Oct 4

JETwit’s JET Alum Movers & Shakers is produced by Ryan Hata (Tottori-ken, 2014-2017), Margie Banin (Kochi-ken, 2005-2007), and Jim Walsh (Fukushima-ken, 2018-2020). Want to be featured next? Submit your information here.

Michael T Cibenko (Kumamoto-ken, 1996-1999)

Accomplishment: Publication of a novel based upon the Shimabara Rebellion

More Information: After returning to the U.S. with a wife and child, Michael spent fourteen years teaching Japanese at a high school in northwest New Jersey. In 2009, he was awarded the Japanese Teacher of the Year award by Seton Hall University. His recently published novel, Masaru, is based on events during the Shimabara Rebellion. Michael was inspired by this period of history during his years as an ALT in Kumamoto, particularly during a visit to nearby Amakusa where the actual events took place in the 17th century.

Public Information:
Email: bondjapan@yahoo.com
Website: https://masaru87.wordpress.com/
Book info: http://www.arxpub.com/literary/Masaru.html
Purchase the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Masaru-Michael-T-Cibenko/dp/1935228234/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=masaru+cibenko&qid=1633376653&sr=8-3

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