Job: Japanese documentary maker for NHK seeks short term assistant

Thanks to JET alum Stacy Smith for passing this on. The documentary maker needs assistance, particularly with getting certain permissions in English. See below for more details.
Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Assistant to documentary film maker
Posted by: Sho Ishida (NHK)
Type: Temp
My name is Sho Ishida, a freelance TV producer/researcher based in NY, USA.
I am mainly working on behalf of NHK – a Japanese public TV station. One of NHK’s nature documentary TV program called “Here comes Darwin” is planning to film the wildecology of the Pocupane Caribou. Please let me introduce our TV program following my proposal.
As for the Pocupane Caribou, we are filming their migration from the South to the North.
maybe, it is starting from the mid of April. As for the locations to film the Pocupane Caribou, we are considering to stay in Yukon. The film crew is staying at the small village, Old Crow where the First Nation tribal people called Gwitchin is living. We will have the support from the Gwitchin people for our filming in the area while they are hunting the caribou during the season. As for the North Slope / Northern Territory at the northern coast where the animal will migrate, we film with the AHTC, Inuit people.
The actual footage of the wild animal and their ecologies are the most important for the story, since there are very few exposure of the human being on this particular ducumentary; we are planning to focus on very limited portion of the First Nations people and the Inuvialuk people linked with those animals. We are just waiting for the best chance to film the animals with the aborigine who knew environment well.
So far:
Last May, I had visited Old Crow to see the member of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Government and also I went to Aklavik to see the Inuit chief and the member of AHTC / Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee. Both of them are so cooperative and I will really heavily depend on them for the filming. (I really enjoyed staying there!)
I have been talking to the Northeastern Territory’s government, EISC’s Mr. Darrell Christie who has been supporting me very deeply to hook up with the AHTC and other Inuvialuk tribals. As for the Yukon area, I have been talking to Ms. Shelby Jordan of YESAB.
Also, I have been talking to the scientists and the researcher and the stuff member of both Ivvavik National Park and Vuntut National Park, such as Mr. Ed Mclean.
My favor:
I’d like you to support me to complete the screening process that each organizations require us to achieve andget the permission of the filming at the entire area I mention above. Especially, I would like to ask you to help me to complete the screening of YESAB and EISC as well as getting the permission from both Ivvavik National Park and Vuntut National Park.
As for the filming, what I have promised both Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and AHTC is that our film crew is always hiring the hunters when we are in their places to film the Caribou.
Even if we fly the helicopter, one hunters of the aborigine’s tribal group will be on board with us when we try to capture the large number of the Caribou herd migrating especially at the north coast area.
Also, I’d like you to help me to deal with the Alaskan side’s permission since the Caribou herd may be moving and crossing the US border. Please see the following websites:
NHK is asking me to go through the screening and get the permission by November (or early December). For this, could you tell me about your availability? Also, could you tell me your entire fee as the ballpark figure? Your earliest reply will help me a lot while I have been talking to NHK in Tokyo very often from now on. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sho Ishida
DEKA Producer/Researcher
Somers, NY USA
cell: 914-536-3490
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