Oct 7

Michael Auslin: A “Third Neighbor” Strategy for Asia

The latest article from JET alum Michael Auslin, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and previously a professor of Japanese History at Yale.

A “Third Neighbor” Strategy for Asia,  Posted Date: Monday, October 6, 2008
“By serving as a disinterested “third neighbor” to put-upon allies in East Asia, the United States can strengthen liberalism and democracy in the region.”  http://www.aei.org/publication28731

Sep 30

JET Alum article on new Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso

JET alum Michael Auslin (formerly a professor of Japanese history at Yale and currently a researcher for the American Enterprise Institute) has a new article about the new Japanese prime minister Taro Aso entitled Can This Man Save the LDP?

Sep 28

Roland Kelts Column in Daily Yomiuri

Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-1999), author of Japanamerica:  How Japanese Culture Has Invaded the U.S., has an article in this weekend’s Daily Yomiuri entitled Soft Power, Hard Truths:  Japan’s Global Power:  Soft or Wilted? You can keep up on Roland on his blog at http://japanamerica.blogspot.com.

Sep 28

JET Alum Article in The Guardian

See JET alum Julie Ferry’s article entitled The Knowledge Gap which ran in The Guardian on 9/26/08 and which references her experience on JET in a discussion of the evolution of the “gap year”.  To learn more about Julie, you can visit her website at http://www.julieferry.co.uk/.

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