Oct 3

This job was sent in by a WIT member who received the posting from an NYU email:

A TV commercial production company is shooting a spot next Wednesday, October 8th.  There is to be a Q&A/interview feel to the spot, and the company is seeking either:

-a bilingual interviewer (ideally) who can speak English and Japanese and come up with some of their own questions, keep the talent interested and engaged
-a reporter/interviewer who speaks english along with a translator who speaks japanese

The person would be needed for a full day next Tuesday for prep/preproduction/planning, and for a full-day shoot next Wednesday.  They will be off-screen, but their voice will be recorded.  The interviewer should expect to generate some of  his/her own questions, though the company can provide more information detailing the spot if needed.

If interested contact:

Casey Cline at casey@identityid.com

400 west 14th street
new york ny 10014

T. 212.683.2500
F. 212.683.2502

one comment so far...

  • jetwit Said on October 5th, 2008 at 8:37 pm:


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