Oct 15

American Translators Association Annual Conference in NYC Oct 30

AmerTranslAssnProfessional translator Terry Gallagher shared the following with JetWit:

The American Translators Association holds its annual conference in NYC at the end of this month. It includes a dinner for the Japanese language division, which will be on Friday, Oct. 30 at IL Punto Ristorante, 507 Ninth Ave.

Contact person is Mina Seat, minaseat [/at/] gmail [/dot/] com  More info here:  https://www.atanet.org/conf/2009/

Cost is $53. It might be late to sign up, but it was an open invitation, and you might still be able to talk your way in. There will be lots and lots of working translators/interpreters there, and you might be able to pick up a bunch of new ideas.

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