Jun 24

MulticulturalI don’t know how other JET alumni chapters deal with this issue, but in JETAA NY we refer to members of our community who are not officially JET alums as “Friends of JET” or “FOJs” (pronounced fahjz).

Additionally, the term “WOJ” (i.e., “Wife of JET”) occasionally comes up.

And lastly, while it hasn’t caught on yet, I propose increased use of the term “SOJ” (i.e., “Significant Other of JET”) for those vague and undefined relationships that require a category in the JET context.  (Though I suppose FOJ could also apply to “Fiancee of JET” as well.)

How you do deal with this issue in your chapter or JET-vironment?  Share comments on this post, or send JetWit an email.

2 comments so far...

  • leesean Said on June 24th, 2009 at 12:43 pm:

    I just recently picked up the contraction “Sig-O” for “significant other” from the Internets. I guess “SOJ” could also be “Spouse of JET.” Don’t forget the gender and orientation-neutral “POJ” – “Partner of JET.”

  • MH Said on June 24th, 2009 at 12:55 pm:

    I guess my spouse would be a HOJ–husband of JET.

    These might be even more fun if you keep the whole JET thing on the end of the acronym, i.e., FOJET (pronounced fahjit), WOJET (hahjit), SOJET (sahjit), and HOJET (hahjit). :)

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