Post COVID-19: Rebuilding Sustainable Business Community Through Sister Cities
As part of the ongoing bilateral forum series U.S.-Japan Subnational Global Young Professionals Forum,we are pleased to invite you to attend as an observer to the City of Honolulu and City of Hiroshima Young Professional Forum, internationally organized by the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) America, KIF Japan and Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan andlocally hosted by the JCI Hawaii, JCI Honolulu, JCI Hiroshima, Japan-America Society of Hawaii.
TOPIC:Post COVID-19: Rebuilding Sustainable Business Community Through Sister Cities
WHEN:HST:2pm-4pm on Monday, December 14thPST: 4pm-6pm on Monday, December 14thEST: 7pm-9pm on Monday, December 14thJST: 9am-11am on Tuesday, December 15th
WHERE: The Forum will be held privately by the Zoom Meeting platform with its interpretation option.
HOW: To register, please click this link – and you will be given a Zoom link to attend the forum once your registration is completed.
Welcoming remarks
- United States Congressman Ted Lieu (a bipartisan bill “City and State Diplomacy Act”)
- United States Consulate General Osaka Richard Mei
- Mayor of Honolulu Kirk Caldwell
- Mayor of Hiroshima Kazumi Matsui
- Hollywood celebrity Shin Koyamada (movies from “The Last Samurai” and Disney Channel’s “Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior”)
- Japan-America Society of Hawaii Reyna Kaneko
- Junior Chamber International Japan
American Speakers
- Ms. Delle Tanioka – Senior Account Manager for Automated Healthcare Solutions (AHCS), President of JCI Hawaii 2020
- Mr. Cosmo Hirai – Bishop of Todaiji Hawaii, Vice President of International Development of JCI Honolulu 2020
- Ms. Natalie Millon – State Board member as Community Development of JCI Hawaii
- Mr. Trung Lam – Co-Owner of La Tour Cafe and La Tour Bakehouse, Lifetime Member of JCI Hawaii
- Mr. Tyler Hiranaka – Business Owner, 2018 State President of JCI Hawaii
Japanese Speakers
- Mr. Ryo Sugikawa – Director of Daiichi Building Service Co., Ltd, 2021 President of JCI Hiroshima (Japan),
- Mr. Kazuyoshi Shibuya – Director of Shibuya Co., Ltd, 2021 Permanent member JCI Hiroshima (Japan),
- Mr. Hideki Hayashi – President & CEO of Yamasaki Honsha, Ltd., Chairman of Planning the Next Era City Committee of JCI Hiroshima,
- Ms. Hiromi Ikeda – Waseda Shrine, Chief Priest, 2021 Vice Chairman of the Regular Meeting Committee of JCI Hiroshima (Japan),
- Mr. Hiroshi Michiue – JTB Corp. Competent, 2021 Designing the Next Era Peace Committee of JCI Hiroshima (Japan),
WHAT: In the beginning of the Forum, elected official and city officials, organizers and special guests will provide brief remarks, welcoming messages and their city’s video presentations. During the forum discussion, each of five wonderful American young professional speakers from Hawaii and five Japanese young professional speakers from Hiroshima will briefly introduce themselves and then exchange dialogue and share their views and personal experiences and stories in response to ten questions prepared by both cities on “Post COVID-19: Rebuilding Sustainable Business Community Through Sister Cities”. In this initial forum series, the Forum has paired six different U.S. and Japanese cities to host forums highlighting American and Japanese young professional speakers from their respective cities. The first Forum was officially launched with the City of San Jose, CA and City of Okayama, Japan. The second installment was executed with the City of San Antonio, TX and City of Kumamoto, Japan. This Honolulu-Hiroshima Forum will be our third installment one.
ABOUT USA-JAPAN SUBNATIONAL GLOBAL YOUNG PROFESSIONALS FORUMAs part of Subnational X Initiative of the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF), the Forumis a public-private partnership (PPP) in a forum series held virtually and organized internationally by the KIF America, KIF Japan, and Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan in partnership with American and Japanese subnational governments, business organizations and sister cities organizations. The purpose of the forum is for American and Japanese young professional leaders to deepen bilateral economic and cultural people-to-people relationships to foster mutual understanding, as well as to create an international cooperation between communities in the United States and Japan at a subnational level. The final report of the Forum will be presented by JCI Japan as a bilateral recommendation to the United States-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON) in Japan, which will ultimately present it to the Prime Minister of Japan.
What’s Next?The next forum will be the Omaha – Shizuoka Forum at the end of January.
Interested in hosting your forum with us for your city and Japanese city?Please contact Mike Holland, a board member of KIF Japan at to give you more information!.
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