JET Prefecture Round Up (February 2018)

JET Prefecture Round Up is a mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture).
13th Kyoto Vegans Buffet Meetup
When: February 3
Where: Kyoto Prefecture
Forget the snow! Join the vegan tribe at Vegans Cafe and make new friends!
When: February 3
Where: Tottori Prefecture
Join in the 19th Chizu Inn Yuki Matsu in rural Tottori prefecture.
When: February 3-4
Where: Shimane Prefecture
Shimane and Hiroshima AJET welcome you to shred the slopes of Mizuho Highland with them.
Niigata AJET’s Northern Snow Out
When: February 10
Where: Niigata Prefecture
Join Niigata AJET at the first annual Kaetsu region snow out.
When: February 10-13
Where: Hokkaido Prefecture
Hokkaido AJET invites all JETs to take part in Snowcation, an annual event to encourage JETs from other prefectures to visit the northern island. This year, it coincides with the Sapporo Snow Festival.
When: February 17
Where: Okayama Prefecture
Join Okayama AJET in celebrating the prefecture’s famous Saidaiji Naked Man Festival.
Shizuoka AJET Strawberry Picking and Onsen Trip 2018
When: February 17
Where: Shizuoka Prefecture
Join Shizuoka AJET in beating winter with delicious strawberries on the prefecture’s famous strawberry road and a hot soak at the onsen.
When: February 24
Where: Aomori Prefecture
Aomori AJET invites you to its final event for the school year, a Snowball inspired by Stranger Things.
AJET Block 10 & The Nagazasshi Presents: Lantern Festival 2018
When: February 24
Where: Nagasaki Prefecture
Join AJET Block 10 to celebrate a festival started by the local Chinese community to celebrate Chinese New Year.
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