Job: Editor Position – Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)

Via JET alum Carleen Ben. Posted by Jayme Tsutsuse (Kyoto-fu, 2013-Present), organizer of Cross-Cultural Kansai. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Editor Position
Posted by: Learning Abroad Center, University of Minnesota
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Type: Full-time
Program Overview:
The Learning Abroad Center in the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance is the University of Minnesota’s comprehensive resource for study, service-learning, research, work, intern, volunteer, and travel experiences worldwide.
The Learning Abroad Center is a leader in providing innovative international learning experiences that expand and redefine the world for a diverse population of students, colleagues and staff. The Learning Abroad Center staff and University of Minnesota faculty and staff participate in numerous leadership opportunities and serve on the advisory boards of organizations who provide and/or support education abroad programs. Through collaboration and individual attention, the Learning Abroad Center continues to promote empowerment, development, understanding, and responsibility in the global community.
The Learning Abroad Center offers a full range of advising and support services to students, including program selection, academic planning, financial planning, registration, credit, cultural adjustment, travel planning, travel products, and reentry.
Job Duties:
Print media – 30%
– Create, edit, and manage brochures and other publications
– Manage RFP process to do a competitive bid for brochures and annual catalog
– Write and edit content; layout; coordinate details; coordinate distribution; biennially manage timeline and production of catalog;
– Edit handbooks, handouts, and other communications pieces
– Manage editing style guide for writing office communications and train staff
– Order business cards/nametags/stationary
– Assist in establishing budget; ensure that print projects stay within projected budget
Web – 25%
– Write and manage content on website
– Manage web style guide and train staff
Social Media 20%
– Deploy structured and refined social media strategy that includes the blog, Facebook, Twitter, MyU Portal
– Recruit and manage bloggers for year-round student blog
– Manage and build library of testimonials, video and photos
– Manage process for two learning abroad enewsletters
Advertising & Online listings – 10%
– Write copy for ads
– Write copy for on-campus publications
Intranet/ Internal Communications – 5%
– Manage office intranet in close collaboration with the web professional
– Institute processes to streamline communications work for other staff (Intranet implementation, digital asset management, catalog workflow, etc.)
Student employee supervision – 5%
– Hire, train and supervise Marketing Assistant and Catalog Distribution Assistant
Other duties as assigned – 5%
The Employer retains the right to change or assign other duties to this position.
Required qualifications:
– BA in English, Journalism or Communications
– 4 years of experience writing and editing
– Experience with desktop publishing software
– Experience/dexterity with social media platforms
– Experience with InDesign & Photoshop
– Communications professional experience in managing numerous, complex publication projects
– Experience with printers and advertisers for publications production
Preferred qualifications:
– Experience studying, working or living abroad
– Supervisory experience
– Demonstrated familiarity with Adobe Illustrator
– Demonstrated familiarity with WordPress
– Cultural literacy of areas such as literature, film, history, politics and geography
– Post-production photo editing experience
– Digital video experience
– Copy editing experience
– Can differentiate writing for print vs. the web
– Proven flexibility to be nimble in dynamic work environment
– Demonstrated strong written communication skills
– Proven evidence of organizational and administrative skills
Additional Information:
Details can be found at <>The requisition number is 193043. Direct questions to Antonia C. Lortis, Marketng Director at Position will close on August 24th.
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