Mar 23

CBS’s 60 Minutes recently aired a segment on the town of Matsushima which was wiped out by the tsunami.  The segment includes an interview with an ALT named David (I can’t tell how to spell his last name) who gives a harrowing description of being in the school gym with students, teachers and parents when the tsunami hit and how he was able to hold on to the basketball hoop (the water was that high) and help pull a few students to safety.

The interview with David starts at about 6:24 into the video and includes video footage of the school, which looks very much like the schools we all taught at as JETs/ALTs.

Side note:  Good feedback from a JETwit reader:  “Thanks for the update and the link. Btw, not all JETs (or all of your readers) are ALTs.”  The title of this post, which originally read “Matsushima JET,” has been changed accordingly.

one comment so far...

  • Beck Said on March 23rd, 2011 at 9:42 pm:

    Thanks for the update and the link. btw, not all JETs (or all of your readers) are ALTs.

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