Mar 24

NHK TV today showed a video (in Japanese) of Taylor Anderson’s father Andy Anderson visiting Ishinomaki and laying flowers where Taylor’s body was found.  It’s very moving to hear her father say, “Taylor loved Ishinomaki, and we do too.”  And as a JET it’s hard to look at the background scenery in the video and not feel that sense of familiarity that this could be any town in Japan.

one comment so far...

  • Jeff Said on March 27th, 2011 at 1:31 am:

    As a former ALT in Ishinomaki, this has been a tough story to watch. I think all former and current ALTs see a little bit of themselves and a little bit of their own Japanese towns in Taylor and her story. I hope we can continue to find ways to support the survivors of this tragedy.

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