Sep 3

This article titled A Perspective on Helping Japan Disaster Victims recently appeared on the website, written by Jeannie McKinney (Hokkaido, 2010-11) who is currently doing an internship for the Knoxville, TN office of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE).

Link to original post:

Here’s an excerpt:

“Post-March 11th, the amount of willingness and enthusiasm, good will and generosity that came from abroad as well as at home, was honestly overwhelming. I was living in a small town in Hokkaido, the northernmost island and prefecture of Japan, at the time of the disaster, in an area that experienced nothing but a few tremors and shakes. But somehow, my community of 13,000 generated so many donation packages within the first few weeks after the disaster that our three little post offices had trouble handling the increased mail traffic. Instead, postal workers had to set out collection bins in their lobbies for the Japan Red Cross to come and pick up on their own.”


“The problem is that there is only so much individuals can do on their own, without any direction or instruction from organized groups – especially without advice from the country’s government. Post-Katrina, the biggest complaints here in the U.S. were the slow reactions of the local and federal government to respond. Though nonprofits and volunteer groups were first on the scene, there was only so much they could do without bureaucratic support.”

“The same can be said for Japan right now, both in disaster areas as well as radiation areas.”


Sep 3

Nice article on the Wall Street Journal’s RealJapan blog titled JET Calls in Favors in Tohoku about ex-JET Tanya Gardecky (Miyagi-ken, Shiogama-shi) and her return to Tohoku through the MOFA program.  Follow JETwit updates on Tanya here and follow Tanya’s ongoing blog of her experience here.

Link to the article:


Sep 3

Just found out about Colin Rennie (CIR Yamagata-ken, 2007-10) who has been running a volunteer project called The MUD Project that has enabled many JETs to volunteer in Tohoku with particular emphasis on Minamisanriku as well as other areas of Miyagi and Iwate.

Lots of good info, photos and updates on the project’s Facebook page:

Click here for an up to date list of JET-related Disaster Relief Projects.

Sep 2

JET Prefecture Round-Up 09.02.11


Emily Lemmon, (Hyogo-ken, Shiso-shi, 2009-present), PSG volunteer, organizer of Hyogo-ken’s PEPY Ride, student of Shorinji Kempo, and editor of the Hyogo Times, gives a little taste of what JETs are doing around Japan.  To submit items for future JET Prefecture Round-up posts, e-mail Emily at jetinfogather [at]


Events by Region



Tohoku Region



  • Iwate AJET will be climbing Mt. Iwate on October 8th on the Umagaeshi trail.


  • MAJET Bandai Trip is September 17th-19th , a camping adventure at Mount Bandai in Northwest Fukushima.


Kantou Region




Chubu Region





Kansai Region


  • JETs continue their exploration (this time from Kobiro-oji to Hosshinmon-oji) of the Kumano Kodo, or Path of Prayer, on September 11th.


  • The Marty Party will be postponed until the 17th of September.
  • Ultimate Nara JETs area gearing up for the Akashi Ultimate Frisbee Beach Tournament, taking place on October 2nd in Kobe.
  • Nara JETs will make a trip to Hiroshima‘s Sake Festival, October 7th-10th.



  • Osaka JETs Welcome Event (part one) will be September 10th. Part two will be later that evening.
  • Osaka Smile Kids Japan group makes its next visit on September 25th.


Chugoku Region


  • Bound in Japan comes to Okayama! Workshops will be in Okayama City on September 17th and 18th, in Maniwa September 24th, and in Tsuyama September 25th.



Shikoku Region


  • October 1st-2nd is the Niihama Welcome Party, held on the beach in Niihama.
  • October 15th Ehime JETs will climb Mt. Ishizuchi, tallest mountain on Shikoku.
  • October 22nd is the Matsuyama Orphanage Visit.
  • November 12th is the Ehime AJET Dinner in Matsuyama.


  • Beer, Sake, Baseball, and BBQ will be September 17th at Hagi Park.
  • Kochi JETs will make an excursion to Nahari Hotel Beer Garden on Friday 30th September.
  • October 8th-10th is Surf Camp in Kuroshio-cho for Kochi JETs.
  • Kochi-JETs are helping with Halloween Party in an abandoned school building on October 28th.


Kyushu Region


  • The AJET beach party will be happening on Saturday, September 3rd at Otachimisaki Koen Beach in Ashikita.

Niigata JETs Welcome Party in Tokamachi? This party will be held on Saturday, September 17th from 14:00 to 11:00am (the next day) at OUTLAND, a camp ground in Tokamachi. Niigata JETs Welcome Party in Tokamachi will be held on Saturday, September 17th from 14:00 to 11:00am (the next day) at OUTLAND, a camp ground in Tokamachi.

