Job: St. Lawrence University – Asst. Director of Campus Programs (NY)

Posted by Sean Pavlik (Fukui-ken, 2010-12), International Programs Officer for the DC-based Congressional Study Group on Japan. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
The Center for International and Intercultural Studies (CIIS) at St. Lawrence University invites applications for the position of Assistant Director of Off-Campus Programs. The Assistant Director will work closely with the staff of the CIIS to advise students and the wider campus community about off-campus study and intercultural education. S/he will be the primary manager of the St. Lawrence international studies website and the Terra Dotta/Studio Abroad online application management system. S/he will work to expand the use of blogs, video, social media, and teleconferencing, to promote diversity education and enhance students’ learning experience before, during, and after study abroad.
The Assistant Director will take the lead in specific study abroad program areas and will provide general and program-specific study abroad advising, as well as promoting diversity and intercultural learning both on and off-campus, including off-campus study as an integral component of a St. Lawrence University education. S/he will be involved in producing informational materials about off-campus programs, most specifically on the web but also in brochures and other printed materials such as campus announcements, the campus events calendar, and other publications; will advise students considering or preparing to study abroad; will assist with information and orientation sessions for off-campus study programs; will coordinate information on student enrichment/research grants and travel arrangements for students going abroad; will collect and maintain statistical data related to off-campus programs; will promote St. Lawrence programs including the recruitment of students from other colleges; will assist with international and intercultural programming on campus; and will be responsible for other duties as assigned.
For more information and to apply, please visit the University’s website at
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