The JET Programme Alumni Satogaeri Project
Posted by Sydney Sparrow, curriculum and content developer for a real estate schools based in Virginia. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Would you like to return and visit your JET towns for a few days? As part of the JET Programme Alumni Satogaeri Project, 11 JET alumni will return to their former places of work, and re-visit places with which they have a strong affiliation, local residents who they developed close relationships with, current JET participants and others, on the basis of their ‘Satogaeri Project Plan’.
Applications are now open!
JET alumni who wish to act as a bridge between Japan and other countries are encouraged to apply to participate in this project, which aims to further develop the JET Programme network, promote the appeal of Japan’s local regions around the world, and create an opportunity for further development of the JET Programme.
To coincide with the project, a “mini-JETAA International Meeting” will be held, where JET alumni, including country representatives, will come together to share examples of their activities,to exchange opinions about how to strengthen the bonds between JET alumni and local authorities in Japan, and discuss ideas for events which will be held in 2016 in celebration of the JET Programme 30th Anniversary.
Dates: Monday, November 9, 2015 – Friday, November 13, 2015 (4 nights, 5 days)
Schedule: After participating in exchange activities in Tokyo, the participants will each return to the area in Japan where they lived and worked as a JET participant, and engage in activities according to their own ‘Satogaeri Project Plan’. Schedule is subject to change.
Day 1: (Tokyo) Arrival in Japan
Day 2: (Tokyo) JETAA “mini-Int’l Meeting”, Opinion Exchange Meeting with AJET, courtesy visit to the President of CLAIR, reception hosted by CLAIR
Day 3: (Regional Area) Travel from Tokyo to regional areas, courtesy visit to contracting organizations, opinion exchanges hosted by local AJET chapters (Media coverage from accompanying media sources, information distribution via SNS by Satogaeri participants)
Day 4: (Regional Area) Participants visit people and places with which they have strong connections and affiliations. (Media coverage from accompanying media sources, information distribution via SNS by Satogaeri participants)
Day 5: (Regional Area) Departure from Japan to home countries
Eligibility: You have completed your term of appointment on the JET Programme as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), CIR (Coordinator for International Relations), or SEA (Sports Exchange Advisor), and are actively contributing towards JET Alumni Association (JETAA) activities. This condition does not apply if there is no JETAA chapter in your area.)
- You would be a suitable representative of JET Programme alumni (e.g. you have been recommended by your JETAA chapter).
- You have a strong desire to reconnect with your former contracting organization and the region you previously lived and worked in, and you are able to make direct contact and cooperate with the school/workplace that you worked at.
- Your former workplace is able to receive you (and carry out activities with you during your visit).
- You will actively post about your experiences in and impressions of Japan from the perspective of an international visitor on your blog, homepage, Facebook page or other means.
- You accept that there may be mass media coverage of your visit, and will cooperate where required.
- You will write a report of your experiences on the Satogaeri Project after returning to your home country.
- You are able to participate in the entire schedule of the Satogaeri Project.
- Your Satogaeri Project Plan is deemed appropriate.
- You are a participant who completed your term on the programme 3 or more years ago (preferred).
Participation Fees: CLAIR will cover the cost of travelling to Japan; domestic travel, accommodation and meal expenses in Japan (excluding meal expenses when the participant is not engaged in Satogaeri Project duties); and overseas travel accident insurance (travel insurance). However, travel expenses incurred when travelling from one’s place of residence to the airport in the participants’ home country, and personal expenses (e.g. phone calls/communication expenses*, hotel room mini-bar charges, any expenses incurred during non-Satogaeri Project duties etc.) will be borne by the participant.
Any other expenses incurred in Japan before or after the official start/end dates of the project will be borne by the participant. Costs for travel insurance for this extended period of stay in Japan are also to be borne by the participant, and CLAIR cannot bear any responsibility for any accidents that may happen during this time.
*CLAIR will provide a portable Wi-Fi internet connection
Applications: Applications can be made by sending Form 1 ‘Satogaeri Project Participant Application Form’ and Form 2 ‘Satogaeri Project Plan’ to the CLAIR office that holds jurisdiction over the country that you are based in by July 13 (Mon.). Applicants will be notified of the status of their applications by the end of July (tentative) by the CLAIR office which processed their application.
Forms can be found here
Application Submission Contact Information
Mr. Keisuke Matsuura (Canada) –
Ms. Arisa Maruno (US) –
Mailing Address
Japan Local Government Center / CLAIR New York
3 Park Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone No.: 212-246-5542
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