Oct 11

Do like to write songs?  Do you know some Japanese?  Here’s your chance to come up with a Japanese country song, i.e., a U.S.-style country song in Japanese (or at least half in Japanese).  Send in your lyrics to me at stevenwaseda [at] jetwit.com.  We’ll worry about the tune later (unless you also come up with a tune and a recording and want to share that too.)  If it’s even half decent, I’ll publish it here, at which time other readers can offer an appropriate tune, new lyrics or try to record a version of the song.  This will be an ongoing contest with no deadline.  Multiple submissions welcome!

This idea, btw, was inspired by a Chinese country music video sent to me by my wife (a high school Chinese teacher).  It is not only hilarious, but also has amazing choreography, costumes and… I can’t even begin to explain it.  Just watch.

one comment so far...

  • zi Said on October 27th, 2008 at 10:46 pm:

    I didn’t recognize the song at first, but after seeing his face, this is Taiwanese popstar Jay Chou. He was also in Curse of the Golden Flower, playing one of the Princes.

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