Grad: Graduate Assitanceship for Colorado State U’s Global & Sustainable Enterprise MBA (Colorado)

Rocky Mountain JETAA member Shelby Sacks (Nagano-ken, 1996-99) is specifically seeking a JET alum to participate in this very unique opportunity. This was originally posted a few weeks ago and is being posted again to make sure JET alums are aware of it. Please feel free to contact Shelby with any questions.
Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Posted by: Colorado State University – Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise MBA
Location: Colorado
A JET Alumni is now a Program Manager for a very unique MBA and is reserving a graduate assistantship for the right JET alumni.
As a JET alumni, I know you are starting to think “What’s next?” I also know a few things about JET’s…We have a passion for making the world a better place, we’ve seen a lot in our travels and aren’t happy with the status quo, we welcome opportunities to reach beyond our comfort zone and we enjoy working on tough challenges with a close-knit group of like-minded people.
That’s why I’m writing.
In Colorado State University’s completely unique Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise MBA, we teach you to create and operate ventures that have the power to solve complex environmental and social issues, such as poverty, disease, deforestation, and malnutrition.
The centerpiece of our unique, 18-month program is our summer practicum in which student teams develop enterprise solutions and travel to the field to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom.
Students in this globally ranked program build on their international experience as they gain new knowledge and skills in business. Our objective? To produce a cadre of daring social entrepreneurs who can transform basic product ideas and proposals into profitable business ventures that make the world a better place. Clearly, JET’s are the ideal candidates for this program.
Important note: Scholarships are available and we have reserved one Graduate Assistantship for an outstanding JET alumni, valued at $25,000.
For more information – contact Shelby Sack, GSSE MBA Program Manager, at Class size for the fall semester is limited to 30 students (15 US and 15 International), so don’t wait!
Apply for the Fall Semester By:
January 26, 2015
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