Recent Updates from Andy Anderson

The Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund Continues to Contribute to Ishinomaki
Here’s a quick update from Andy Anderson on the TAMF’s activities, made possible in part by the generous donations of the JET alumni:
“The Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund had its second board meeting in Tokyo in early July and approved four new reading initiatives in Ishinomaki including a book club and reading groups for local volunteers. We also committed to “Hope for Tomorrow” to support twenty Ishinomaki students who need help to obtain college admission. I met with the Tokyo YMCA to plan the return exchange of seven 2012 Richmond host family students to stay with Ishinomaki host families. We are very grateful to the Tokyo YMCA for planning and paying for the Japan itinerary and ANA for discounted airline tickets! The exchange was very successful and you can see posts on our Facebook page about the trip. I also visited Ishinomaki High School to view the new Taylor Bunko with 541 new books and meet with faculty and former students of Taylor’s. We met with Ishinomaki Senshu University (ISU) to plan for a new Taylor Bunko there. The University is located close to temporary housing and the library is open to all in Ishinomaki. We have begun to plan a unique research exchange program with ISU and Taylor’s alma mater, Randolph-Macon College. We worked with Project Yui and Team Watahoi to bring a Sports Onigokko Tag ( day to Watanoha Elementary School on August 19th. We appreciate all of your support and are very grateful to Global Giving for offering to double donations this week! Please continue to check our Facebook page for updates!”
2014 JET Memorial Invitation Program
Andy also let us know about the initial batch of essays that have been posted from the 2014 JET Memorial Invitation Program, which you can access on the Japan Foundation website at More essays are posted every month, so remember to check regularly. You’ll need to scroll down the page a ways to find the links, but they’re well worth the search.
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