Job: Cultural Vistas (NY) Assistant Program Officer, CBYX and Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM

Posted by Sean Pavlik (Fukui-ken, 2010-12), International Programs Officer for the DC-based Congressional Study Group on Japan. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Cultural Vistas – New York Headquarters
Assistant Program Officer, CBYX and Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM
The Assistant Program Officer will assist in the administration of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) at Cultural Vistas. This program is sponsored by the US Congress and German Bundestag (Parliament) and provides a one-year exchange for young Americans and Germans to experience living with a host family, studying at a college or technical school, and working in an internship. This individual also supports the Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM-a 3-month language immersion and internship program in Germany.
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