Mar 14

[via JET alum and Brooklyn-based translator Philip Schnell via Charles Aschmann]

The Japan Association of Translators (JAT) is compiling a list of interpreters willing to volunteer their services to help rescue crews and other people providing help to victims of the earthquake and tsunamis. We are starting by compiling the list, publishing it on the website and trying to contact organizations that are responding. If you are willing to volunteer, either travel or perhaps (if the location allows) electronically, please send your information to

Please include the following information.

1. Full name

2. Address

3. Language pairs

4. Phone number

5. Mobile phone number

6. Skype name (if you have one)

7. Other means of communication, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

8. Extent to which you can help. (travel, tele-interpreting, etc.)

9. Any other information you feel would be useful.

Also, this Facebook group has been started for translators to provide free translations of disaster-related information:

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