NY-based JET alum Carol Elk was in D.C. on Tuesday to see the cherry blossoms and was kind enough to share some of her hanami photos.
JETAA NY Meishi Exchange – March 19, 2009

Thanks to JET alum Francis Lee, we now have photos–really good photos–from last Thursday’s JETAA NY Meishi Exchange networking event, which was held at Aja on 6th Ave. between 9th & 10th Sts.
Many thanks to JET alum Vlad Baranenko for capturing the JET Alumni Author Showcase in photographs. Click “Read More” below to see all the photos.
JET Alums and the art scene

What’s the connection between JET alumni and the NY art scene? It turns out that a JET alum, Matt Schlecht (Akita-ken, 1998-99), is the editor of NY Art Beat (www.nyartbeat.com), an online art review and listings site, which grew out of Tokyo Art Beat. Matt says they’re always looking for writers to contribute to the NY Art Beat blog, which features reviews, interviews, and photo reports. So if there are any JET alums out there looking to gain exposure for their writing or photography, please feel free to get in touch with him.
Meanwhile, at the JET Alumni Author Showcase earlier today, a JET alum named Alan (I didn’t get his last name) mentioned that he’s an artist in NYC and would be interested in organizing a JET Alumni Artist Showcase one of these days. He inquired about the best way to go about making this happen, and after additional thought my suggestion would be…
- Someone should start a JET Alumni Art group, either on GoogleGroups or Facebook or whatever medium you prefer.
- Let me know about it so I can post info about it on JetWit
- Let JETAA NY and other chapters know about it so they can mention it in their announcements to their members (I can help with this part too)
JETAA Toronto Art Exhibit

JETAA Art Exhibit
Showcasing Japan-inspired art by former JET English teachers
JETAA Toronto is has put together a terrific event that both taps the JET alumni community’s talent and shows off the wonderful accomplishments as well.
When: Saturday, March 28 (7:30 pm) & Sunday, March 29 (1:30 pm)
Where: Gladstone Art Bar, 1214 Queen St. W., Toronto, ONFeeling sentimental about the land of rice and the rising sun? Never been and interested in an artistic adventure?
Come join Toronto’s JET Alumni Association for our first ever art show on Saturday, March 28. The art exhibit, titled Natsukashii (Japanese for sentimental), will feature a wide range of Japan-inspired art by our talented alumni members.
Have a drink with us as you admire their creativity, listen to tunes spun by a deejay and reminisce about the good times you had teaching Japanese kids the difference between Rs and Ls.
Those not members of JETAA are also welcome.
Doors at the Gladstone Art Bar, located on 1214 Queen St. W., open at 7:30 p.m. Cover is $5.
For questions, please email Amber Hildebrandt at jetaatoronto.sports@gmail.com.
More info on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/event.php?eid=55540550813&ref=nf
Obama Sushi

Thanks to JETAA Pacific Northwest for sharing this link to an amazing Obama sushi spread. Also make sure to check out the second page for the full behind-the-scenes view.
Sean Sakamoto is a JET alum currently embedded in Gifu Prefecture. The following is a post from his blog “I’d Rather Be…In Japan“.
Godzilla never looked so good. One of the joys of living in a foreign country is that I don’t take things for granted that everyone around me sees as normal. In this case, I’m talking about plastic food. Everywhere in Japan, restaurants put replicas of their dishes in the windows of their restaurants.
The first time I saw this, I thought it was hilarious. Then I was glad, because I could not actually read the menu. For me the fake food samples are really helpful. But what about Japanese people? Do the samples help you choose your dinner?
As it happens, I now live in the birthplace of the fake food replica. Gujo Hachiman is where the phony baloney, ramen, and even
Click here to read the rest of the post “Faking it in Hachiman”
JETAA Pacific Northwest Bounenkai Photos

JETAA Pacific Northwest recently held its bounnenkai which apparently included a trivia game contest. Photos from JETAA PNW’s Treasurer/Webmaster Shun Endo can be seen on the JETAA PNW site at the link below.
Hi Alumni,
I hope everybody is staying positive in this unstable economy. Reach out, get support, and maintain hope! You’re not alone.
I finally got around to posting the pictures that I took at the PNW JETAA Bounenkai. There are a lot of fun pictures, including a nice group shot! check them out!
http://www.pnw. jetalumni. org/?p=549
There are few more quintessentially American experiences than volunteering on Thanksgiving. Here’s a nice photo of Fumitake “Fumi” Saijo and Koki Kimoto from the Japan Local Government Center (a/k/a
CLAIR New York) working in the kitchen with Kia Cheleen (CIR, Aichi-ken 1996-98, ALT 1998-1999) (not pictured) to prepare Thanksgiving meals through a project run by the Grand Central Neighborhood Social Services Network.
JET alum photos from Obama-shi, Fukui-ken Celebration

JET alum professional translator Philip Schnell happened to be in Japan at the time of Obama’s presidential victory, decided to drop in on Obama-shi and stumbled into the surreal experience of a Japanese Obama watch/victory party.
Click here to see more of his photos.
Kinokuniya (NY) to host George Hirose – Night Light – Fri. Dec 5

Kinokuniya Book Store (6th Ave between 40th & 41st Sts.) will be hosting the George Hirose: Night Light – Images from Japan, New York exhibit from December 5-30, with a special reception and book signing on Friday, December 5 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
The reception will also feature a live performance of traditional Okinawan music by KOSSAN (who plays for the popular and exuberant chindon band HappyFunSmile for which George has done photography work and is a big fan.)