Career: JETAA Northern California Career and Networking Forum (CNF) – October 3

Posted by JETAA Northern California’s Mark Frey:
Join us for a great opportunity to meet professionals from both Japanese and U.S. organizations that play active roles in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond, as well as recent JET returnees and fellow alumni. The JET Alumni Association of Northern California (JETAANC) Career & Networking Forum will take place on Sunday, October 3, 2010, at the Kabuki Hotel, 1625 Post Street, San Francisco, from 1:30-5:00pm. Registration begins at 12:30pm. A networking happy hour will follow starting at 5pm in the hotel’s O! Izakaya lounge. The event is free for JET alumni and non-alumni may attend for $5.
The event will feature keynote speaker Andrew Hattori (Miyazaki, 2002-04), JETAANC Board Member and member of the Public Policy Institute of California; a panel discussion featuring JET alumni; and a networking session where attendees can meet representatives from various organizations, companies and members of the Bay Area professional community. During the networking session, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss resumes and job hunting techniques with alumni and recruiting professionals.
Recently returned JETs cannot afford to miss this event. For veteran alumni, this is a great opportunity for you to make career contacts, catch up with old friends, and help recently-returned JETs—your second chance to be a sempai all over again! If you are interested in attending, RSVP here:
For more information on this and other JETAANC events, contact or visit
New “JET Alumni Non-Profit Group” on LinkedIn

Arisa Takahashi (CIR, 1991-94), the Treasurer for JETAA Northern California, has started a much-needed new LinkedIn group for JETs and JET alumni for those working in or interested in non-profit organizations and related fields.
CLICK HERE to sign up for the JET Alumni Non-Profit Group on LinkedIn. (Or just do a search for it on LinkedIn.)
Domo arigatou Arisa-sama!
New “JET Alumni Policy & Government Group” on LinkedIn

A new LinkedIn group called “JET Alumni Policy & Government” has been set up by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) for JETs and JET alumni who work in any field related to policy or government, aspire to work in related fields or have an interest in the topic.
CLICK HERE to see the group and join.
PROfessional Japanese-English Conference on Translation PROJECT Tokyo 2010

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following translator’s conference through the Japan Association of Translators, and thought it might be of interest to current and former JETs in the Tokyo area (or those that can get to Tokyo relatively easily). Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he occasionally posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
PROJECT Tokyo 2010 is the third in a series of one-day conferences on translation and interpreting organized by the Japan Association of Translators (JAT; 日本翻訳者協会) for participants to build skills and exchange information about their professions.
Theme: Tools and Workshops: Better, Faster, Richer
Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010
Time: 9:30 to 17:00
Registration opens at 9:00
Venue: TKP Shinagawa Conference Center
3F Takanawa Court, 3-13-1 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Approx. 5 minutes’ walk from Shinagawa Station (Takanawa Exit)
Students: ¥4,000
JAT Members: ¥5,000
Non-Members: ¥6,000
Post-conference networking event: ¥5,000
Two-hour buffet meal and open bar
* Registration for the conference and post-conference networking event closes at midday on September 4, 2010. Registration is via the conference website only.
The program will consist of introductions to translation tools, workshops to improve practical skills, and informative sessions from industry specialists.
* Visit the conference website for more details.
Come to PROJECT Tokyo 2010 and find out how you can change the way you work!
An International List of Writing Organizations and Opportunities

Laura Popp (Mie-ken, 2009-Present) is a current JET who writes fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and is an occasional playwright/film maker. Her short work includes a short story titled “In theShadow Realm” and a documentary she made in Malawi. To read about her amazing adventures all over Japan, go to her blog at
Here is a practical list of organizations, market guides, and networking opportunities for jump starting your writing career. My apologies that it is heavy on the America and Speculative Fiction side, but that is who I am and what I write, so that is what I know best. But hopefully everyone can find something useful from this list:
How to Present Yourself to a Publisher or Agent at a writers conference

