Mar 15

JetWit seeks a “Job Listings Czar”

JetWit is looking for someone to be in charge of posting job listings to JetWit.  If interested, contact Steven at jetwit at jetwit dot com.

Reasons to do it:

  • Potentially a good opportunity to get a big picture view of what’s going on in the jobs marketplace and perhaps position yourself well for HR type positions.
  • Good way to  find a new job or freelance opportunities for yourself if you’re looking.
  • A chance to help out the JET alum community in a tough economic climate.

There’s an organized and methodical way to do all of this that’s not as hard as it seems. I’m happy to explain my process, and you can innovate and improvise from there.  This job can also be broken up among more than one person with different areas of focus.

Requirements:  You must be a JET alum, and you must be willing to stay with this on a relatively consistent basis.

Bonus:   Can be an platform to write posts about job searching and the job market that would be helpful to the JET alum community.

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