New England JETAA Career Workshop: “Marketing Yourself in a Tough Economy” – March 2

New England JETAA Career Workshop: “Marketing Yourself in a Tough Economy”
Make sure to RSVP to president [at]!
When: Tuesday, March 02, 3:00PM – 6:00PM (This coming week!)
Where: Downtown Crossing, Borders Bookstore, Robert M. Morgan Conference Room
Map: Borders Boston Map (near Downtown Crossing T station):
Cost: Free! (There will also be some free food)
We will get a pep talk from Professor Ian Condry of MIT about how to use your JET experience to further your career.
We will have a discussion with people in several different industries in which you may have interest:
*Entrepreneurial/ Non-profit
There will be a resume workshop. Bring some copies of your resume to trade with others and help each other out! The more eyes you have looking at your resume, the more ways you’ll be able to improve it. We will also have a discussion on resume dos and don’ts.
We will adjourn to a nearby bar/restaurant afterward for informal networking and relaxing. This is a great way to meet new people and
discuss your career.
Finally, for those who cannot attend the event but have some career-related wisdom/advice they would like to pass on, please send an email to webmaster [at] We’ll make sure to share your comments with our attendees at the end of the workshop.
Here’s your chance to get some JET-specific advice in your quest to career-up!
Thanks for your attention, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Joshikai SF: A new meet-up for Japanese women and women connected to Japan
Next meeting: Thursday, 2/11
For February’s Joshikai, the author of Shortchanged: A Japanese Women’s Guide to International Romance(, Mieko Mochizuki Swartz will give advice about international relationships and romance, addressing differences in communication styles and cultural expectations. The talk will be followed by time for networking, chatting and drinking.
(See full details below)
JetWit Note: Apparently the first event they held was wonderful–they had about 35 women in attendance, with a good mix of Japanese and American women including a number of JET alums!
About Joshikai SF
Are you a Japanese woman or a woman with an interest in Japan? Maybe you just moved here from Tokyo this summer and want to make new friends… Maybe you taught English in Osaka a few years ago and want to revive your rusty Japanese… Whether you are a native Japanese woman or an American (or other nationality) woman with an interest in Japan, Joshikai may be for you!
We are creating a community of Japanese women and women with an interest in Japan, gathering for a monthly meet-up to make friends, share stories and learn from each other. On the second Thursday of each month, we’ll meet at a location that is chic, reasonably priced, and conveniently located (near a BART station and other public transportation) for an evening of drinks and girl talk, where our members can connect and relax over a cocktail.
Why women only? We want to create a relaxed atmosphere, with the opportunity to speak freely and connect with each other in a supportive environment.
Here is the information about our February event (in Japanese then English): Read More
Groups: Joshikai San Francisco – A new meet-up for Japanese women and women connected to Japan

The following is posted at the request of San Francisco-based JET alum Beth Hillman, who has come up with a great idea for a group:
Are you a Japanese woman or a woman with an interest in Japan? Maybe you just moved here from Tokyo this summer and want to make new friends… Maybe you taught English in Osaka a few years ago and want to revive your rusty Japanese… Whether you are a native Japanese woman or an American (or other nationality) woman with an interest in Japan, Joshikai may be for you!
We are creating a community of Japanese women and women with an interest in Japan, gathering for a monthly meet-up to make friends, share stories and learn from each other. On the second Thursday of each month, we’ll meet at a location that is chic, reasonably priced, and conveniently located (near a BART station and other public transportation) for an evening of drinks and girl talk, where our members can connect and relax over a cocktail. We’ll also have a monthly guest speaker or theme, so that we can share knowledge and empower each other.
You can visit our Facebook page at:
We’re also on Twitter! Follow us at: @joshikaisf
Meeting: Joshikai San Francisco: The Japan-Connected Women’s Group
Goal: To relax, have a drink and make connections with other women who are Japanese or interested in Japan
Date: Thursday, January 14th (the second Thursday of each month)
Time: 6 pm – 8:30 pm. Come and leave any time — and enjoy happy hour specials for the entire event!
Location: Amber India Restaurant, 25 Yerba Buena Lane, San Francisco, 94103
場所:Amber India Restaurant(ご好意により、イベント中はドリンク&アペタイザーがハッピーアワーの価格です。Tejiさんナマステ!)
JET-Popp: Yokohama Children`s Book Conference

