The JETAA-sphere Podcast: Ep 3, Part 1 – Matt Gillam (CLAIR) and Bahia Simons-Lane (USJETAA)


From JETwit Media, it’s the 3rd episode of the JETAA-sphere Podcast!
Matthew Gillam of CLAIR NY (aka the Japan Local Government Center) and Bahia Simons-Lane (Gunma-ken, 2005-07), Director of USJETAA join Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Joe Moore (Saga-ken, 2010-13) about what CLAIR and USJETAA are, what they do, how they support JETAA USA, and how they each ended up in their current roles. (Don’t worry. It’s more fun than it sounds.)

The JETAA-sphere Podcast is (finally) available on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, and anywhere else you might download podcasts from.
To listen to other podcasts by JETs and JET alumni, check out the JETAA Podcast Roundup by Scot Maupin (Hokkaido, 2005-09).
Show Links:
- Japan Local Government Center (aka CLAIR NY)
- CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations)
- JET30 Reunion
- JETAA Florida
- Paige Cottingham-Streater, Executive Director, Japan-US Friendship Commission
- JETwit
- JETAA New York
- JETAA Southern California
- Monica Yuki’s JET Alum Zoom Rajio Taisou every Friday, 11:30am (EST)
- Intro/Ending narration by Rose Horowitz (COJ)*
- Art/Design by Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06)
- Podcast hosting on Transistor courtesy of Percival Constantine (Kagoshima-ken, 2008-13)
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
- Email Steven Horowitz at
- The JETAA-sphere Podcast is a production of, with special thanks to USJETAA and CLAIR for their support.
- *COJ = Child of JET
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