Job: California State University Intl Programs – Study Abroad Program Advisor

Posted by Sean Pavlik (Fukui-ken, 2010-12), International Programs Officer for the DC-based Congressional Study Group on Japan. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
The California State University, Office of the Chancellor, is seeking a Senior Program Advisor to support and promote CSU International Programs (CSU IP). This will include establishing and maintaining professional relationships with campus study abroad advisors and international partners, as well as providing students with information about study abroad opportunities available through CSU IP. The incumbent will take a lead role in coordinating the application, selection and orientation processes using the online application software (currently TDS). The incumbent will also be responsible for collecting, maintaining and reporting data in support of the recruitment, selection and enrollment of students in the programs. The incumbent will assist in the development of materials (recruitment, pre-departure and assessment) as well marketing and outreach to campuses and students.
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