Sep 10

Job: Program Coordinator – La Comunidad Que Construimos (Peru)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow, curriculum and content developer for a real estate school based in Virginia. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position:  Program Coordinator
Posted by: La Comunidad Que Construimos
Location: Trujillio, Peru
Status: Full Time

Overview: La Comunidad Que Construimos is a non-profit in Trujillo, Peru, that focuses on youth leadership by conducting self-esteem programming and giving the Young Leaders in our program a positive self image that is needed for them to take control of their own futures. We believe ending poverty starts with empowerment. In our Young Leaders Program, kids become teachers who instruct foreign volunteers in Peruvian history and custom, making them proud of who they are by taking pride in where they are from.

We are looking for a Program Coordinator to support our Director of Programs to plan and facilitate our Young Leaders Program. The description of the position is below.


  1. Assist Program Director with daily program execution (i.e. help managing large group of kids, provide translation for non-Spanish speaking volunteers)
  2. Assist volunteers in their preparation to teach in the program (i.e. help them purchase necessary supplies)
  3. Network with and recruit local experts to speak in the program on cultural themes
  4. Coordinate monthly field trips based on cultural themes
  5. Track program metrics of children’s self-esteem to measure program effectiveness

Required Qualifications: 

  1. Experience in event planning and/or coordination
  2. Experience and interest in working with some really great kids
  3. Working knowledge of developmental psychology, specifically the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
  4. Spanish-language skills that are conversational or better

Optional Qualifications:

  1. Is fluent in Spanish – Conversational
  2. Has experience in program evaluation
  3. Has lived or worked internationally, particularly in a Latin American country

Application Process: Compensation for this position comes in the form of a free home stay and reimbursement for program expenditures. If you are interested in applying, please send your cover letter and resume to:

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