Laura Popp (Mie-ken, 2009-Present) is a current JET who writes fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and is an occasional playwright/film maker. Her short work includes a short story titled “In theShadow Realm” and a documentary she made in Malawi. To read about her amazing adventures all over Japan, go to her blog at (And check out the Authors/Books section of the JetWit Library for a list of more writers in the JET-o-sphere.)
Tired of submitting queries to agents and editors and simply getting form rejection letters or worse, NO RESPONSE? Wondering if they`re even bothering to read your stuff? Frustrated by wanting to submit to publishing houses that only receive submissions from agents and “referred” writers? Consider meeting publishers and agents at a conference!
Recently I returned from a writers` conference in my home in Oklahoma and came back with some great success stories to tell. Even better than the wonderful presentations on writing, polishing and marketing were the opportunities for networking and industry contacts. One literary agent asked me for the first fifty pages of my middle grade novel Dargon, another agent requested a proposal for my young adult novel Treasure Traitor, and a publisher from Simon and Shuster asked to see the full manuscripts of BOTH. A travel publisher also requested a proposal for a non-fiction travel-essay book on Japan, and best of all, a Christian magazine publisher accepted one of my stories on the spot! Of course, most of these are just birds in the bush, if you will, but they are certainly a good start.
So how did you do it? you may be wondering. Well, let me tell you…
Do your homework
Many conferences post information about editors and agents who will be attending in advance. Research them and pick the ones that look like they may be interested in your completed fiction projects or non-fiction ideas. Note that most agents and publishers will ONLY consider finished fiction works and proposals for non-fiction articles and books.
Try to make an appointment
If you have the option to make an appointment, Read More NY Japanese culture roundup: 5/19

By JQ Magazine’s Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) for Visit his NY Japanese Culture page here to subscribe for free alerts on newly published stories.
Japan Society serves up annual sake lecture/tasting Wednesday (5/19)
Japan U.S. Media Professionals launch networking debut Thursday (5/20)
Salon Series offers Joy of Okinawan Music and Dance Sunday (5/23)
JET alums who work on “human trafficking” issues?

Are there any JET alums out there who work on or are somehow involved in dealing with or researching or reporting on the issue of human trafficking?
I’ve received an inquiry from a current JET who is interested in working in this field and would appreciate the opportunity to talk or email with any JET alums currently working on this issue.
You can just send an email to jetwit @ jetwit .com if you’re willing to be contacted.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
-Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)
Event: Entrepreneurship in Japan – The 11th Annual Mitsui USA Symposium – Tues, April 6 (NYC)

Thanks to former JETAA NY President Jennifer Olayon of the Center on Japanese Economy & Business at Columbia Business School:
Entrepreneurship in Japan — The 11th Annual Mitsui USA Symposium
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 6:00-7:30 pm (reception to follow)
Uris 301, Columbia Business School
Speakers include:
- Ernest Higa, MBA ’76, Chairman and CEO of Higa International Co., Ltd.
- Atsushi Imuta, Founder and CEO of RISA Partners
- Kohei Nishiyama, Founder and CEO of elephant design co., ltd.
Event: 女子会3月会! Next Joshikai SF – Thursday, March 18 – A meetup for Japanese women and women connected to Japan (San Francisco)

JET alum Beth Hillman reports that last month’s Joshikai author event gathered 40 people. This month they’re doing a happy hour! See below:
女子会3月会! Next Joshikai – Thursday, March 18
For the next Joshikai gathering, we’ll be meeting for an evening of networking and girl talk at Postrio, a unique and stylish downtown bar. Mingle, chat and share stories with other women in English and/or Japanese. Any skill level of Japanese is welcome, and this will be a great opportunity to practice your Japanese and connect with women who have similar interests. They’ve extended the happy hour for us until 7 pm; specials include cocktails, beers and wine, as well as yakitori, pork belly and other bar appetizers — all starting at $4! We’ve reserved the mezzanine lounge area, so we’ll have a comfortable place to relax. Feel free to join us whenever is convenient, and bring friends!
2月11日のイベントは沢山の方に参加していただきました。ありがとうございました。3月の会合は18日にダウンタンのおとなバーPostrioで行います。日本人女性のJunさんがマネージャーを勤められているPrescott Hotel内にある落ち着いた雰囲気のバーです。Postrioに頼んでバーのMEZZANINEのラウンジを確保してありますのでゆっくり皆さん座って話せると思います。HAPPYHOURは7時まで延長です!
Date: 3/18, Thursday
Time: 6 pm – 9 pm (With happy hour prices until 7 pm!) – Please come and leave at whatever time works best for you!
Location: Postrio, 545 Post Street (on Post between Mason and Taylor, just 5 blocks from Powell BART), (415) 776-7825,
There’s no need to RSVP, but feel free to send us any questions or comments.
We’re also on Twitter (!
SCBWI Event – Writer Jane Kurtz in Tokyo

