Dec 6

Help CLAIR revamp its Newsletter

Via JETAA International Secretary Kay Dunkley.

CLAIR is ready to revamp JET Streams, it’s annual newsletter. The aim is to make it look good, maximise the readers out there, making sure ALL JET Alums get it, and make it more interesting so more readers will be tuned to what JETAAI and CLAIR are doing.

Here is the list of articles that CLAIR would like to include:

1. Interesting JETAA Chapter activity articles.

2. Articles from 3 JETAA Alums, stories they would like to share about JET and Japan.

3. Articles from 3 JETAA Alums specifically talking about if they are involved in anything now that has kept up with their former contracting organisation, school to school, sister city events, etc. (or prefecture) (this is actually the hottest topic that we can use to promote the JET programme in Japan as well)

Please respond by December 27, 2010.

Click here to e-mail Kay with your input/submissions.

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