Event: 2014 Japan and Asia Pacific Career and Networking Forum (San Francisco)

Via the JETAA Northern California linkedin group. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-2014), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Join us for the 2014 Japan and Asia Pacific Career and Networking Forum in San Francisco!
Meet local companies and JET alumni at the Japan and Asia Pacific Career and Networking Forum, held on Wed. October 1st from 5-8 pm at the University of San Francisco’s McLaren Conference Center!
Register online at http://2014cnf.eventbrite.com – free for attendees!
Are you recently returned from Japan? Planning to relocate to the Bay Area soon? Or have you been back from JET for a few years but want to keep your contacts for employment and community organizations active as you advance in your career? Are you excited to talk with other JETs about your own experiences? The Japan and Asia Pacific Career and Networking Forum has something for you!
JETAANC and our partners at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco and the University of San Francisco’s Master of Asia Pacific Studies (MAPS) graduate program invite you and your friends to meet JET Program and USF alumni plus friends and representatives from:
Local companies, recruiters, and non-profit organizations with exciting opportunities!
Ankh Marketing
Center for Asian American Media
Japan Society of Northern California
JEMI – Japan Employment Management, Inc.
SloDown Wines
TOP Group – Bilingual Japanese Jobs
Virgin America
Volunteers in Asia
Graduate schools and educational programs, for those considering adding a new set of skills!
California Institute of Integral Studies
Dev Bootcamp – The Original Coding Bootcamp
Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences
Stanford University
University of California Berkeley
University of San Francisco Law School
University of San Francisco MBA Program
Community and governmental organizations with networks throughout the region!
California State Assembly
Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California
JETAANC and the JET Program itself!
Peace Corps
Sunnyvale-Iizuka Sister City Association
US Catholic China Bureau
WaiWai Japanese Social Club
More companies are still registering to join us – we’d love to see you there to make the connections you need to keep your Japan experiences fresh and find new possibilities in the Bay Area and around the world!
Need assistance registering? Contact Jenn Murawski at JETAANC by email at jenn.murawski@jetaanc.org!
Asia-Pacific Career & Networking Forum (JETAANC and University of…2014cnf.eventbrite.com
The JET Alumni Association of Northern California (JETAANC.org) along with the University of San Francisco Center for Asia Pacific Studies and Master of Arts in Asia and Pacific Studies (MAPS) Program will host a Career and Networking Forum.
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