Aug 29

Job: Director of the Language Center (Fukui University)

Via JET alum Sharon Bignell. Posted by Dipika Soni (Ishikawa-ken, 2003-06). Dipika has recently moved back to London and is currently looking for new work opportunities related to Japan, translation, or other fields.


***Note: If you apply for this position, please let them know you learned of it from JETwit. Thanks.***

Job Position: Director of the Language Center (Fukui University)

Job Details:

The University of Fukui, Japan, launched the Language Center in 2011 to provide the students with practice-based foreign language education of high quality and also offer them a variety of opportunities that enable them to think and act from an international perspective. The University is seeking a person who is well qualified to be Director of the Language Center from 2012 and who is able to take a leading role in implementing the goals of the center over the course of the following years.

For more details, go to the following link:

Aug 29

"We are already talking to some universities and some private companies about Smile Kids Japan and soon I hope to have more volunteers than there are JETs in Japan! The JET network and support of AJET is at the very core of what we do."



By Renay Loper (Iwate-ken, 2006-07) for JQ magazine. Renay is a freelance writer and Associate Program Officer at the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. Visit her blog at Atlas in Her Hand.

Mike Maher-King (Fukui-ken, 2006-11), originally from Shoreham-by-Sea, UK (near Brighton) and founder of Smile Kids Japan, which was created with the mission to have every orphanage in Japan visited regularly by a volunteer team in an effort to provide children with mentoring, cultural exchange and a newfound sense of trust.

Having making several Japanese friends while attending Royal Holloway, University of London, Mike eventually traveled to Japan and while there, fell in love with the people, the language, the culture, and most of all…the food! After working for a couple years in the UK, Mike returned to Japan as an ALT and eventually went on to create an organization that would touch the lives of thousands of Japanese children.

Recently, Mike took a few moments away from his hectic schedule to share with us a little about his organization, the emergence of volunteerism in Japan, and the impact the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami have had on his work.

When you first began Smile Kids Japan, did you realize you were introducing the concept of mentoring to the Japanese you were working with?

I didn’t actually realize that there are not as many opportunities for people to volunteer here in Japan as there are in the UK, USA, Canada. etc. until I started looking for a way to volunteer. I think with the cultural senpai-kohai (seniority based relationships) system here in Japan, the idea of mentoring isn’t at all new. However, this application of it is relatively new.

What challenges did you encounter doing volunteer work in Japan, where volunteerism isn’t as popular as it is in countries such as the UK or U.S.?

Setting up the very first meeting took a few months and lots of Japanese bureaucracy skills. But it was definitely worth the prodding! That and the initial 10 minutes of shyness, and walking into a room 1/4 of the size I expected with 10 more kids than we thought would choose to come meant all our planning wasn’t quite right! Further, it was also a little tricky to explain to some of the children’s homes what we wanted to do.

What do you think Smile Kids Japan has done for volunteerism in Japan?

There are so many people who do not realize the need for volunteers until they see it with their own eyes. I think that we are [now] approaching the tipping point. However, it is still a work in progress. We have provided an outlet for many people that want to help but didn’t have a channel for their energy. The [recent] earthquake initially transformed things with a huge amount of people volunteering. It will be interesting to see if this is carried back to people’s towns all around Japan.

Read More

Aug 29


Tanya Gardecky (Miyagi-ken, Shiogama-shi) is one of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.

Here’s an excerpt from Tanya’s latest post:  “Hi ho!  It’s off to school I go!

But when I went to the grade 3 classes the teachers changed it a bit and had some of the students mention their experience with the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. From what I understood, the students were very surprised by the earthquake and were confused about the tsunami. Some didn’t believe the tsunami was happening or that it was that big, others simply had no idea what was happening.

JETwit will continue to post updates from Tanya and other participating alums.  You can also follow Tanya’s blog at

Click here to read other “Return to Tohoku” posts.

If you are returning to Tohoku and would like to share your updates, please feel free to e-mail jetwit [at]


Aug 27

AJET’s revamped website continues to impress.  There’s now a section called AJET Voices that lists all the main JET online publications and also invites JETs to submit an article.  The goal is to help JETs connect with their communities.

Here are the publications listed:

  1. The Wide Island View (Hiroshima)
  2. Yomoyama
  3. NagaZasshi (Nagasaki)
  4. Ganbatte Times:  The Unofficial Kyoto JET Webzine
  5. The Refill (Fukuoka)
  6. The Hyogo Times
  7. HAJET (Hokkaido)
  8. The TRAM (Toyama)
  9. JETFuel
  10. Shimane Black Taxi
  11. Mie Life
  12. Ishikawa JET (Thanks to Leah Zoller for calling this one to our attention.)

For more about AJET Voices, here are AJET’s own words:

Have you done something you felt was special? Want to promote an event you are involved in? Just want to get published? AJET Voice is AJET’s way of connecting you with the rest of the JET community throughout Japan. All JETs are encouraged to submit and share their experiences with everyone.

