Oct 28

J-News Mini-Roundup: Swine Flu Closes a Record Number of Schools in Japan

J-News Mini-Roundup is a recurring feature written by Friend Of JET, Jon Hills, who maintains the blog for Hills Learning (www.hillslearning.com). Hills Learning is a NY-based language learning services company offering customized and personal Japanese and Chinese language learning options.swine flu closes schools

Background: The Japanese have done a lot to combat the Swine Flu. When it first arrived in Narita they quarantined the whole plane, and did a thorough inspection of each passenger. Afterwards when it started to spread they split Japan into three different zones to better manage potential outbreaks and allocate resources. And finally everyone wears masks, although it’s arguable that the Japanese themselves probably bought the masks without much government encouragement.

Despite these measures Japan this month has had record school closings due to the Swine Flu outbreak. Each newspaper had a slightly different take on the phenomenon.

Asahi Flu Closings Grew By 1.6 %…”

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