Author Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) who also serves as the Publicity Assistant for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, shared the following:
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators presents
Friday, April 2, 2010
Details, Details: The Snap, Crackle, and Pop of Good Writing with author Jane Kurtz
Time: Friday, April 2, 2010, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Place: Tokyo Women’s Plaza, Conference Room 1 (5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo;
by the Children’s Castle and United Nations University. For a map see
Fee: 1,000 yen SCBWI members; 1,500 yen nonmembers
Reservations: Contact by Thursday, April 1, 2010
This event will be in English.
American novelist John Gardner called details the lifeblood of fiction. Many an editor has said the absolute key to a piece of writing she fell in love with was its voice…but what creates the “voice” of a piece other than its distinct details? Award-winning author Jane Kurtz will give ten keys for coaxing vivid, shimmering, gripping details into our drafts and will show why certain mistakes around details are the kiss of death for any piece of writing. Q&A will follow the talk.
Jane Kurtz spent most of her childhood in Ethiopia—and now travels the world talking about writing, reading, and the magic of books. Her recent speaking has taken her to all but eleven of the U.S. states, Europe, the Persian Gulf, Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Romania, and East and West Africa. School Library Journal called Jane Kurtz a “superb storyteller.” Her books have gathered accolades, starred reviews, and awards. Since 1994, she has published twenty-nine books: nonfiction books, professional books for teachers, picture books, and novels for young readers that draw on her own childhood memories of growing up in Ethiopia as well as surviving the Red River flood of 1997. Jane has taught writing at the elementary, secondary, and university levels and is currently on the faculty of the MFA in children’s and young adult literature out of Vermont College. Her passion for books and reading and her love of Ethiopia came together in Ethiopia Reads, an organization that is establishing the free libraries for children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with Yohannes Gebregeorgis, one of CNN’s Top Ten Heroes ( For more on Jane Kurtz visit
JETAA NY Meishi Exchange – Thursday, March 11

JETAA NY’s annual Meishi Exchange is this Thursday, March 11. See the slick flyer designed by the wonderful and talented JETAA NY Secretary Amber Liang:
Roland Kelts to speak at Kinokuniya (NY) on March 6 as part of “Ponyo Day”

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, will be speaking at Kinokuniya in NYC as part of “Ponyo Day.” The event is this Saturday from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and Roland will be speaking at 4:00 pm. (This appearance hot on the heels of his Atlanta book signing on March 4!)
All the JETAA Southeast alums will have a chance to meet and hear Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, speak at Keenesaw State University in Atlanta, GA on Thursday, March 4 from 6:30-8:00 pm. If you happen to go and say hi, let him know you heard about the event on JetWit. Also, email JetWit (jetwit [at] to let us know how the event was so we can share it with the rest of the JET alum community.
Here’s the flyer with all the relevant info for the event:
Asian American Writers’ Workshop: MATCHMAKER – Speed dating hosted by author Kavita Ramdya and comedian Jen Kwok

I received a wonderful request from author Solmaz Sharif, Managing Director of The Asian American Writers’ Workshop, regarding an event that she thought might be of interest to the JET alumni community:
Speed dating hosted by Kavita Ramdya and Jen Kwok
Saturday, March 6, 7-9 PM
- Location: The Asian American Writers’ Workshop16 W 32nd Street, Suite 10A btwn 5th Avenue and Broadway
- Cost: $20 for members / $30 for non-members
- Purchase your tickets here before March 5, 2010 and give us an idea who we should set you up with. For more information you can also visit or call 212.494.0061.
Tired of making eyes at readings and not approaching the hottie next to you? Wondering how you can meet people that’ll compliment your bookcase? Interested in hearing more about love in Asian America? Keep it in the family and let the Workshop help you find the one at our first ever speed dating event. The Asian American Writers’ Workshop presents MATCHMAKER, a special event about how we meet, mingle, and marry in Asian America.
Kavita Ramdya, author of Bollywood Weddings: Dating, Engagement, and Marriage in Hindu America, discusses how second-generation Indian Americans get hitched, a tricky negotiation involving arranged meeting, Mom and Dad, and, of course, lots of dancing.
The event will be hosted by stand-up comedian Jen Kwok, the hilarious mastermind behind Date an Asian, her self-described comic ode to “the awesomeness of dating an asian guy.”
You will receive the following premiums:
- A month’s worth of dates squeezed into one night as you move table to table closer to the one
- Finger foods to keep the attention where it counts
- A signature Workshop cocktail
- A horoscope reading to predict your compatibility