The JET Programme is all about multicultural exchange and grassroots internationalization. If you have participated in something which you felt furthered these goals, please share it with the rest of us! Submit your articles of 200-300 words with any pictures to

Publications across Japan

Currently representing voices from Nagano, Hyogo, Toyama and many others, the site is growing in hopes of being a resources for all of Japan and those interested in the perspectives born from living here as a foreign resident.

By Prefecture

Many of the publications represented on the site are fundamentally newsletters, PDFs, or print magazines. If you are interested in or reside in the prefecture of a specific publication and wish to submit or regularly receive it, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


All of the publications on this site are in some way connected to the JET program and often each prefecture’s AJET (Association Japan Exchange and Teaching) branch. Submissions from guest writers and non-JET program teachers is extremely common and decided by each publication along with the content and editorial vision.

As a unified site, all content abides by the site’s editorial ethic not to publish any content felt to be uncritically prejudiced or offensive.

Aug 26


Sharon Van Etten (CIR Iwate-ken), President of JETAA Sydney, is another  Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.

You can follow Sharon’s blog Revisiting Iwate at:

JETwit will continue to post updates from Sharon and other participating alums.  Click here to see previous “Return to Tohoku” posts.

If you are returning to Tohoku and would like to share your updates, please feel free to e-mail jetwit [at]


Aug 25

JET Prefecture Round-Up 08.26.11


Emily Lemmon, (Hyogo-ken, Shiso-shi, 2009-present), PSG volunteer, organizer of Hyogo-ken’s PEPY Ride, student of Shorinji Kempo, and editor of the Hyogo Times, gives a little taste of what JETs are doing around Japan.  To submit items for future JET Prefecture Round-up posts, e-mail Emily at jetinfogather [at]


Events by Region

Tohoku Region



Chubu Region


Kansai Region


  • JETs continue their exploration (this time from Kobiro-oji to Hosshinmon-oji) of the Kumano Kodo, or Path of Prayer, on September 11th.


  • Nara JETs return to Takatori Thursdays on August 25th with a Mexican theme.
  • Nara’s Orientation Beer Garden is August 28th.


  • Smile Kids Japan is attending Matsuri at a local Kobe orphanage on August 26th.
  • Shiso JETs host the Shiso International Picnic in Yume Koen on September 4th.
  • Tajima Board Game night is September 10th in Takeno.
  • JETs will gather for the Hanshin Tigers game at Koshien stadium on October 1st.



Chugoku Region


  • Bound in Japan comes to Okayama! Workshops will be in Maniwa City on September 3rd and 4th, in Tsuyama on the 10th and 11th, and in Okayama City on the 17th and 18th.


Shikoku Region


  • There is a welcome party in Ainan on September 3rd, preceding the Mud Soccer Tournament.
  • This year’s  Mud Soccer Tournament (and Mud Festival) will be on Sunday in Ainan, Ehime.


  • Group Birthday Party in Sakawa on August 26th, with a rooftop BBQ.
  • SGG international music and cooking event is September 4th.
  • The Harimaya Bashis are pleased to announce the Fall 2011 Frisbee Camp in Noichi. It will be held from 11am on September 10th until 3pm the following day.
  • Kochi JETs may attend the presentation of kabuki on November 5th in Sukomo.


Kyushu Region


  • The Orientation After Party will be held Friday, August 26th at 9 PM at Motion in Nagasaki City.
  • On Saturday August 27th, 11am, there will be an informal open Nagazasshi meeting at the mall next to Dejima Wharf.


  • The AJET beach party will be happening on Saturday, September 3rd at Otachimisaki Koen Beach in Ashikita.

Aug 25


Tanya Gardecky (Miyagi-ken, Shiogama-shi) is one of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.

Here’s an excerpt from Tanya’s latest post:

I eventually made it Shiogama (and instantly noticed some damage around the train station) and went city hall. There I was greeted by the Mayor and vice-mayor, along with many staff from the Shiogama Board of Education, and they welcomed me back. We talked about the state of the city after the earthquake, and I was shown a book full of photos of the damage in Tohoku. Most I had seen in the news already but to see them all in one book was a bit of a shock. They said they had made much progress in the reconstruction, and this was something I wanted to see. From city hall I went to the Board of Education to meet the staff again and to discuss my week. It’s a very busy schedule but I know I can’t afford to get worn out because there are people, places, and things I want to and need to see.

