Jan 22

Job: Japanese-to-English Translator – Edge International, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Position: Japanese-to-English Translator
Posted by:
Edge International, Inc.
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contract: Full-Time

Thanks to Iain Drummond (Chiba, 2000-2002) for passing along the following job opening.

Translating documents from Japanese to English in the field of investor relations (IR) and corporate communications, particularly integrated reports and sustainability reports, as well as financial results briefing documents, corporate brochures, and website content.

Overview of Company
Edge International, Inc., is a Hakuhodo Group company specializing in corporate communications. Edge International has grown steadily since its founding, with an industry-leading record in IR. Now entering our 36th year, our clients include blue-chip Japanese companies from a diverse range of industries.

Persons from native-English-speaking countries with professional experience as a translator. Candidates without experience who are seriously considering embarking on a career as a translator are also welcome to apply
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1 or equivalent
Must currently reside in Japan

Work Information
Workdays: Monday–Friday
Core work hours: 9:30–18:00 (including a one-hour lunch break)
Location: Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, and New Year’s holiday
Annual paid leave

Transportation expenses
Comprehensive social insurance package
Flexible work hours
Workstyle incorporating office-based work and telecommuting
Annual health checkup

Trial period:
Three months

Application Process
To apply, please contact Iain Drummond by email <drummond.iain@edge-intl.co.jp>, attaching your resume and a cover letter (PDF) in English with your own translation (not a machine translation) of the following Japanese text included below your cover letter.


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