Laura Popp (Mie-ken, 2009-Present) is a current JET who writes fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and is an occasional playwright/film maker. Her short work includes a short story titled “In theShadow Realm” and a documentary she made in Malawi. To read about her amazing adventures all over Japan, go to her blog at (And check out the Authors/Books section of the JetWit Library for a list of more writers in the JET-o-sphere.)
Hello again! This week I would like to report on the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) conference in Yokohama. It actually occurred on November 14th, but, alas, I have been ill with swine flu and other “opportunistic infections” so I was unable to report. But now you get to hear all about it!
For those of you who don`t know, SCBWI is a great group to get involved with if you write for kids. They have lots of events, critique groups, contests, and resources. Here is their website:
A note on transportation. There are many events for writers and translators in Japan, but most are confined to the big cities. For those of you who live in a small town like me, you may be wondering how you will ever get to this wonderful career-building opportunities and still stay within your tight school-teacher budget. Fear not!
There is a wonderful, often overlooked form of transportation in Japan called the night bus. It may seem like a pain, but the bus I took from my home in Nabari to Yokohama was very comfortable. The bus ride was about eight hours, so if I were more accustomed to sleeping on a bus, I probably could have been well rested when we arrived very early in the morning. The earliness gave me plenty of time for sightseeing before the conference, and since my bus home didn`t leave until 11:00pm. Plus it cost less than half than taking the shinkansen, and there`s no need to pay for a hotel!
That said, I was very tired when I arrived back in Nabari at 7:00am. Fortunately it was Sunday, but I would not recommend taking the night bus if you have to go to work the next day. Also, be warned, not all night buses are created equal. Check to see if the bus you want to ride has reclining seats or not, and if there is a bathroom on board or if they stop ever few hours, turn on the lights, and have people jostling past you trying to get in and out constantly. If you are interested in taking a night bus somewhere, I would recommend contacting the main bus station in your town. Most of them don’t speak English, but a Japanese friend helped me get the information and make reservations over the phone. You may be surprised how many places offer night buses to common destinations such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, etc.
(FYI, Yokohama is famous for its Read More
Event: Art and Cocktails with the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Ft Worth

The following event info was shared with JetWit by JET alum Laura Sethney, Program Coordinator at the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Ft Worth:
Join us for a private gallery viewing and cocktail party for Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth members and friends.
Sponsored by Conduit Gallery
JASDFW members and friends are invited to a special viewing of the intriguing works of three emerging artists, including Japanese photographer, Mimi Kato. Spend an evening mingling with fellow JASDFW members while sipping on wine and sampling hors d’oeuvres. We encourage members to invite guests in order to share this unique opportunity and learn more about the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth.
Date: Friday, November 13, 2009
Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Location: Conduit Gallery
1626 C Hi Line Drive
Dallas, Texas 75207
RSVP to Lauren Sethney by Tuesday, November 10th
Email: / Phone: 214-342-2022
***Exhibiting Artists’ Information***
Mimi Kato
This exhibit marks the first time for Japanese photographer Mimi Kato to showcase her work in Dallas. The large scale photographic series depicts each of the four seasons. Read More
JET alum Leanna Cooper seeks help placing Japanese interns with US companies

Greetings fellow JET Alumni! I’m reaching out to my fellow JET alumni network today to ask your assistance.
Upon my return to the U.S. I began working for a cultural exchange organization called Intrax. Headquartered in San Francisco, my company specializes in cross-cultural education through work-based initiatives such as internship and training programs. Specifically, these programs are geared for Japanese university graduates and young professionals seeking to gain international business experience through internships. I coordinate this effort through our office in Tokyo and ensure that each participant has qualifying educational background, professional experience, and motivation for joining the program.
I’d like to ask the JET community for support in getting the word out to potential U.S.-based companies who might like to get involved by hosting an intern. There is no cost involved to join the program and my company handles all the sponsorship fees and paperwork.
Please contact me directly for more information at or 415-434-5669
Arigatou gozaimasu!
Leanna Cooper (Aichi-ken, 2003-06)
Event: Professional Japanese-English Conference for Translators (Osaka)

Thanks to Richard Sadowsky of the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) (日本翻訳者協会) for passing this on:
PROJECT Osaka: Professional Japanese-English Conference for Translators
Sat. 28th November 2009
Admission: Students: 4000 Yen, JAT Members: 5000 Yen, Non-Members: 6000 Yen
PROJECT Osaka is a one-day conference on translation organized by the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) (日本翻訳者協会) for experienced translators to share knowledge about the profession of translation with aspiring translators or those at the beginning stages of their careers.
PROJECT Osaka is the second in a series of one-day events for translators, following upon a successful PROJECT Tokyo held on Nov. 22, 2008, which attracted a full-capacity 250 participants.
The PROJECT Osaka theme is “Starting Out and Moving Up” and the format consists of mostly panel sessions with several speakers and a moderator who welcomes questions and comments from the audience.
More details about the content will be made available on this website.
We know there are some JET alums running in the NYC Marathon this coming Sunday, November 1. If you’re one of them, or if you know a JET alum who is running, please post your name in the comments section of this post (or e-mail jetwit at jetwit dot com.
Just thought it would be nice to have a list of all of the JET alums who will be participating so we can oen suru for you.
Yoroshiku and minasan ganbatte kudasai!
Be Facebook friends with JetWit!

