JET Prefecture Round Up (January 2018)

JET Prefecture Round Up is a mosaic of events taking place in the AJET community in Japan. Compiled by Suzanne Bhagan (Tottori Prefecture).
Regional JET and ALT New Year’s Gathering
When: 14 January
Where: Tokyo
For the first time ever, AJET is throwing a New Year’s party for all current and past participants of the JET Program as an effort to expand the network between JETs and representatives of various prefectures. Non-JETs are also welcome.
YETI Ski Trip Jan 2018 – Chiba Connection
When: 19-21 January
Where: Nagano Prefecture
This annual ski trip is hosted by YETI so feel free to invite your friends!
When: 20-21 January
Where: Yamagata Prefecture
Yamagata AJET invites you to their Block 2 Winter Event, the Zao Onsen Ski Trip! Join them for a weekend of skiing, snowboarding, relaxing in onsens, snow-monster appreciation, and enkais!
When: 27 January
Where: Tottori Prefecture
Okayama AJET will be holding a trip to Mount Daisen for some good old skiing/snowboarding.
BLOCK Event: Nara City Scavenger Hunt & Yamayaki!
When: 27 January
Where: Nara Prefecture
Nara AJET invites all members of Block 7 and beyond to a scavenger hunt in the city and a chance to witness fireworks and mountain burning at one of Nara’s oldest and biggest events, the Mount Wakakusa Yamayaki.
HAJET Book Club: The Lies of Locke Lamora
When: 27 January
Where: Hyogo Prefecture
Winter vacation is a good chance to catch up on books so join Hyogo AJET to discuss “The Lies of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch.
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