More Translation Agencies

Marc Carroll (Gifu-ken, 2001-03) emailed to remind me to include his company, Transperfect, following a recent post about translation agencies. I’d already listed Transperfect (though not on the Translation Agencies page, but I thought it was worth listing them in a post as well.
FYI, Marc used to be a project manager for Transperfect. And now he works for which is a division of Transperfect. And it’s also worth mentioning that their offices are in the same building as the new CLAIR-NY/Japan Local Government Center offices. (
Provides Website localization, software localization, GMS (Globalization Management System) software products, and enterprise-level, professional translation services.
Transperfect: (
Provides a full array of language and business services, including Translation, Interpretation, Linguistic Validation, Transcription, Typesetting & Graphics, Multicultural Marketing, Voiceovers & Dubbing, Subtitling, Staffing Solutions, Document Management, Court Reporting, Virtual Data Room Services
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