Job: Colgate University Off-Campus Study Coordinator (NY)

Posted by Sean Pavlik (Fukui-ken, 2010-12), International Programs Officer for the DC-based Congressional Study Group on Japan. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Colgate University has a job opening for an off-campus study coordinator with responsibility for administering a dynamic portfolio of semester-long and short-term faculty-led programs. The ideal candidate will be a self-starter who requires minimal direction to achieve goals and who enjoys being part of a fast-paced, collaborative team. The position is also responsible for advising students throughout all stages of the off-campus study cycle (pre-departure, abroad/off-campus, re-entry). Master’s degree plus experience coordinating faculty-led programs abroad and advising students in an academic setting preferred.
A full position description
is available on the Colgate University website.
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