Mar 23

I just heard from JETAA Northern California’s President and am sad to report that JET alum Daniel Sakai, a police officer in Oakland, was one of the officers killed in the police chase in Oakland on Saturday.

You can read the San Francisco Chronicle article about him here:

If any readers knew him, please feel free to share any memories or stories of him in the comments section of this post.

one comment so far...

  • Jennifer Said on April 8th, 2009 at 7:08 pm:

    Dan was and will always be a hero in all aspects of his life. His life was dedicated to serving people, and most importantly children. From being an ALT, to becoming a father, to policing delinquent juveniles in Oakland, he displayed an enormous amount of love, patience, and guidance. He loved children, and he loved Japan so it was perfect that he became an ALT.

    As an ALT in 1997-98, I remember him writing me letters, SO excited about his students, his Maegawa-cho (inaka) experience, and being part of the JET Programme. I applied for the Programme, in large part, because of Dan. I have pics that he sent to me with his students and it was so plainly obvious that they adored him. He took great pride in his Japanese heritage, learning the language and immersing himself into his Japanese community. While in Japan and the years thereafter, he lived his life to its fullest and gave all of himself while expecting nothing in return. He was truly an admirable guy and a role-model that served many. He will be sorely missed.

    Thank you for posting this notice and giving us an opportunity to share.

    ALT – Geino-cho, Mie-ken 1998-2000

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