Job: Multiple Positions – Sasakawa Peace Foundation (D.C.)

Thanks to CLAIR-NY’s Matt Gillam for passing this on. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Multiple Positions (see below)
Posted by: Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA
Location: Washington D.C.
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA is undergoing a dramatic organizational revamp and we need to add enthusiastic and thoughtful staff members to our team to continue our mission of dedication to research, analysis and better public understanding of the U.S.-Japan relationship. Openings range from entry-level to experienced and include opportunities to work at all levels of our ever-diversifying programs.
All jobs can be found through our organizational page on
Please direct inquiries and applications to nscullin[at]
Media Relations Manager
Sasakawa USA seeks an experienced communications professional to raise both public and elite awareness of the US-Japan relationship through media reporting, and to raise and maintain the organization’s visibility with both domestic and international media outlets.
Outreach Coordinator
Sasakawa USA seeks an Outreach Coordinator to identify and develop relations with members and staff of the U.S. Congress and the executive branch to build greater understanding of U.S.-Japan relations. The position will also include responsibility for organizing outreach activities for Sasakawa USA’s former program participants as well as groups of Americans with significant past experience in Japan on issues of importance to U.S.-Japan relations including those who have studied or taught in Japan as well as military personnel who were based in Japan.
Fellow, U.S.-Japan Common Challenges Program
Sasakawa USA seeks an experienced Fellow to lead the U.S.-Japan Common Challenges Program. The Common Challenges Program identifies areas in which the United States and Japan can cooperate to further the interests of the two countries, East Asia and the world as a whole. Ongoing projects include U.S.-Japan cooperation in Myanmar, democracy development, and science and technology. Sasakawa USA intends to develop additional new, unique and important programs on other key issues that would benefit from such cooperation bilaterally, regionally and globally.
Associate Fellow, U.S.-Japan Common Challenges Program
Sasakawa USA seeks an experienced Associate Fellow to help provide substantive and programmatic direction for the U.S.-Japan Common Challenges Program. The Common Challenges Program identifies areas in which the United States and Japan can cooperate to further the interests of both countries, the East Asia region, and globally. Ongoing projects include US-Japan cooperation in Myanmar, democracy development, and science and technology. Sasakawa USA intends to develop additional new, unique and important programs on other key issues that would benefit from such cooperation bilaterally, regionally and globally.
Associate Fellow, U.S.-Japan Security and Foreign Policy Program
Sasakawa USA seeks an experienced Associate Fellow to provide substantive, programmatic and administrative support for its Security and Foreign Policy Program. This program includes work on an ongoing project on the future of the U.S.-Japan alliance and other new, unique and important projects covering key bilateral and regional issues in U.S.-Japan security and diplomatic relations.
Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA
1819 L Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
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