube: Amp up your listening skills with this four-step guide

Posted by Michelle Lynn Dinh (Shimane-ken, Chibu-mura, 2010–13), editor and writer for RocketNews24. The following article was written by Fran Wrigley, writer and translator for RocketNews24, a Japan-based site dedicated to bringing fun and quirky news from Asia to English speaking audiences.
It used to be that if you were studying a foreign language in your own country, the only listening practice that was easily available to you was hearing your teacher or classmates speak, or listening to the CD that came with your textbook. The first Japanese textbook I ever bought actually came with a cassette tape, which was particularly irritating as it was 2006 and I didn’t even own a Walkman any more.
Then someone invented a website that allowed users to upload short videos for all the world to see. Fast-forward nine years and YouTube is one of the biggest sites on the planet, making it a veritable treasure trove of free online spoken content.
So whether you’re after language lessons, YouTubers who vlog in Japanese, or just want to try watching your cat videos in a foreign language, online videos could be your new secret weapon. The trick is just knowing where to look.
Continue to our four-step guide here!
Event: NYC information session for PhD program in Japan (Nov 1)

Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Posted by: GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)
Location: Information Session in NY
Date: Nov. 1
Information Session in N.Y. introducing a recently launched Master’s & PhD program with full-scholarship in Japan “GRIPS Global Governance Program(G-cube)!
The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Japan is now recruiting its second batch of students for a recently launched 5-year Ph.D. program called “GRIPS Global Governance Program (G-cube)”. Read More
Job: Mitsubishi Corp. interested in hiring JET alums, will be at Boston Career Forum in Nov.

Thanks to JET alum Jessica Kling, who works for the Embassy in DC, for passing on this message from Mitsubishi Corp. for JET alums. The gist is that Mitsubishi is interested in hiring JET alums and will be having info sessions specifically for former JETs at the Boston Career Forum Nov 8-9. See below for more details.
Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Posted by: Mitsubishi Corporation
Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) will be joining the Boston Career Forum next month and plans to hold info sessions specifically for former JET participants on November 8-9.
Here at Mitsubishi Corporation, we have many former JET participants currently working in a variety of fields (see below) at our Tokyo head offices, as well as our offices and group companies both in and outside Japan. Please see the video available at the following link to learn more about what we do at Mitsubishi Corporation: Read More
Job: Nippon Express – Specialist (Columbus, OH)

Originally posted to Great Lakes JETAA by Rhea Young. See below for more info. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Specialist
Posted by: Nippon Express
Location: Columbus, OH
Type: Full-time
Nippon Express is a Freight Forwarding Company and has recently acquired increased Import business. This increase in business will require an additional person to our team. This new full time position will be Exempt with the title of Specialist I, This position will do the required data entry, customer service to ensure the shipments are received in a timely manner. This position will require the employee to follow the business after hours. We will offer this position between $35,000 – $38,000 based on experience. This position prefers a Japanese speaker and related work experience. Read More
Job: InsideJapan Tours seeks Aussies (Nagoya)

Thanks to Sydney JET alum Eden Law for sharing this. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Posted by: InsideJapan Tours
Location: Nagoya
Passionate about Japan? Want to help people from around the world experience quite how amazing Japan is? A job with Inside Japan Tours could be just what you are looking for.
InsideJapan Tours is part of InsideAsia Tours Ltd a small team of dedicated people all with a passion for travel that ‘gets beneath the surface’. Our offices are located in the UK, Japan and the US with a team of 34 full time staff ensuring we provide the very best experience for every one of our thousands of clients annually.
There’s a job opening in the Nagoya office of InsideJapan Tours, a British-based travel company, and they’re looking for Aussies to fill a position. Since the company has lots of ex-JETs working there, it’s a perfect fit. You can find out more here:
JET alum’s column on Ebola in USAToday

JET alum Emily Metzgar (Shimane-ken, 1995-93), a professor of journalism at Indiana University, has a column in USAToday this week titled, “Is U.S. ‘stuck on stupid’ on Ebola outbreak?”
If Emily’s name sounds familiar, it’s because she’s also the author of Promoting Japan: One JET at a time, a paper based on surveys of and research on the JET alumni community that attempts to measure return on JET-vestment.
Job: Two International Education Positions at BUNAC (AZ)

Posted by Sean Pavlik (Fukui-ken, 2010-12), International Programs Officer for the DC-based Congressional Study Group on Japan. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
BUNAC is currently recruiting for two positions that will be based in Chandler, Arizona. We are looking for a Sales and Marketing Coordinator as well as a Program Coordinator. The successful applicants will be individuals with international experience, who are creative, outgoing and interested in entering the international education / work abroad field.
Full descriptions for these positions may be found on our website
Application deadline is the 31st of October.
Event: Boston Career Forum – English/Japanese job fair – Nov. 7, 8, 9

Thanks to JET alum Catherine Rackley (Chiba-ken, 2005-06) who works for DISCO International for sharing this JET-relevant announcement. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Boston Career Forum
Posted by: DISCO International
Location: Boston, MA
Date: Nov. 7-9, 2014
Boston Career Forum, JET Alumni Welcome!
The Boston Career Forum, the biggest annual English/Japanese job fair, is coming up next month, and we’re extending an open invitation to any returning and former JETs interested in using their experience in Japan and Japanese language ability in their careers. Companies from all different industries are hiring for positions in Japan and elsewhere, including 80 companies requiring just business level Japanese and 12 companies looking for only conversational Japanese speakers. Read More
Job: Embassy of Japan – Administrative Assistant Political Section (D.C.)

Thanks to JETAA DC Vice-President Joy Young, who also works at the Embassy, for sharing this JET-relevant job listing. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Administrative Assistant Political Section
Posted by: Embassy of Japan
Location: Washington D.C.
Type: Full-time
The Embassy of Japan is seeking an individual for the position of administrative assistant at the Political Desk. The Embassy offers group health insurance coverage, paid vacation and sick leave. Salary is commensurate with experience. Read More
Job: Multiple Positions – Sasakawa Peace Foundation (D.C.)

Thanks to CLAIR-NY’s Matt Gillam for passing this on. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Multiple Positions (see below)
Posted by: Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA
Location: Washington D.C.
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA is undergoing a dramatic organizational revamp and we need to add enthusiastic and thoughtful staff members to our team to continue our mission of dedication to research, analysis and better public understanding of the U.S.-Japan relationship. Openings range from entry-level to experienced and include opportunities to work at all levels of our ever-diversifying programs. Read More