Event: Suzanne Kamata to present Educational Workshop for Families of Children with Learning Differences (Tokyo)

Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following:
TELL Exceptional Parenting Program: Educational Workshop for Families of Children with Learning Differences/Diverse Needs by Tokyo English Life Child and Family Services
We welcome you to our Writing workshop: Parenting kids with special needs presented by Suzanne Kamata, writer, poet, and mother.
Suzanne will give a presentation on Reading and Writing Our Special Children. She will discuss the importance of writing about children with special needs and share examples of literature current and past about parenting children with special needs. She will also conduct brief writing exercises, which may be used in journaling, or creative writing for pleasure or publication.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Registration: 2:30pm to 2:45pm; Workshop: 2:45pm to 4:15pm; Information sharing: 4:15pm to 5:00pm
Admission: Donations accepted
Location: Minami Aoyama Conference Room next to TELL office
Address: 5-4-22 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062 Phone: 03-3498-0231
Suzanne Kamata was born and raised in Grand Haven, Michigan. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a degree in English, she came to Japan in 1988 on the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program. During her second year in Japan, she met the man who would become her husband and has lived in Tokushima Prefecture ever since. She now lives with her husband and ten-year old twins in Aizumi and teaches part-time at Naruto Educational University.
Suzanne is also the author of a novel, Losing Kei (Leapfrog Press, 2008), editor of several anthologies, among them Love You to Pieces: Creative Writers on Raising a Child with Special Needs (Beacon Press, 2008) and Call Me Okaasan: Adventures in Multicultural Mothering (Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing, 2009), and fiction editor of
If you would like to have more information on the Exceptional Parenting Program or would like to attend the workshops, please contact Birgit Zorb-Serizawa at
Japan Association of Translators Manhattan mixer – Oct 30

Professional translator Terry Gallagher shared another good event for translators with JetWit, this one via the honyaku Google Group:
As part of its ongoing efforts to develop an international presence, foster new talent, and connect with peer organizations, the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) will be sponsoring a mixer in Manhattan on Friday, October 30, 2009, for veteran and aspiring translators/interpreters alike. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to network, find out more about JAT, and socialize with other translators/interpreters in the big city….Non-members are most welcome. Cash bar, with partial subsidy from JAT.
WHEN: Friday, October 30
Starting: 10:30 PM (after the traditional Friday night JLD dinner
Ending: During ATA’s Annual Conference (?)
WHERE: Press Box (932 Second Ave., between 49th and 50th Streets)
Signup (by 10/26; and for last-minute notices/updates):
Feel free to pass the word on, and hope to see you there!
ニューヨークでJATネットワークパーティを実施します。 会員・非会員を問わず、翻訳に興味のある方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。 翻訳未経験者の方にとってはベテラン翻訳者と交流する絶好の機会です。
日時: 10月30日(金) 10:30pm~
場所: The Press Box (
参加費: 一部JATが負担。追加分はキャッシュバー。
参加希望者は、10月26日(月) までに
American Translators Association Annual Conference in NYC Oct 30

Professional translator Terry Gallagher shared the following with JetWit:
The American Translators Association holds its annual conference in NYC at the end of this month. It includes a dinner for the Japanese language division, which will be on Friday, Oct. 30 at IL Punto Ristorante, 507 Ninth Ave.
Contact person is Mina Seat, minaseat [/at/] gmail [/dot/] com More info here:
Cost is $53. It might be late to sign up, but it was an open invitation, and you might still be able to talk your way in. There will be lots and lots of working translators/interpreters there, and you might be able to pick up a bunch of new ideas.
JET Alumni Restructuring and Bankruptcy Group

Are you a JET alum (or friend of JET) who works in the world of financial restructuring or bankruptcy? Or perhaps you aspire to get into the field?
Now you can join the JET Alumni Restructuring & Bankruptcy Group on LinkedIn.
Contact Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) at jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com with any questions.
JETAA UK: Sake tasting at Tsuru (Oct 20)

Via JET alum Vanessa Villalobos, the Communications Officer for JETAA UK as well as the publisher of the Isshoni London website.
In case you didn’t know, sake tastings are all the rage in London. Do you really know your Nihonshu? Following the great success of our last chilled sake tasting in June, we’ll be holding a cosy autumn tasting with delicious, warming sakes. Join us for an educational night, with sake and accompanying nibbles.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 20, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Tsuru Restaurant tasting includes 4 different types of sake, served with sushi and a selection from Tsuru’s Japanese Tapas menu. At only £18 per person this is truly great value! First come, first served… reserve your place quickly to avoid disappointment.
If you’d like to attend, please register by sending an email to Vanessa at londoncomms [at]
Details of how to secure your place by sending £18 will then follow.
Event: The World of Children’s Book Publishing with Alvina Ling (Yokohama)

Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following, which she mentioned is, “a great opportunity for writers in Japan to meet one of the top editors in the world of children’s books.”
The World of Children’s Book Publishing
Alvina Ling, Senior Editor
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Saturday, November 14, 2009, 10:30 am – 5:00 pm
Manuscript critiques 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Place: Yokohama International School, Middle Building Cafeteria, Yokohama
For access information and maps, visit
Fee: Advance Registration 4,000 yen SCBWI members; 7,000 yen nonmembers (contact by November 5)
At the Door 5,000 yen SCBWI members; 8,000 yen nonmembers
Reservations: Required! Contact to reserve your place.
This event will be in English.
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