JETwit will continue to post updates from Tanya and other participating alums.  You can also follow Tanya’s blog at

If you are returning to Tohoku and would like to share your updates, please feel free to e-mail jetwit [at]


Aug 25


Thanks to Ryan Hart, former JETAA International Vice-Chair, USA Country Rep and Pacific Northwest JETAA President, for passing on this piece that has been sent out by the Japanese Embassy in D.C. as well as by other Japanese Consulates in the U.S.:

Homecoming & Charitable Activities:  The Quiet Successes of the JET Program

-Susan Laszewski, Embassy of Japan

In August the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Japan Tourism Agency introduced a “homecoming” program through which former participants of the JET Program who served in areas that have been affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake will have the opportunity to go back. For the months of August and September the 14 participants in the program, 8 from the U.S., will have the opportunity to learn about the current situation on the ground and share what they learn with the public back in the U.S.

If you are only passingly familiar with the JET Program, you may think it’s all about teaching English in Japan. Even those who are well versed in the program often get so focused on the language aspect of it that they forget about some of the program’s other aims. In fact, language education is just one means to the program’s ultimate end goal: grass-roots international exchange.

As the Program’s website states, “many former JET participants use their experiences in Japan to continue enhancing relations between Japan and their home countries.” In fact, while politicians and educators have been busy debating and trying to measure the affect of the program on English education, JET has been quietly successful in this larger goal. The hardships that Japan has faced during these last five months, particularly the Tohoko area where the homecoming program is focused, have shown us just how successful.

It should come as no surprise that there would be interest in this program. Since March, chapters of the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) around the country have shown an outpouring of support toward the country they briefly knew as home. They’re rebuilding schools, releasing music videos, and holding fundraising events ranging from benefitsin Northern California to hot yoga in New York.

The JETAA DC chapter has been anything but silent during this time. When news of the earthquake struck, JETAA DC immediately started asking what they could do to help. “Focusing on anything other than Japan was almost impossible,” says President Maurice Maloney. “From an association standpoint, we (along with assistance from CLAIR and the JET Office in the Embassy) stayed focused on keeping our membership informed on the developments in Japan and how JETs were coping. JETAADC leadership was in constant communication with the JETAA USA country representatives, and within 24 hours, we had the beginnings of our National Relief Fund.”

JETAA DC’s first fundraising event for the Fund, held at Bourbon in Adams Morgan on April 21st, was a smashing success. But the alumni are nowhere near finished. As Maloney tells Japan Now,

“JETs and JET Alumni are not just limited to one role in the reconstruction of Japan.” In fact, “JET Alums have volunteered expertise in the field as emergency workers, have organized events to raise money for the relief effort, and some have been involved in high level discussions with policy makers in Washington, DC.”

“Regardless of their specific actions, I think the most important role JETs and JET Alumni can play is by keeping attention drawn to Japan and the Tohoku region during the rebuilding process. Many times, the rebuilding process is ignored after major disasters, and JETs’ and JET Alums’ connection to Japan can keep the rebuilding process fresh in the minds in their respective communities.”

The JET Program has been carefully cultivating grass-roots ties with other countries since 1987. The support alumni have shown, whether returning to their second home in Japan or sending their thoughts and support from their own countries, is a testament to its success.

Read the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ and Council of Local Authorities for International Relations’ messages of appreciation to JET participants and alumni.

Aug 25


Thanks to JETAA USA Country Rep Megan Miller (Hyogo-ken) for sharing the below article from Kyodo News:

Family of U.S. quake victim to donate money for books in Miyagi

TOKYO, Aug. 25 — (Kyodo) The family of an American teacher who was killed in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami will visit Japan in September to donate money for books to seven schools in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, where she taught, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

The family of Taylor Anderson, 24, who taught English at the Ishinomaki schools under the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program, will donate a total of around 7 million yen to set up reading corners named after her in the libraries of the schools, according to supporters of the project.

Aug 25

WIT Life #179: Japan in Transition, Yet Again

WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Writer/Interpreter/Translator Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken CIR, 2000-03). She starts her day by watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese, and here she shares some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.

Yesterday’s NYT featured two articles relating to Japan’s financial and political situations.  The first discusses how Moody’s lowered Japan’s credit rating by one step to Aa3, the fourth-highest grade (Standard & Poor’s had brought them down to AA back in January, putting them on par with the U.S.).  The second recounts Vice President Biden’s recent trip to Japan, including a stop-off in of Tohoku.  He served as a source of encouragement to some of the survivors he met in the disaster area.

Biden’s visit came at a time of great political turmoil, as it is forecast that Prime Minister Kan will be stepping down next week.  A partywide ballot to decide a new party leader is expected on Monday, with the new leader being appointed prime minister on Tuesday.  Kan indicated his desire to Read More

Aug 24


Here’s the newest newsletter from JET alum and Inuyama City Council Member Anthony Bianchi (Aichi-ken, Inuyama-shi, 1988-89):

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CLICK HERE for more JETwit posts about Anthony Bianchi.

Show off your translating skills! An English translation or summary of some or all of the above would be great if any readers are up for it.  Full credit will be given!

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