JETAA Chicago site posts link to JetWit

Thanks to JETAA Chicago for including a link to JetWit on its “Resources” page:
And a request to other JETAA chapters to include a link to JetWit somewhere on your chapter websites. (Feel free to use the JetWit mascot image as well.)
Here’s the list of other JETAA chapters that have included a link to JetWit so far:
- JETAA UK: (BTW, if you ever plan a trip to London, take a look at which is run by JET alum Vanessa Villalobos)
- JETAA Southern California: (Including image of A.J.)
- JETAA South Island, New Zealand: (Including image of A.J.)
- JETAA Sydney: (Under “JET Programme and Related Organizations”)
- Pacific Northwest JETAA: (A full-on blog post about JetWit!)
- JETAA New England:
- Music City: Tweeted about the JET-Tourist Tally Project. Chapter website coming soon.
Also, a reminder that all content on JetWit may be used by JETAA chapters and any other official JET-related organizations (e.g., AJET) on their websites, in their emails & newsletters, etc. No permission necessary. Just copy and paste. (Or link. Whatever makes your job easiest.)
Special thanks to Sam Lederer (Shizuoka-ken, 2005-07) for gathering the info. If your chapter has a link to JetWit, e-mail sam [at] and let us know.
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