Mar 13

Via Matthew Holmes who is at Interac’s headquarters:

Thank you all of you for sharing information and really helping to keep us updated at Interac HQ. We are working round the clock trying to contact everybody and also give news to relatives by phone, email, facebook and via the various Embassies. We have really appreciated your responses and help with contacting various people on the ground.

Please take care everyone and please tell any Interac teachers, if they have not already done so, to contact Interac . They can do so 24/7.

We are all taking turns to do shifts in the office and we will continue to try and get through to everybody. We will be providing instructions and further advice over the next 24 hours.

All those in the middle of this tragedy are in our thoughts and prayers.


one comment so far...

  • Jerry D, Sommer Said on March 16th, 2011 at 1:59 pm:

    A family member, my grandson,CHEYNE R.MATTOS is currently located in the city of Kakunodate-machi,Akita-Ken 014-0369, Japan. He is an employee of INTERAC teaching english to Japanese students,

    In the event that conditions become more dangerous are there plans to relocate him to a safe location?

    Appreciate your response !!!

    Jerry D, Sommer
    331 Biscayne Lane
    Niceville FL 32578


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